Teachers are the New Catholic Priests

For the low iq folks: Not all Catholic Priests, not all Teachers. 

Adults keeping secrets from parents in order to have their way with children, is what it is: Evil. Teachers are the new Catholic Priests.

The former has become archetypically similar to the latter, something that should be a concern to all.

Both groups have used their power to get close to children in inappropriate ways. When anyone has the gall to air even the slightest concern, let alone bring accusations of abuse, the system swoops in, gaslights the victims and circles the wagons around the perverts.

It is really not that complicated; if something would get you fired from your corporate job, you shouldn’t talk about it with someone else’s children.

15 states have either passed or are considering passing bills that would allow teachers to help a student become transgender without a parent’s consent!

Academia and every other fiat-fucked institution have become incredibly confused about what the SOP should be when an adult hides interactions with children from their parents.

The Catholic Church denied what was going on because they knew it was clearly wrong. In 2023 we have reached the fully evolved form of child abuse, where we celebrate it, advocate for it, and go as far as mandating it with the full authority of the law. The state has gone as far as getting aggressively litigious towards any who stand in the way of its perverted path.

The ruling class knows this is a losing issue, but their addiction to perversions have, and sadly will continue to prevail. And it will undoubtedly be a part of their downfall.

For all those like the DNC and our puppet president claiming that someone else’s kids are just as much the nation/governments kids… good luck with that. This foolishness is a great way to get clapped and start a revolution. People will suffer all sorts of usurpations of their preferences, liberties, and even inalienable rights, but they will not stand by and allow someone to meddle in their children’s lives.

Parents never retreat. Never have. Never will. Those who get in their way will end up in the upper right side of the fuck around and find out graph. Yikes.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Who are The Bad Guys?


Bill of Rights re-written