Who are The Bad Guys?

I have a question for you, the reader, a temp-check, if you will.

  • Where are you on realizing that our entrenched government is the bad guy?

If the now admittedly fake Russia collusion narrative, Twitter files, vaccine mandates & lies, weaponized DOJ, weaponized IRS, weaponized FBI, weaponized EPA, weaponized DOE, weaponized FDA, weaponized ATF, weaponized DHS, and worst of all, weaponized Federal Reserve isn’t enough to convince you… congratulations, if you were a 1930s German, you would have been a flag-waving Nazi.

What I am attempting to gauge isn’t about traditional social issues, because there are very few traditional social issues left, they have been traded in for authoritarianism masquerading as “progress.” It IS about realizing what has been purposefully obvious, that we are living through the foundation of yet another Age of Tyranny courtesy of our dangerous and runaway ruling class.

Like all hingent times in history, we the people have a choice between the sacrifice it takes to grow individual liberty and joining those bootlicking their way towards hard times.

That’s the whole post.

Knowing where you are is a great gift.

Right the Ship.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Global Elite Hate Black People, but Why?


Teachers are the New Catholic Priests