A F**KING wake-up call to Goldbugs and Bitcoiners

This post is a slap with malintent; it is not suitable for children or the mind of a child trapped in an adult.

Goldbugs… Bitcoiners, you are a tough group, a thoughtful and intelligent lot; you folks embrace intellectual rigor, so let’s strap in and have some fun.

We are going to use the next two questions as our foundation:

  • How important is Sound Money / Hard Money?

  • How broken is our current Fiat system?

    - I am not going to address these here… if you don't know the obvious answers, this post isn’t for you.

Building from that foundation, let’s continue to paint a backdrop for this horror-scape.

  • What is the most sought-after prize in the world? I will answer this one:


There is nothing that people, great or small, care more about, or spend more time chasing than money. Sure, if I asked what you care about most in life, you might say family or some other passion, yet if we broke down your schedule, we would quickly find that almost all of your time has to do with the pursuit, management, or use of money. It is not even close.

Let’s continue to set the stage:

  • How incredible is it that most people do not understand either the brokenness of fiat or the importance of sound money? How can people spend so much time running after something they don’t understand at all? Just marinate for a moment in the maddening brain-dead groupthink-saturated world we live in. A world where people are so thoroughly blind toward the destruction of the very thing they care most about. In such a world, just imagine what else people might be unable to see.

Time for the deep dive:

Do me a favor, set aside your group-think, approval & sophistication-obsessed mind for one second.. put a single moment of sovereign thought into this.

Take a moment… settle your mind:

Do you really think our ruling class, who have the power it takes to completely DESTROY the very thing we pay the MOST attention to… right in front of our eyes… without us being any the wiser… somehow does not have control over other institutions and pillars of our society?!? Do you think they passed up everything else on the axiomatic scale of power and just easy-peasy, mamby-pamby jumped right to the TOP?!? Really?!? Do you think our ruling class was able to destroy the foundations of sound money AND convince us this destruction was in our best interest without also brainwashing our minds towards other parallel areas of control!? That somehow they gained the ability to completely twist the thing we care about most WITHOUT being able to absolutely dick-down EVERY other aspect of our shared lives?!?

What they have done is beyond obvious. They hold the reigns of power. PERIOD. This isn’t even close to being a conspiracy theory. This reality is an observable fact, logical deduction, and matter of record. The wildest of baseless conspiracy theories would be that somehow the unanimous precedence of all of history where those in power seek to abuse that power somehow ended with our modern times.

Logic used to be submissable evidence in common law. Beyond its abandonment, logic is dead.. and with the stained knife still in our hands, we look up and obey the strings of our puppeteers over our ancient instincts. Meeting their shadowed eye, we must use that same knife to sever the tie. Logic must be ours again.

In reflection towards our modern times, logic prevails in ONE direction.. that those in power, our ruling class, not only have a death-grip on money through our fiat system but also every other significant institution.

The Twitter Files are cracking the skeleton-filled closet showing us how the sausage is made. Remember all of those who promised under oath that suppression wasn’t happening?!?

Our ruling class tried to impeach a president over a false collusion narrative to rig an election with powerless insignificant companies in Russia, all while actually colluding to rig an election with the most powerful & significant companies on earth right here in the United States of America! The lines have been drawn, there are two sides; you get to choose: “Govern me harder daddy” or “Give me liberty or give me death.”

We were promised and assured by every pillar of power that we thoroughly investigated and looked into big tech manipulation and 1st amendment violations. And there was no evidence found.. funny… It’s almost as if the investigation is the coverup… Here it is….. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! There is a GOD DAMN DIFFERENCE between actually looking and saying we looked!!!! Wherever we actually look, inspect and investigate, we find the opposite of what “our betters” have assured us is true. When we “look” by asking questions in proper and puffed-up ceremony, we find what our betters want us to find. But when we take hold of the digital transcripts, a different story unfolds. Everywhere we ACTUALLY look, we find what we find in the Twitter files!!!





  • Money

  • Academia

  • Medicine

  • The courts


  • Media

  • Elections

  • Natural Health

  • Energy

  • etc.

Those that believe in the preeminent importance of sound money yet trust our courts, elections etc are the same individuals who found out Santa Clause was not real but continued to believe in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. Any thoughtful child surmised if Santa was fraudulent then likely the others were as well.

The reality is our most important institutions are badly broken, and it’s absurdly obvious. If the Twitter files opened your eyes, you need to ask yourself why.. why did you not see what was absurdly obvious?

“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire 

In a wayward world, only the Vast will stand alone. No matter how obvious, no matter how evil, the narrow always yield to the irresistible siren of normality.

It is time to return to logic and acknowledging what is obviously true. Risks not taken are the regret of every deathbed. It is the deepest sadness to look back at days forever lost to mindless droning and the sameness of mainstream thoughtless lies. Deep down, we are not only all lovers of liberty, but rebels! Our most true self yearns to rebel against the insanity of corrupt power, to be like the great men and women before us, who, though burned, bled, and shamed, stood for the nobility of logic, reason, and goodness. In our final moments, we would trade all the comforts and empty accolades for a chance to go back and say FUCK YOU to the thieves & thugs robbing, imprisoning, and killing our lives, liberty and property. In that moment, we would give it all away to be counted among Schindler, Assange, King, O’Keefe, Snowden, Henry, Bonhoeffer and the like.

Your deathbed prayer has been answered; here you are.

So ask yourself, Who am I?

What you do with it is yours.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

What works wins


From the Death of Logic