The Change you have been waiting for will CHANGE you or BREAK you

Boy, do I write this to myself first.

The free-thinking folks wanted an anti-establishment candidate who could take on the system… They got Trump, and it broke them. Orange Man has turned many of them into TDS-blithering idiots. They hate the very man who has accomplished and is still accomplishing so many of the things they only dared dream of. Many are still fighting The Don every step of the way while he accomplishes what they could not.

They get wrapped up in the cult of personality concerning someone who lacks the needed vitality of consequence to actually make a difference, to realize the change they chased for so long. Instead, they look to their pet project of personal preference, some irrelevant side piece who can’t hold water. In their obsession with perfection they miss the practical steps toward their goal, these fools become an impediment to their deepest wish and stated aim, leaving the real progress to those less committed and less experienced, to those who don’t get offended because it’s not going they way they wanted to go. Ultimately this auto immune disease that infects the passions of humanity comes from self-worshiping/self-aggrandizing pride.

Women’s basketball fans wanted more attention and compensation… They got Caitlyn Clark, and it broke them. Caitlyn Clark has exposed many in and around the WNBA as racist, bigoted… losers. The petty jealousy on display surrounding everything CC is bringing to the game is honestly a marvel. These fools are fighting her every step of the way while she accomplishes what they could not.

We love our technology and innovation… but NOT from guys like Elon! We want superstars like Michael… but NOT Lebron, NOT Verstappen! We want our monetary system to work for everyone… but NOT Bitcoin! Our consciousness given over to dull un-elevated thinking always brings a gut reaction of rejection and anger towards the changes, big and small, that we both want and need.

This happens all over our shared lives in big and small ways. From the halls of congress to individual relationships. I have seen this happen in the corporate world… “We want results!”… results delivered… “NOT LIKE THAT!!” The selfishness inside of us all not only wants what we want… but it wants the results the exact way we want it… anything else ends in RAGE.

All of these examples are simply sad to watch. It is pathetic and embarrassing far more than it is infuriating. And we all do it. All.

This selfish reaction is ever present in humanity, this is why group think can be so dangerous to our common thriving. This is why we have stop-gaps like the Electoral College. This is why we have states with enumerated powers above the federal government.

Our options: Internal enlightenment or enslavement.

  • We either get to elevate our thinking and join goodness.

  • Or we can spiral down into an internal torture chamber of selfish control.

The darker side is exactly that: an internal enslavement. No amount of bratty temper tantrums will bring us what we want, it only further removes us from reality and the thrill of collectively winning together.

Winning together will always come from increased maturity and the humbling honing of both our own abilities and our willingness to receive the beauties that others bring, despite how it violates our perfectly primped and preconceived perceptions, preferences, and presumptions.

Simply, we all must:


I was a “Never-Trumper” during the Republican primaries in 2016. I never liked his attitude, I didn’t like the way he spoke to people, I didn’t like his “You’re Fired” TV show. For me, the bridge too far was how he made fun of John McCain for getting captured. John McCain is endlessly deserving of criticism for being weak and part of the controlled opposition, but the one thing he is certainly NOT guilty of is being a coward in battle or for being shot down and captured. I prefer men like Davey Crockett, renaissance men, men who are statesmen and intellectuals yet hold the line with rifle and cannon when the enemy advances. Trump is not cut out of the cloth of Crockett.

What turned me around to sanity is when I realised he was the only one capable of delivering the results we needed and still need. He was the only one saying the obvious things that were devastating our country out loud. I had two options: elevate my thinking and allow my tent pegs to be more inclusive or, like a whiney child, demand everything go exactly my way. Thankfully, more and more have chosen and are choosing the former.

I will have to learn this lesson again and then again. So will you.

There is no destination in this pursuit, there isn’t a place to arrive where we might be marked safe from slipping into selfish delusion. We must be always on watch for the more base side of our human nature to again pull the wool over our eyes and activate that little whinny bitch we all have somewhere inside. When we choose goodness. human thriving, and timeless virtues like kindness and sacrifice we strengthen our ability to support the right things at the right time.

No one will force this maturity upon us. As always:

It is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Common Ground Doesn’t Compromise


Why is Women's Basketball so Hard to Watch?