From the Death of Logic

When topics become politicized, we collectively lose our grounding to what would otherwise be basic agreed-upon logic.

Logic is dead in our modern world, it has been taught out of us by every institution. Logic is under attack for one primary reason: the ruling class knows that while they have every pillar of society in their pocket, they can never deceive the darkness-piercing light of logic. The “Build Back Better” managed decline of the western world may have the protection of corrupted governments, corrupted medical systems, corrupted scientists, corrupted media conglomerates, corrupted judicial systems, and corrupted money, but their subversion will never stand against logic. In response, they harness our addiction to appearing sensible and aligning with the mainstream in order to lead us to suppress our intuition and instinct. Because they can not hide from logic, nor control it, they convince us to remove it from consideration. And like good little subjects, by the pull of their string, we dance.

Even so, let’s make an attempt at logic anyway. Buckle-up buttercup.

There is cheating in everything that has a prize: business, sports, you name it. If there is a prize of value, to the extent there are no safeguards, there will be those who are willing to cheat to win… Kids cheat on their tests… Trojans deceived to get into cities… FTX deceived to launder money… Athletes cheat to gain an advantage… And so on and so on forever and ever. The greater the prize, the more elaborate the smoke and mirrors… the more thought-out and complex the cheating. Anyone who has seen the documentary on the Russian Olympic cheating knows how far people are willing to go, even when it comes to shiny metal and clout... among other fantastic efforts, the Russians dug tunnels into buildings and developed methods of tampering with what many considered to be tamper-proof security.

  • Logic establishes:

    • People will cheat for anything with value.

    • The larger the prize, the more elaborate the cheating.

    • The cheating stops only where the scrutiny and security are impregnable.

These logical certainties should leave us in a state of alarm when it comes to our election process.

This world is full of security experts who might easily develop any number of systems that could secure and then verify any important contest. Yet, when it comes to the security of a contest as important as who controls the greatest prize in the history of the human race, the United States government, politicking brakes, then bridles the masses away from even the most base forms of elementary sensibilities. Many who, in other circumstances, could call a spade a spade, and distinguish between clear right and wrong, find themselves again complimenting a naked emperor.

Worse still, our current system is in such a shameful place any given competent person could come up with a process that could tabulate and then verify an election with an incomprehensibly greater degree of security. But we can’t see it, many die on the hill that our recent elections have been the most secure in history. Just like how 100% of people can’t run their finances like the Fed, if you attempted to apply the rigor and standards of our current system of election security to people’s individual assets, its rejection rate would be 100%. Again, the problem is that this issue is political, and therefore even while what is sensible may be surpassingly and painfully obvious, we can not see it; its blatant clarity eludes us.

Look at our southern border; we are forced to endure endless lip service of its security even as we stare at four million+ coming across the past few years. The sovereignty of our elections is eerily similar to the sovereignty of our border. We are told that both are as safe as possible, but any mindful person could, in just a single breath, articulate a system for each with at least an order of magnitude of increased security and effectiveness. It is almost as if their uncanny similarities are due to the fact that the same group of people are running them and benefiting from their all too evident failures. Yes, its obvious; everything is obvious; and for those in charge, it is a feature, not a bug.

The bottom line is we could easily make our elections secure and audit them with nearly 100% confidence. But we don't. Why? If I guarantee anything, it is that these failures are not by random happenstance. If you think the failures around the most important contest in world history are due to happenstance, incompetence, random oversights, etc there is no place for us to engage or interlock mindfully on this topic. That level of blinded leather-bound bondage can only come from those who enjoy it... if getting railed is what you’re into, if that’s what tickles your fancy, then do your thing. I'll have no part of it; something has to change in your reasoning before a thoughtful interaction is possible. I've had those gagged and choked conversations before; there is no evidence or logic, only temper tantrums and the passionate parroting of those riding on top.

When things are political, we defend indefensible positions. When things are political, we degrade our mental sovereignty into a sludge of top-down yes-man, double-minded thirsty groupthink. For example:

  • Amazon and Starbucks endlessly advocate for large-scale mail-in voting, yet when it comes to their own employees voting for a union, they demand same-day in-person voting. This type of double-minded reasoning is not normal, and it shouldn’t be accepted.

It is also logical if you had to secure something of immense value, you would want to secure it for the shortest amount of time. If you had to transit 8 trillion dollars in a brinks truck (less than what control over the US government is worth), you would obviously prefer a shorter distance and timespan over a longer one.

  • For starters, aal ballots should have cameras on them at all times. All mail-in requests should have a good reason. Election Day…. Not week. And certainly not Month! How did we ever become so foolish to be duped into election Month?

It is beyond logic if you had the most valuable prize in world history and there was any sort of contest to gain control of it, you would audit the living FLUFF out of it! Of course! Not doing so would in of itself point to fraud. You would audit your process and results for three major reasons:

  • To dissuade cheating

  • To find cheating

  • To give the public confidence in the validity of the contest.

Transparency used to be something we held in high esteem… what ever happened to trust but verify.

Here is where the lunacy and brainwashing really take center stage; this is where people’s minds begin to break and their character gets tested. The most unfathomable of all possibilities when concerning a contest with such a magnitude would be to create a system of validation and then refuse to use it. That would be more than impropriety; that would guarantee malfeasance. There are no reasons not to verify. None. Not one. Maybe if the prize was a pack of smarties... but not if the prize is who gets to lead the free world. Anyone who believes the lies of those in power when they refuse to sure up, then validate the most significant process in world history, do so in disgrace. Take the 2020 election for example; out of 3006 counties, we forensically audited none. Logic prevails towards one conclusion, fraud. Intentional widespread results altering fraud.

You don’t think there was fraud? The sad part is you can not say that with any level of certainty; no one can.. because we never looked. We never tried to look. In fact, we put great efforts into not looking… with brazen and clearly egregious moral bankruptcy, our election officials went as far as to break statutes, precedence, and even federal and state laws in their refusal to look. Sure, one might cite the bought and paid for ““experts”” who assure us our emperor wears the finest of garments. But these thin assurances can not withstand logic. No matter what our ruling class says, no matter how loud the dukes, and barons of our society may shout, there is a distinct difference between royal attire and a flaccid wiener. There is an equally obvious juxtaposition between “oh yeah, we audited it” and an actual forensic audit. This issue winks at us plainly with the paralleled awkward shame of the breeze born choad of our beloved emperor.

When it comes to audits, How can anyone call themselves a person of reason or intellect while maintaining that this level of obvious subversion is okay? Like herded cattle, we let those in power convince us that the most valuable prize in HISTORY is not worth verifying conclusively. This mistake finds itself atop the list of our era’s greatest delusions with those who championed Adolf Hitler as the one who would bring peace to their time. It is the type of shame that gets recorded in history books. It is the type of groupthink that will be the marvel of future scholars.

Just like the obvious yet ignored delusion surrounding the Chancellor of Germany, unsecured elections have ONE end: pain and hardship for both the people of our nation and the whole world. And now, just like then, the degree of this hardship will be determined by how far along during the process we say enough is enough.

On a lighter note: I would like to tip my hat to the Democrats for remarkably gaining the lead by just the right amount of votes, days and days after the election, only in states with mass mail-in voting and piss-poor election security, and doing so in back-to-back elections no less. It is quite an accomplishment.

In other and unrelated news: the results of the 2024 presidential election are in!

The thought that the most valuable prize in the world shouldn’t have the most thoughtfully secure process to possess it is the apex of groupthink stupidity. Something as important as the most valuable prize in world history should have the most thorough and secure process before, during, and, yes, after. An election should be timely and secured with veracity, consistency, and transparency... but we have traded those virtues for a clown show of legal precedence-shattering, ever-changing systems; we traded veracity for the trojan horse of mass mail-in voting and transparency for the age-old ways of any authoritarian bureaucracy: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Just like with Maxine Waters investigating the FTX fraud, and the Obama DOJ investigating Lois Lerner, the investigation is the coverup.

For goodness sake, in Nevada, a columnist had eleven voters agree to put his signature on their mail-in ballot instead of their own. Six were accepted! But we don’t care because we are told not to. Never stop asking what if this benefited the other side. Whatabouism should be S.O.P. If these very obvious concerns benefited freedom-loving candidates, if FTX had been laundering federal dollars to Trump-endorsed candidates, there would be wall-to-wall coverage and calls for the participants to be tried for treason.

In 2020, due to COVID, election officials had a reasonable amount of plausible deniability when it came to their broken process. In 2022 there can only be one explanation for this lack of security and for votes not being tabulated by the end of election night. Intentional incompetence to allow for fraud. Florida just counted 5 million votes after a major natural disaster on election day. Any state that fails to sure up their election process is a liability to the union and should be treated as such.

People will not long endure our current election nonsense. When laws are passed by politicians elected with less than secure means, people will begin to say, no. Beware, and take renewed action. If history tells any story, it is of the unstoppable inevitability of truth, it is that truth eventually wins by word or by blood; by bullet or by ballot.

You had better be damned sure you are on the side of truth; if not, regardless if by ignorance or pride, your support for world-altering lies will have no impact on the end result, for the outcome always has truth on top, the impact of your efforts will be in the means of truths victory, your efforts will be measured by the degree to which they increased the likelihood that truths inevitable victory come with a more brutal consequence. And with history as a lens, we can be confident that the cost will come to you and yours. So sober up.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

A F**KING wake-up call to Goldbugs and Bitcoiners


Forgiveness is a superpower