Proof of Work > Proof of Stake

This post is a continuation of the post: Those who Pay the Price should Pick the Piper. Search Box provided above. 

This post discusses one of the lies we all agree to tell. As it is everywhere we collectively agree to ignore what is real; we set ourselves to not just fail but misdiagnose the issue and, therefore, exacerbate it with our misplaced solution. In these areas, our reactions and emotions will leap out of us without reason and the croc-brain assurances of militant passthrough thinking.

I wish you well. Hold Tension, Be Vast, and Remember, only restoration brings victory.

For the best context for this post and the least likelihood of getting belligerently offended, read the following:

  • Men should not treat women equally

  • Women are winning

If you do get offended, CLICK HERE, and remember, that’s the good stuff; squeeze all you can out of it.

It’s the only way to get anywhere.

Before we get going, I will do what I HATE doing, which is to give a few disclaimers. (for they dull one’s ability to triangulate self & reality and therefore progress.) Ladies… I know there are many of you who this post is most specifically NOT about. In fact, if you are a woman reading this, it is likely that this post isn't about you and that you stand as a beacon on a hill shining bright with gorgeous femininity. Thank you. Everywhere you go, you are something to behold; your mere presence calls us upward and forward. It is also true that women like you are in a significant minority.

Oh yeah, one more thing… if you think government control works, buckle up. This post isn’t for sissies who can’t name one high-control nation that went from 3rd world to 1st world yet still believe that… “It will work this time.”

In the previous post on this topic, I made the point that if the government were the size it should be, (aka Only big enough to protect life, liberty, and property), a vote would be primarily a commitment to let the chief executive send one to fight and die. And if this were to again be the case, since men do all the fighting and the dying, they should also do all the voting.

Remember, a vote is a choice. In a world where the government is relegated to its only useful function, women would enjoy unimaginably more choices and power without the granted privilege to vote than they currently do with this privilege men have given to them. Take a deep breath. It is what it is. Don’t get mad at me for noticing. Nobody has manifest earthly rights beyond their ability to defend and protect those rights. Therefore, women do not have manifest earthly rights beyond what men allow. This has always been and will always be the case. Again, it is what it is. The more we collectively run from this immovable fact, the more delusional we will continue to be on the topic, and the more we will fumble when attempting to do something worthwhile.

In this post, I want to explore what may be a reality: that freedom might never be restored or be restored with far greater devastation if men do not first take back women’s ability to vote. It may be a prerequisite to the solution and not simply a best-case scenario result once limited government is restored.


Are you offended? Shame on you, victim blamer!

Whether it comes from specific intentions or apathetic ignorance, women have been and are the perpetrators. This is not an opinion. It is a matter of their record. Again, no group this size gives away the rights of the individual to the greatest perpetrators of atrocities (government) faster than women. Intent is irrelevant; what they have done and continue to do is evil. And not just an evil, but one of the, if not thee greatest evil there is on this earth, taking away self-ownership.

Oh, sorry, are you pro-slavery then? My bad, I should have known that a deep drink of groupthink can get people to advocate for ANYTHING… see COVID and @history.

Let’s not continue to slip further into the greatest dysfunction of a team: inattention to results.

Since women were granted the ability to vote, women have been stealing at unprecedented rates, all while mainly playing the victim. No voting block has ever misused this privilege with such wanton alacrity. Women wield the government as a large gun, aiming it at every group they can to take ever-increasing measures of power and wealth. This… THIS is largely why we can’t have (and don’t have) nice things. If you have ever looked at a chart of how men vs women vote… see the image below… It’s terrible. The smartest, most intuitive women you know almost certainly do not know a thing about economics, and they are not natural warriors. (A vast majority of women who have intelligent things to say about economics have had a man in their life who was the catalyst behind their knowledge and interest in the subject.) These are the two most important roles of our chief executive. So why do we allow women to partake when they don’t pay the price, care about, or possess the skills on what matters most?

If that image leads you to other logical questions. Good. It should. But those groups are not 50% of the voting block… yet… Attempts are being made: Great Replacement FACT.

On mass, women are readily manipulated with faux promises of safety and protection; broadly, women walk right into the bait and switch every time. While we are on the topic of letting people make decisions about things they don't innately care about or spend time understanding, let’s have men do all the testing and decision-making for tampons (Tim Waltz’s hand shoots up… no Timmy!… Bad!)

Show me on the doll where the truth touched you.

I know some of you are mad, good. Grow up. Seriously, it’s time.

The misplaced compassion of women’s high ideals has caused them to gobble down hook line and sinker the barbed snake oil of every charlatan. They want polite, gentlemanly perfection and have yet to awaken to the reality that any who check these boxes do so in deception and with the cover of the very people they should legitimately be wary of (the government and those who are drowning in their pockets). Only with the support of the institutions strangling the rights of the people might one meet the unreasonable and impossible demands of women to be “nice.” Insert clip about wanting a man in finance, 6ft 5in, trust fund, etc… they want it all, and on mass, they would MUCH rather have someone lying to them than a scarred warrior who has what they need.

Many men are still making the mistake Adam made in the garden, allowing the reasoning and planning of women to go into action unvetted and unchecked. We are reaping the same result.

Men are more thinkers, women are more feelers, and while we must have both, go ahead and feel your way through that math test and let me know what that grade looks like. Everything in its place yields value, but like a ballerina playing noseguard… some things don’t work no matter what the scientific consensus says.

But, women are stakeholders in our society…

and? …

Proof of Work > Proof of Stake.

Let's take a BIG PICTURE view, let’s zoom way out to a societal level. (Don’t zoom in and give me anecdotes.) Stakeholders gain access to value from those who work. The work is the boon, the first gift to our society. While stakeholders are important, valuable members of our society, they are not the wellspring of progress, they are not the impetus to civility, they are not the linchpin of modernity. Workers are. Men do all the necessary work, both in blood and sweat, that grant access to all the things for the stakeholders. Workers want longevity and steady, consistent, reliable returns over time. Stakeholders want instant dividends and are all too often willing to upend the cart to get the goods. Women have pulled off a hostile takeover… they voted off the company assets to line their pockets, further inflating their coddled egos. But they still want the produce of a working and well oiled machine, yet instead of learning from their mistakes, they have installed the new irrational OS that just dropped from their overlords. It’s another four-course meal of doubling down on the same thing… because, this time, it will work.

Those able and willing to do the work make the calls. Any family, town, state, or nation that strays from this will in time suffer. Always. It is what it is.

When there is trauma, you must first stop the bleeding. Our freedom is bleeding out the gash of women’s votes. We may need to end this injustice before we restore justice. The other option is for men to again shoulder this great weight created by foolishness, all the while being lashed by the votes of women.

Nevertheless, we persist.

The claims of women’s victimization increase with the degree of power they grab. With every year they gained more power, they bitched louder about not having any. Enough men have awakened that the end result is already settled. It is encouraging news that Gen-Z men are the most liberty-minded men in recorded history. There is a 50-point gap between Gen-Z men and women being Republican or Democrat.

If I were a woman, I would be careful not to poke the bear for too much longer. Just like the corporate media and deep state called John McCain and Bitch Mitten Romney monsters and created an actual monster that will devour them in the Orange Man, women have been bitching and moaning about a patriarchy setting themselves on the fast track to finding out what that is actually like.

I’m not saying this will need to be the case to restore just governance. I am saying we are cowards if we are unwilling to have this conversation.

Women and men should have no animosity towards the other. We are beautifully equally valuable. Women, I love you. I write in hopes to restore right relationship, to thrive together, where both sexes feel more free than ever, where more and more people find that sweet spot in life where adventure is a part of every day together as we wrestle and tangle our way towards beauty.

Offended? —> Click Here


Kamala can’t Talk and her Supporters don’t Think


Power to whom?