Islam is a Government, Not a Religion.

Gloves are off. This is a big boy/girl post. Remember, offense is good. Offense is growth.

Truth sits atop a hierarchy of facts. Islam primarily interacts with our shared world as a force of governance, not a religion. In even more stark contrast, Islam currently checks far more boxes as a tyrannical government than their most baseless claim of being a religion of peace.

Islam seeks to implement Sharia Law by any means necessary. This set of ideas is antithetical to a liberal society, basic civility, and progressing modernity. Most of the time, when people say, “by any means,” there are many, if not endless caveats. This is not the case with a group of people who proudly profess to love death more than you love life. This is a group of people willing to rape you into submission, torture you into submission etc… these savages will happily blow themselves up along with those they are looking to dominate.

This savage set of ideas has non-stop cover and backing of the same fools who never shut up about how the biggest threat to the world is cow farts and other climate alarmist fantasies, the same fuck-wits who tell you white supremacy is the greatest domestic terror threat, the same NPCs that thought it was fair for you to lose your job and public voice over the “safe” and “100 percent effective” Covid-19 “vaccine,” the same sheep who insist 3rd-world immigration is the Wests’ strength, the same micro-tyrants who think they are anti-gun when they advocate for the powerful to have all the guns, the same boot lickers who trust the IRS, FBI, CIA, FDA, etc, and the same drones who deny the OVERWHELMINGLY positive impact of one religion, while creating out of whole cloth the absolute fantasy where this mid-evil death-cult is a progressive religion of peace.

To such staunch intellectuals... pray-tell.. what Islamic country has a thriving population? I’ll wait. If Islam touches a country in any significant way whatsoever, its chance of being a 1st world nation goes to just about absolute zero. The only Islamic nations that can pass even an ancillary glance of scrutiny prosper to the extent they do NOT follow Islam. These nations, which appear to have a base level of functionality, exist under constant threat of an Iranian Revolution style reconfiguration that could transform any Westernish value Islamic nation into 1st-century barbarism in a week’s time.

The Palestinian people are just freedom fighters, right? Not even close. There are no freedom fighters in Palestine, not one. For you to be a freedom fighter you must fight for freedom. They are fighting to establish a murderous and illiberal dictatorship that all you Western yuppies would never allow your family to visit let alone live in.

Just like we have confused leadership for those who follow from the front we have confused freedom fighters for those who are fighting to TAKE freedom AWAY from everyone they gain control over. Calling Palistininas freedom fighters like calling rape, lovemaking. They don’t want anyone to be free, not even themselves. They want all to fall under the brutal rule of sharia law.

From the River to the Sea… right? That would be like someone saying from the Rio Grand to Canada, Mexico will be free. Hamaz wants to wipe Israel off the map and so do MOST of the Palestine/Hamas supporters worldwide. But the programming is sooo good. The brainwashing sooo complete that we don’t just call this what it is… Crazy. By crazy I mean unhinged, not of sound mind. This isn’t a sane proposal, from the river to the sea isn’t a coherent option. The Muslim people living in the British mandate of Palestine advanced human thriving in what ways?.. crude dwellings… hummus... dark age beliefs? Israel turned those rocks and dirt into one of the most advanced cities in the world where many billion-dollar companies are headquartered, where tech and other industry-leading innovations abound, and where one has the greatest levels of individual liberty irrespective of race or religion in the Middle East. This… THIS is what they want to end! So this light on a hill can be replaced with the most anti-progressive, anti-liberal, racist, dark-age hate cult on earth.

Do you think it has to do with the fact that every single pillar of our society has been a dedicated pro-bono PR firm for these arab savages for the past 30+ years? Every elementary, middle, and high school… every college, university, and S&P 100 company parroted the same dark vein of delusion concerning Palestine that put nations like China and Pakistan on the UN Human Rights Council. The UN is a complete joke, and so are the institutions that have been propagandizing the West in favor of middle-age barbarism. Everything is obvious. Up is down, good is bad, right is wrong, Islam is peace, Palestine is the victim, China leads in human rights… and so on.

This Palestine nonsense is BLM nonsense rebranded. Just like BLM doesn’t care about most of the very much avoidable black deaths because they are perpetrated by black people, this Palestine movement isn’t about saving people… Muslims are slaughtered by other Muslims all over the Middle East every single year in FAR greater numbers, and nobody cares… it is about destroying the West and specifically the representatives of the West in the Middle East… Israel. It is the weirdest form of racism that says I only care about death when a certain race is involved regardless if it is a VAST minority of the total deaths.

  • BLM: Black culture has many massive internal issues that they blame on Western civilization.

  • Palestine: Muslim culture has many massive internal issues that they blame on Western civilization.

  • BLM: Calls any objection to their objective nonsense racism, therefore shutting up most opposition.

  • Palestine: Calls any objection to their objective nonsense Islamaphobia, therefore shutting up most opposition.

  • BLM: Hates the facts, despite Black people committing more…(insert every bad stat)… they are the victims.

  • Palestine: Hates the facts, despite Muslim people committing more…(insert every bad stat)… they are the victims.

  • BLM: “It is white people’s fault we are doing poorly.” Ignores decades of their own bad decision-making.

  • Palestine: “It is Israel’s fault we are doing poorly.” Ignores decades of their own bad decision-making.

Aaaaand the same usual suspects are eating this garbage and shouting it from every microphone they can find.

Jews fled the hate of Islam across the Middle East to Europe. Wherever they went they generally thrived, which allowed them to be the perfect scapegoat for European central bank money printing fuckery. We all know how this story went… at the end of World War II there were many Jews who had just gone through hell with nowhere to go. The sensible place was somewhere the Jewish people had been living uninterrupted for thousands of years despite there being time when there was no official Israeli state. Many nations voted to grant a relatively small part of the British Mandate of Palestine to the Jewish people. Most nations you would want to live in voted for it. Most nations you would not want to live in voted against. (see list below) The creation of Israel was not Colonialism, it was the right thing to do and it was done in the right way.

  • For: United States, Canada, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Byelorussian, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Soviet Union, Liberia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines.

  • Against: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Cuba.

All land has been conquered again and again, over and over. This world isn’t fair. Those in power make decisions, hopefully, decisions that increase the thriving of mankind. If the arab residents of the British Mandate valued the flourishing of their own lives and the lives of their children more than the imaginings of a millennia-old warlord they would have been thrilled that a highly competent people came to bring prosperity to their land. We now know as a matter of record that the more “colonized” portions of the world lead the less “colonized portions of the world in every positive metric. Good governance is the indication of whether a population will thrive or suffer. Thats it. Israel brought sound thinking and reason to the governance of a land that was in a perpetual cycle of, at best, mediocrity. 55 million people died during WWII, and countless cities and regions were devastated and are still recovering, many many cities and regions ended the war with a huge downgrade in governance, something that would lead to millions more suffering and dying from all forms of state-sponsored genocide. One of the shining lights of post World War II re-configurations was the fact that a small chunk of the dark-age Middle East now had people in charge who knew how to Western Civ.

Hopefully, you are asking yourself why Islam has so many morons covering for their savagery. It’s because the values of Islam and of many on the “left” have values that unite at the top. For example: current-day feminists rail against any micro-culture that systemicly disadvantages women in even the most far-fetched imaginary way… YET… they go to great lengths defending one of the most anti-women sets of ideas our third rock from the sun has ever seen. This seemingly odd alliance is due to their shared ultimate goal: To end civilization as we know it. Ladies.. ladies.. please … chest your cards! It’s so painfully obvious! But this should not be surprising that these women have no clue how revealing this axis of power is to their actual agenda, they are fools of the highest order.

Take the time to read the Quran, Hadiths, and biography of Muhammad. Considering that there are well over a billion people who follow this most illiberal set of ideas, reading these texts is worth whatever time it takes to understand the dark truth about Islam and its founder.

Muhammad had two parts of his life. First came a time pretending to be Mr. Nice-Guy. This is the period where our beloved “prophet” was powerless (During this time we get the nice verses from the Quran.) Part two is not so nice. After Jews and many others rejected his “religion” Muhammad moved to a new city where useful idiots were in abundance. Here Muhammad gains real power and begins to use this power to dominate by force. This is where all the killing, rape, enslaving, and stealing comes in. We should define a person’s character by what they do with power. When you have power you have options. Muhammad chose the option of murder and enslavement and dedicated his life to see his worldview force-fed to as many people as his military power would allow him to subjugate. This is still the path of Islam. Play the nice guy when in a minority, then ram their cult down your throat once they have the power.

Hey Israel…FUCK YOU! You get that smoke too.

SHAME on you Israel for being surrounded by genocidal enemies and not allowing your civilians to own appropriate means of defense. What historic foolishness! What an absolute disgrace! Every Jew should have an Uzi, Galil, Jerico, or Tavor. Hamas and all other goatfucking cowards should fear every house in Israel. But no… the “left” ruins everything, fun, romance, TV, sports, and the good guys’ chance to fight back. It is Jews who disarmed their people!! This goes to show you how hindsight ISN’T 20/20. History is a story of most not learning from their mistakes no matter what that mistake costs them. Here we have the most persecuted group of people, maybe ever, and they don’t train and arm their civilians. They have bomb shelters for kissing their own ass goodbye, but no ability to make their home at minimum a final stand where they might extract a price on those so committed to darkness.

Why do almost all the Palestine protests refuse to condemn Hamas? Hmmmm Why did Hamas win their election in overwhelming fassion? What happened in the streets of Palestine on 9/11? Many forgot, I didn’t. These savages hate you.. go there.. prove me wrong.

There was a ceasefire observed on October 6th. One October 7th some people did something and now those who fucked around get the double portion of finding out.

Islam is the problem. This has always been the case. As the title of this post says, Islam is not primarily a religion, and certainly not a religion of peace. It is a death cult dedicated to brutal, tyrannical, and expansionist government. Nothing has been more in our faces over the past 50 years, yet our leaders are dancing around this most obvious truth.

In 2006 as soon as Palestine was NOT occupied in any way… they elected this beloved piece of shit.

  • “Mariam Farahat, who was elected to the Palestinian parliament, can work a crowd like a veteran politician -- shaking hands and greeting supporters. When she gets on the stage at a Hamas rally, she is the star attraction. She was one of Hamas' most popular candidates in Wednesday's election.”

Who is this wildly popular and well-loved Politician? She is a terrorist who sent three of her six sons to kill Jews as suicide bombers. Oh, and she ran on the promise she has three more sons to sacrifice.

  • We consider it holy duty… … Our land is occupied. You take all the means to banish the occupier. I sacrificed my children for this holy, patriotic duty. I love my children, but as Muslims we pressure ourselves and sacrifice our emotions for the interest of the homeland. The greater interest takes precedence to the personal interest."

Let that sink in. There are a thousand more stories like this one.

Evil always seeks to dominate by force, to govern. Islam, like other sets of evil ideas, is no different. Islam fails to respect the divine nature of the individual. Acknowledging or ignoring this inalienable truth is the leading indicator that any set of ideas will yield thriving or destruction. All governments, religions, clubs, groups, etc which bring goodness, do so to the extent they empower and respect the divine sovereignty of the individual. This is the secret ingredient of progress, it is the hope of nations. Without it comes chaos, with it rends unimagined blessings.

What we are seeing in Israel is horrific. We are witnessing a nation that has allowed an enemy to live within. Israel succame to the foolish pressures of the regressive-left to allow hateful savage people to live among them. This can not stand for any house, community, or nation.

Israel is one of the most capable nations when it comes to defending its citizens. IT WAS NOT ENOUGH. Did you watch the videos? You should. Civilians’ throats being slashed, children watching their families getting executed, bloodlines slaughtered from house to house, and fathers bleeding out as they try to save their families.

The government protecting the family unit is never enough. It is always up to the individual men of a community to first arm themselves and then band together in a holy declaration to sovereign personhood, liberty, and self-ownership. It is for the head of the family to have a plan, to be trained, dangerous, and ready. It is up to us to Make Ready for any, mob, invading army, or tyranny… come what may.

The decline and then downfall of the United States is the beginning and end of the W.E.F.’s plan for the world. We the people are the last Infiniti Stone.

But unlike the rest of the world, here in these united states lives a different breed. Those who know the old ways. Unlike the slave mind of the European man and all other Western nations, the American man holds the line.

Only those who store violence are sovereign, only those who steward their ability to be dangerous are citizens, all others are subjects & slaves. The American man is unlike the rest. Where all others find themselves somewhere on the scale of the slave, we stand in the breach. Where all others have abandoned their inheritance, we are the heir, the remnant. Where all others cower, we are the reckoning.

We will not be like those who see, smell, taste, and feel, yet do nothing. We honor those who died with increased vigilance. We Make Ready.

The delusion of everlasting peace is the apex of foolishness.

It is when, not if.

When they come here, to this land, they will find US waiting.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

A Guide to Getting Offended on this Site


Racist Corporate Culture: Quotas vs Competence