Obvious Involvement

First, let’s start with a guarantee:

  • Best-case scenario: With great intent and purpose, Trump was left ill-protected in hopes that a lapse in security would result in an assassination. If you have been paying attention since the Orange Man showed up… it’s never the best-case scenario.

If you have any horsepower above your shoulders, War Game it out.

In a world where logic is no longer admissible evidence in court, in a world where logic is dead, dare to make sense. If you were a deep-state shitbag, how would you set up an assassination while making it look like a random event?

First: WHO before WHAT. Make sure all who are not involved with the plot are retards:

  • In any company or team, 10% of the people bring 90% of the value. The first thing I would do is not bring any of them and load up the staff with useless DEI hires. Think of the people you work with… how unbelievably incompetent are all the diversity hires around you? They never know what the fuck is going on.

    • Update (7/19/2024): How funny… after I wrote the previous bullet Josh Hawley came out with whistle-blower confirmation, “Biden DHS assigned "unprepared and inexperienced personnel" to Trump who weren't even Secret Service.” It’s almost like it’s obvious.

  • Deny Full security detail (@Biden). People make the moment. Great agents would have spotted the issues and plugged the gaps in security.

Second: No air cover.

  • Do not utilize drone teams, a practice that has been standard protocol for years for such outdoor events.

    • Even a single drone would have eliminated any possibility of this attempt.

Third: Timing.

  • After the lawfare attempts failed and the most brutal debate in memory, there only remained a small window of time before the Republican National Convention and Trump’s official nomination as the Republican candidate for the 2024 election. Once a candidate is nominated, the Biden team is no longer able to deny a full security detail, and once the full detail is present such attempts become vastly more complicated and difficult to pull off while maintaining anonymity.

Fourth: Location

  • Bumfuck Egypt was a necessity. If the rally were held anywhere of note there would be too many competent law enforcement folks roaming around able to thwart the plot. This goes back to the “Who before What” idea. Again, they had to eliminate to possibility of too many good High-T men on site doing what High-T men do, notice problems and fix shit.

Fifth: Don’t talk until the lies are straightened out and everyone is appropriately threatened, paid off, and blackmailed.

  • Head of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle, yes, that Fuck-Face-Tier-One-Retard herself should have been testifying the next morning. With the failure of their attempt, they had to pause everything to activate contingency assets. Sound like anything else… “cough2020 election.

    • The significance of Fuck-Face-Tier-One-Retard being blocked from testifying immediately can not be overstated.

    • This assassination attempt was botched badly. They could not let anyone talk until the fixers had time to do some fixing.

  • Don’t release radio recordings and hide every detail possible. Undoubtedly, with full transparency, people would be able to start putting together what is already obvious. If there were transparency, all sorts of smart people would start to peg them to their ump-teenth coup attempt against our Champion.

    • Update (7/20/2024): ballistic analytics is beginning to prove there was more than one shooter, which, if true, takes the conspiracy from logical certainty to a matter of record.

  • Create plausible deniability for the lapse in security.

    • Blame the local cops… bullshit.

    • Slopes…. bullshit.

    • Blah, blah, blah… it’s all so obvious.

Since the 2020 abduction of our republic, I have been saying time and time again there will be miracles that come out of nowhere that propel the plight of the people toward a comeback victory. Trump surviving this assassination attempt is one of these miracles.

BTW, there is a time and a place for everything under the sun. If you aren’t pissed off about this. Check your heart; there is work to be done; adjustments are needed towards an increased sensitivity of our shared human experience.

More to come…


The New ALLIES: AFD, Reform, National Rally, & MAGA
