High-T Gold

What is a society’s most valuable resource? Gold? Energy? The alphabet agencies? Diveristy? Our ESG score? Woke white women? Immigration?

Every society’s most valuable resource is High-T men.

Follow everything you hold dear to its root and you will find High-T men sacrificing for the betterment of all. Whether it is the sweat equity of invention and industry or the blood it took to create the freest and most liberal societies this world has ever seen, all made available to you by dominant, forceful, powerful, and yes dangerous High-T men. For more on this: Click Here.

A well-run society would spend a tremendous amount of resources building up, encouraging, and refining these men. Because when a nation loses them, the society begins to collapse.

Many have accused our ruling class of executing a managed decline of our once-great nation. Nowhere is this more evident than in how we tear down men… not all men… not mushy, weak men… High-T men.

Low-T men get along to get along, they don’t rock the boat they lick the boot. They spend the future to live the high life now. They don’t storm beaches, they sell their sovereignty for safety. There isn’t an authoritarian knob of which they will not slob. They don’t stand in the breach, they heil Hitler. They don’t think for themselves, they dance to strings. They don’t get the girl, with jealous rage they watch from afar, they get the chubby leftovers. For Low-T men the arc of history is low-respect, low-income, and low-sex. Because of this Low-T men… Do. Not. Live. In. Reality. The real world is a place they often come in last, so they choose to make up their own reality. They make up a fantasy world where truth is relative, where fantasy is real life, and where their weaknesses are highly sought-after strengths. But, the science on this is actually settled. Women demand High-T men, industry and invention demand High-T men, and the battlefield only moves for High-T men.

Win-Win is the way of Hight-T. Low-T plays a 0-sum game, where they win and you lose. It is Low-T energy that believes handouts produce progress. In aggregate, Low-T can not win in the free market and so they seek to destroy it. Nowhere is this more evident than with the banking class fiat-fucks who have bought, bribed, besmirched, and murdered their way to the top are the lowest of Low-T men. Subversion in the shadows is their modus operandi. Through deceit they must convince us to be lulled into submission, it is their ONLY shot at victory. They ONLY win when we let them.

Western civilization was created by High-T men who love liberty. High-T men love high risk, they live dangerously, they are averse to cushy bureaucratic positions of control.

Low-T men love control, they love a soft lifestyle. They are like women who advocate for war, they won’t fight. Low-T men advocate for things they do not live out, instead of doing the work they prefer results by edict. Low-T is the heart and mind of a child who thinks their toys are reality and Daddy and Mommy will make everything better. The major problems in our society are Low-T problems. Fiat is Low-T… scared to face the uncertainty of markets they attempt to mandate reality instead of living in it. Cancel culture is Low-T… they are still tattletales, whiny crybabies trying to get you in trouble. Entitlements are Low-T… a kid throwing a fit in a store because they didn’t get what they want. Gun confiscation is Low-T… it is hiding behind mommy's skirt… good luck with that.

Ultimately, when push comes to shove, when all the chips are on the line, it will be Low-T’s cowardice and High-T’s meekness that will allow the people’s victory to come from word and not blood. If I have any foresight into the future it is this: We the people will win without a conetic world/civil war bloody fight, the greatest gift from, and our greatest testament to our founders will be our victory by word.

Low-T doesn’t stand a chance in a fight.

Never has, Never will.

The Individual Sovereignty High-T lovers of liberty fight for Low-T men more than they fight for themselves.

Always have. Always will.

We were sold a false bill of goods by our feminist-infected media and education system. They told you the star athlete at your high school was a jerk, the Alfa CEO is a greedy cheat, the football players were big dumb idiots and all of them are bad people. The truth has always been that Low-T betas like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, Tony Fauci, Sam Bankman-Fried, Berry Soetoro, Mitch McConnell, etc. have always been the real villains.

This reality is universal and timeless. In ten thousand years, it will be just as true as it is today.

How exhausting it must be to fight against it.

Saving what is most important for last, Low-T, take notes. Your life may depend on it. I’m rooting for you.

In the areas that matter most, Low-T men put the front of a professional or intellectual who is above emotion, they are almost casual about the things that should move the hearts of men. Inversely you have never seen little bitches little bitch more than when their sweet little feelings get wrapped around something unimportant. With any nudge of the bridle and bit they have so deep down their throat, Low-T men’s vast ability to whine and complain is brought to bear by their handlers. At the drop of a hat, they protest and start factless movements. Low-T men are ruthless in areas that matter little.

High-T men are patient and forgiving in the things that matter most. In their strength, they take every opportunity to restore. High-T men are patient, High-T men are willing to bear many affronts and even usurpations, yet on the other side of that line is a degree of finding out from which there is no return. The victors write the history, when High-T men are forced into the fray of weaker men’s folly, when High-T men ultimately win, they look to the future, they don’t revel in the brutality of their resolve, they underplay their great wrath, and they are saddened by the course they were forced to take. The Low-T overstate any facade of consequence they can muster, and mistake the patient nobility of High-T men for stupidity and weakness. It is their downfall.

Simply put, Hight-T men want to be left alone. And, like Yamamoto, I recommend you do so. Below is a quote from, Auther Unknown. Like all High-T men, he just wants to be left alone. The ruling class and global elites, who only pick fights they won’t participate in, have shoved all in on convincing their useful-idiots to violate this wish. Don’t do it.

  • “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

Dear useful-idiots, be careful, do not test this, quit your job as a pawn. The good news is the only thing that surpasses useful-idiots stupidity is their cowardice. The only way they might test this, is by accident, by their vast foolishness, by unwittingly dancing to the strings of their handlers.

  • “Waaaa waaaa waaaa, you can’t say that!” - Low-T

Well I did, and I do.

The make-believe faux reality of Low-T men causes them to think they can ban the indomitable spirit of humanity. But this spirit won’t be shouted down, because it can not be shouted down.

Everything above isn’t a threat, it’s a gift, it’s a window into the timeless spirit of real men, High-T men.

Again, they are the men who fight for the Low-T more than the Low-T fight for themselves.

There is no greater love than to lay one’s life down for a friend. Low-T you are loved, you have no greater friend than the High-T men who have, and will again, lay their life down for you.

You’re welcome.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

I don’t really care about politics


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