Power to whom?

This post is part four of the, "What is Coming" series. Click here are Parts One, Two, and Three.

Make America Great Again means Power Restored to the People.

Why have so many of our family and friends moved significantly away from corporate/government control and towards individual liberty? Why have so many prominent figures done the same?

The answer is why the ruling class will not allow Trump to win.

  • It has become clear to a saturated plurality, and often a vast majority, that those in power have a vision for the world that does not include any of the things we all get out of bed to work so hard to achieve. Whether it’s a recent college grad or Elon Musk, their 5-year plan is directly standing in the way of our 5-year plan. Their plan is in the way of the Mission to Mars, the mission towards free speech on X, a healthy food and drug administration, and young professionals buying a home… etc, forever.

The usurping ruling class will not allow Trump to have the power that comes with the office of the presidency because these oath-breakers will not let power go back to the people. For the ruling elite, it’s subjugation or bust.

RFK and Elon are not exaggerating. We must win this time.

Whoever wins this time will win for a long time.

Their plan for winning is to do all they can to cheat and not get caught. If that doesn’t work they will unleash a hell upon this earth we have not seen for many decades. The magnitude of this “New Big Thing” will be hard to imagine for all of us children of summer. When compared to this “New Big Thing” COVID will be a mere footnote in the wake of its impact. In its time the Anschluss, and Hitlers occupation of the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia felt like huge world news, it dominated the headlines, the pillars of society were aghast… we barely remember it. The events of the next six years taped over that home video.

We are living in the time between the Wehrmacht marching into Bohemia and Erwin Rommel’s Ghost Division rolling through the Ardenne. Most of our current “blockbuster” headlines are not bright enough to be seen past a decade or two.

Let me get specific. From where I sit, these are the two most likely “New Big Thing/Things” that might happen:

  1. They get caught cheating by enough of the population that there are not enough states to certify the election, and all hell breaks loose. Assassination of Trump, UN, and other nations get involved… who knows…

  2. They lose the election and:

    • Between Nov 6th and Jan 21st a “Big Thing/Things” happens, preventing Trump from taking office.

    • They let Trump take office to juice up the “Big Thing” to unimaginable heights like a full-blown WWIII and total market colapse, etc.

There is a third option where they already know they can’t cheat enough to win, and they drop the “Big Thing” at any moment. The best I can tell this option is significalty less likely.

Despite what the pathetic Low-T Soy-boy ruling elite will try, there is a coalition rising… there is a new hope, a bringing together of those who have the humility to set aside differences and help shoulder the plight of the common man. They have hitched their yoke to the plow of the farmer in Iowa, the restaurant owner in Brooklin, the musician in Nashville, the tech worker in Austin, and the over-taxed and over-regulated families on the eastern parts of Washington, Oregon, and California. As one, we move against the same types of usurpations and stand for the same noble virtues to which Thomas, George, Benjamin, Samuel, Oliver, and so many more pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

  • A Vote for Trump is a vote to let Elon do to our unaccountable bureaucracies what he did to Twitter… it is a vote to have the government operate more like SpaceX and Tesla.

  • A vote for Trump is a vote to unleash RFK on the corrupted alphabet agencies that have long poisoned our food, water, education, system of justice, and so much more.

  • A vote for Trump is a vote to restore power to the one true Sovereign. You. Me. The people.

The Free World is watching America, as it has been for centuries, we the people are the only monster the globalist tyrants fear, we are the last bulwark, and the only hope of a progressing goodness.

Remember, the difficult word sheaths the sword.

Make Ready. Be Dangerous.

Do Justly. Love Mercy.


Proof of Work > Proof of Stake


“I pray for something to happen, for someone to kill them”