Suppression is dehumanization 

A foundational part of what it means to be human is having the ability to weigh all of the information and make our own decisions. 

The robbing of our fundamental human right to make a decision based upon ALL the information is an attempt to enslave the mind. 

As a society, we thankfully, painstakingly, and finally agreed that enslaving the human body is what it clearly is. Wrong. The attempt to suppress the free exchange of ideas and enslave the mind is equally as immoral as enslaving the body. And it's about damn time we said that.

When we don’t have access to half the information, we can be tricked into just about anything. Furthermore, the enslavement of the mind through the burning of books and the controlling of information ends one way, the enslavement of the body.

Honesty doesn't need secret policing.

Truth doesn't need militant controls.

What is real doesn’t need weighted algorithms, shadow banning, or flat-out suppression. 

Facts do not need us to ban lies. 

The truth is a grown-ass man. It doesn't need our hand-holding. The truth can handle any amount of scrutiny. In fact, if something is true, real, if something really works, the more we look at it, talk about it, and even try to debunk it, all that we will be able to do is strengthen it. 

Inversely lies desperately need the force of banning. They rely on fear and control. They live off of the shame of our own self-suppression. They need darkness in order to thrive. They need the light of scrutiny to be banned, suppressed, and belittled, and for those who shine that light to be de-platformed, permanently suspended, defamed, and in turn, lied about. 

Any powerful entity telling us that we are too stupid to look at all the information and make a decision for ourselves is most certainly, specifically and in great detail the enemy of the people. An enemy of goodness, liberty, and an enemy of what it means to be human. They are an enemy of our wild and free spirit that dared to cross the Atlantic and forge a new way of life.

We need to stop dancing around the issue:

  • Denying or supporting the denial of an individual's human right to weigh all sides of an argument is Evil.

Self-determination used to mean something in this country. 

We must stop waiting for someone else to do something about it. It doesn't work that way. IT IS UP TO US. In love and with great honor for your fellow man it is time to be vocal. It is time for us all to take a stand. 

Have presence. Be someone of consequence.

Shape the world around you. Be someone who matters. Make a stand.

Be Vast.

Do justly.

Love mercy.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.



W**** Supremacy