W**** Supremacy

Those who subscribe to this hateful tenant wholly believe that they are better than the “other.” In their supposed supremacy, they believe that we all should adopt their way of life and assimilate to their styles of thinking. In truth, this disease of reason isn’t new. This most anti-liberal worldview lives in the shadows, wherefrom this dark home it seeks to dominate and destroy the free and progressive pursuits of humanity. This framework of mental decay despises diversity in all of its forms and works to destroy the richness of culture and life's beautiful differences. This rot of mind battles against the spice of life that is essential to what it means to be human upon this earth. 

Among other delusions, they believe that because of their skin color they deserve more than minorities and other groups. Their W****ness grants them special privileges and status. People who do not follow their religious extremist views are more than less then. Their never-ending goal is to the expansion and glorification of every '“ist” and “ism” imaginable. Their pursuit for purity will not end until they totally dominate with, through, and by their hateful ideology. 

We the people must continue to combat W**** Supremacy in every way we can. It would be better to lose it all than to acquiesce to its immoral demands. What good is all the progress we have fought, marched, and struggled for if we now hand it over to this most intolerant, illiberal conglomerate of hate? 

It is up to us. 

Remember what they are capable of. This generation’s supremacy movement may look differently than 150 years ago, and yes, their song may be a different one, but their tune is the same, and the words rhyme. Even though the methodology has changed, the heart behind it is still the same. For the apple does not fall far from the tree. The roots of our time’s supremacists tap deeply into the lineage of their forbearers.  

Remember who lynched who and why. This modern variety of self-proclaimed supremacists is no different than their predecessors, for now as then, they gaslight their opposition, denying the obvious reasons behind their goals. State’s rights my ass. 

This current W**** Supremacy contains no less vitriol and hate towards those they so passionately and thoroughly seek to get rid of. Our resolve to defeat today’s supremacists should be with the same immovable totality as Lincoln, for if Picket decides to charge again, there must be those who still hold the line to repel their advance upon modernity. There must still be those whose fortitude does not run short of whatever breach already exists in this once great stronghold of civility. It is for us to again make ready, for the ongoing crescendo of assaults upon our rights won’t be stayed by any disposition less than those who stand silhouetted from the burning of their boats by the torch of their own hand. 

The civil rights and self-determination of the ever greatest minority parlously clings to the edge of our increasingly weighted scales of justice. Who will hold fast? Make no mistake, this struggle will have its Alamos. Who will knowingly walk its ramparts? 

It is up to us.

Woke Supremacy is no less immoral than the object of its deepest judgment; White Supremacy.

Feel free to read this post interchangeably between either group. Their similarities far outweigh their differences.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Suppression is dehumanization 


The Free Exchange of Information