Racist Corporate Culture: Quotas vs Competence

There is no escaping it. Corporate culture is racist. Most Fortune 500 companies have skin color quotas. This is an established matter of record; it’s blatantly racist, and nobody cares.

Your HR department will say they are hiring the best person for the job AND that they must hire a certain amount of PoCs, LGBTQ, Women, etc. They can’t have both. You can either have the best person, or you can have quotas. Not both. This is basic and foundational logic. From the sniff test to doctorate-level rigor, it passes muster.

The racism in our corporate culture is proof of humanity's inclination towards groupthink. It goes against a vast majority of people’s principles, yet still we just sit by and degrade ourselves with the delusion that we can both have skin color quotas and the best person for the job.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but that isn’t equality or equity. It’s a joke, a moral & intellectual joke.

It is a stain on our collective wisdom that I even need to say this: a diverse team, is the best team. But not all diversity, diversity within a narrow scope of value specific to the goals and purpose of the mission. While a football team can’t have all running backs, every team is selected from a very small group of people who have mostly similar traits: strong, fast, big, powerful, etc. Nobody wants or could succeed with 140 lb O-linemen. Hiring practices obsessed with creating the best team will, as a byproduct, be diverse.

It is a slap in the face to all those who gave their one noble life to restore the only sovereign, the individual, above group affiliations, specifically ones as MEANINGLESS as skin color. Placing significant consideration on something so empty, let alone making it the number one most important topic when discussing a company’s employees is a shame that will undoubtedly make the pages of history. Placing value on groups over individuals dishonors the names of people like Martin Luther King, and all those who fought for the timeless and universal moral good of treating people as unique beings.

The racially-obsessed have taken a super-majority of the corporate power. With this power, they have defined what is least valuable: White, Man, Straight… and what has the most value: Black/PoC, Woman, Gay… decisions are made accordingly. If you were to discuss it with them, they would endlessly talk about underrepresented this or underrepresented that, and the question to ask back is how is defining value by a group better than defining value by the most underrepresented of all, the individual. How is Skin color/genitalia/sexual orientation more important than the unique value of a single person? Why is the mission not to get better at treating people like individuals? If two resumes are the same, am I less valuable because I am white? If so… why? How could you possibly know me like that? Why is skin color a definer of my lived experiences? Shouldn’t my unique experiences and choices define who I am? Why can’t we focus on finding value in all the hidden places? If we did this, would we not also find ourselves with a diverse team? The deeper you dive, the more obvious it is that people should simply be treated as they are, an individual.

This overt, in-our-face racism has a deep effect on our collective morals. The fact that we get along with it scars our ability to see clearly on other important issues. When we ignore overt immoralities that are in our faces day in and day out, we lose our ability to make judgments righteously. We lose our ability to notice the difference between good and evil.

We become blind to medical mandates that do not even work. We idly stand by as thousands are purged from the military for not receiving a “vaccine” that has been proven to be at best, ineffective. Collectively it is very unclear to us that this is highly and indisputably immoral. The more we allow blatant lies to slide by, the more we remove our ability to distinguish right from wrong. This weakness is a side effect of our addiction to comfort and our selfish hope that someone “more important” will right these obvious wrongs. The reality is that it is up to us. When we stay on the sidelines, our feckless leaders do the same, for almost to a man, they are not leaders but chaff in the wind of applause and dollars.

What is genuine is surpassingly valuable. Charlatans counterfeit genuine value in order to profit and steal from its legitimacy. Not only is the fraud damaging in itself, but it undermines the reality of the good thing it seeks to mimic. Real diversity is hard to foster and produces exponential results. And like faux gold, faux diversity’s only value is held within the fool who perceives it so.

We must refuse to take part in their ruse.

Take a stand for what is right, with wisdom and clarity, be willing to push back against your company’s racist practices. Ask questions. Make them explain to you why this is the If your company stands out in its racism/sexism/etc., do something, speak up. Consider sending it to Project Veritas.

Your good name isn’t worth a paycheck. Your honor isn’t with the accolades of apathy.

No one will do it for you. It is up to us.


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