Love is Revenge

This post is part Three of the, "What is coming" series. Click here are Parts One and Two. 

Loving your enemy is devastating.

Love deals in truth and therefore, destruction. Truth destroys everything that isn’t itself. Evil is not true. Loving your enemy destroys what they are doing exactly where what they are doing is evil.

Loving those who are purposefully missing the mark brings an inescapable revenge. It finds their wrongdoings in every place they think they have it hidden. The impact is totality, its results, finality.

It is also this same medicine that restores, it gives life yet again right where and when evil turns towards truth. Loving your enemy gives them what they deserve at all times. When they are acting in evil it brings destruction, when they turn from evil it brings healing.

Words like revenge can easily come to mind with a dark cloud. This is because we have far more examples where revenge is taken in hate and not love. The most satisfying revenge comes through truth, through love, and through being outrageously for all those involved, it comes when wrongs are made right, its culmination is when those who were once the enemy have been rendered a friend.

Revenge surely has its time and place. In that place, revenge is good, it is needed. It is the love you have for your enemy that brings all the revenge the best version of yourself would ever want. It brings the revenge the world needs and the victims deserve.

Revenge outside of loving your enemy is a mirage, its results are counterfeit, on this path we become the very thing that set us on the mission of revenge. It is a new branch on the same vine of evil. It is the pit of emptiness that only grows.

Acting out with hate towards those who have done evil gives them what they most desperately want, validation that their evil is good, that their evil was righteous. It feeds evil and encourages it to do what it has been doing more often, in a greater volume, and with a more significant consequence.

In the 1940s, loving the German people was cutting out the Nazi cancer from their midst. Hitler, the SS, and the whole Third Reich had to go.

You treat those you love honestly. You treat them with the truth. Love wants good things, in all things it hopes for the best. Love is a journey where even those who have purposefully wronged you and done evil through this love go from objects of wrath to objects of goodwill and restoration.

Meekness is the highest form of loving those who have done wrong. It is loving those who have wronged you from a position of strength in such a way they do not even know who or how they are being helped. And maybe they never know. And that’s ok. That’s meekness, that’s goodness, that’s love.

Everything is covered by this love. Truth works in everything. If someone is coming through your window with a gun and you shoot them, you treated them in truth and reality.

The people of the earth deserve revenge on the fiat class for all their: lying, stealing, cheating, murdering, manipulating, and scheming. We will get this by wanting what is best for them, like a monkey with a machine gun, the only course of action is to take the gun away. In the same way, authority must be removed from these power-tripping fools, our ruling class. The monkey does not get to keep the machine gun. We’re going to take the gun away… by any and all righteous means. The monkey gets to choose how much force it will take.

The common man of this earth will get revenge, the people’s momentum has reached terminal velocity, and nothing can stop it. When people say things like this thing, or that thing is, “unstoppable…” it is almost always an exaggeration… this isn’t. The hope of the people has always been, and will always be a great awakening. Once a critical mass has reached enlightenment… it… is… OVER. Thanks to the Orange Man we have passed this point of no return.

When we the people win, what will it look like? Will it be like Reconstruction or the French Revolution? One of the reasons this Union is the greatest nation in history is that no nation has ever abused its power less, no nation has ever sacrificed the treasure of its youth to not only free its allies but give defeated enemies their own country back to their people. With all other nations in all other times, there was some form of subjugation that always followed a victory over an enemy. Our nation has lived out the principles of freedom to the extent that we even give the people of an enemy nation a rebirth of liberty after their total surrender. We allow them to choose yet again the right course. And we will do it again.

There is no national testimony more impressive.

It’s not to say there shouldn’t be trials, and with due process even executions for certain murderous actors, because there most certainly should be.

Justice is coming for things like:

  • Covid, Federal involvement in Jan 6th, Election meddling, Justice system corruption, Benghazi, Economic sabotage, Orcistrated border invasion, Fiat slavery, Coup against Trump, Spying on Americans, Podesta, Epstine and child sex trafficking, Vax mandates, Vax injuries, War Mongering, Afghanistan withdrawal, Blackmail, Bribery schemes, Assassinations, etc.

Justice is coming for the 3 service members who were killed while being intentionally dangled in front of terrorists in order to escalate the conflict in the Middle East to bring the chaos and flow of cash the global ruling class fiend for.

Soldiers being put in wildly insecure places in a post-October 7th Middle East is as intentional as the start of the Ukraine war. We know those goat-fuckers capabilities and scope of operation. We put those soldiers perfectly in reach on purpose! It’s all orchestrated. War is the Goal. And the war-mongering Uni-Party is moving chess pieces to ensure it. This is a guarantee.

Love does not exist without defending the innocent, it does not exist without bringing those who have committed great wrongs to justice. Tolerating evil manifests more evil. Allowing evil to continue without consequence establishes the kingdom of evil. Love is Revenge. Nothing brings a more active and pursuant wrath than love, and no nation has ever been filled with a citizenry who loves their country and countrymen more than these United States.

Our victory against this Axis of Evil will only bring something worth keeping, something we can build from if the momentum of our revenge comes with abundant mercy and our minds quickly tuned toward restoration.

It is up to us to continue this nation’s royal heritage of raising our enemy back to freedom.

We have done it before, and we will do it again.

Hold Tension, Be Vast. 
 Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

First things First


End Game: 2024