The New ALLIES: AFD, Reform, National Rally, & MAGA

Part one of the Great Allegiance series.

There is a Great Alliance coming between the people of the nations of Germany, England, France, and The United States of America against the authoritarian 3rd-world immigration-obsessed Global Ruling Class.

In comparison, this coming together of free peoples will show NATO, The UN, and other such bureaucratic swamps to be the abominations of control and incompetence that they are. As Germany, England, France, and The United States go, so goes the Western World.

  • AfD… Germany, who will lead to unite us?

    • Will it be: Tino Chrupalla, or Alice Weidel, or someone else?

  • Reform… England, who will lead to unite us?

    • Will it be: Tommy Robinson, or Nigel Farage, or someone else?

  • National Rally… France, who will lead to unite us?

    • Will it be: Jordan Bardella, or Marine Le Pen, or someone else?

  • MAGA… USA, who will lead to unite us?

    • Will it be: Dan Bongino, or Steve Bannon, or someone else?

IT IS COMING. I know this because the people are crying out for it. History shows that the hope of every nation is always a great awakening of the people. When the people cry out, the whole world and universe have to respond, it is written into the fabric of reality. Sadly, even the bravest among us suffer from experience bias (the most potent bias), where they fight mostly with the tools they have seen others fight with; they move the way they have seen others move, and they keep doing the same thing, hoping for a different result.

The Global Ruling class wants a Global World Order under their control… but it is We the Free People who will bring new levels of collaboration and togetherness, NOT through the force of government but by national and individual liberty, by free association, and free markets.

Who will lead?

Who will rally the people as one? Who will CALL THE BANNERS of the Sovereign peoples of these Sovereign Nations? Who will CALL THE BANNERS of the Great Houses and ancient bloodlines scattered throughout these nations?

Who will Assemble the Allegiance that will define the age?

P.S. Will other nations join the New Allies? Yes! Welcome! Come one, come all!


We Can’t be Afraid of what is Right


Obvious Involvement