The Responsibility of Power

We must find where our beliefs have the support from a majority of society, its systems, and its structures. These are our beliefs that are most susceptible to rot. For it is the light of scrutiny that disinfects. The intensity of the fire that tries to burn your idea down is also a purifying fire. Wherever our core tenants ride with ease it is up to us to purposefully subject them to rigor.

It isn’t foolproof. But when examining the probability of the validity of our drawn conclusions, it is best to re-litigate our ideas that have the most support. 

It is not to say that our most supported beliefs are wrong in totality, but that within the assumption of their consensus & correctness, we almost always create blinders toward the nuance that lives between the gaps of their strong pillars. 

This allows for an environment of abuse to grow towards the nuance that lives within our settled understandings. An example of this would be how in the 1950s, the focus on family was a good thing. Yet created within this good thing was a disdain for certain expressions. Expressions that were perceived as rebellion but were actually a beautiful nuance to be welcomed within the halls of its strong pillars. This failure to see the beauty beyond what was our current notion of a settled good thing was in itself the seed of rebellion whose trajectory exponentially increased with each & every suppression. Suppression inevitably elevates the velocity of the very thing that it opposes beyond even its own ability to suppress. 

The faux consensus of the moral completeness of the family values centered 1950s brought with it a degree of suppression. This suppression created an ever-increasing amount of energy that was the free love movement of the 60s. What could have been harmony with a new diverse understanding instead brought unnecessary levels of destruction towards the former good thing, all while pushing the new good thing beyond its ability to benefit and into realms of its own destruction. 

When a certain idea holds power, it is important that those who hold that idea don’t build impenetrable walls to protect that idea. Or if one builds walls in valid protection, one must also build large doors to allow for fresh understanding. 

We need to create a new movement where those in power encourage, support, and even lead the assault on their own certainties. This most assuredly is a tall order. With equal assurance, this noble truth would result in both purifying established ideas and allow those with a difference of opinion to feel the just reality of their own worth. Power that extends its scepter of common purpose towards those powerless with new ideas will turn their rebels into passionate champions. It is on this common ground that the dreams of the left, right, middle, center and sideways might go beyond just co-existing to co-thriving.

These are the types of conversations and understandings we must have if we are to learn from our past and build something different in the future. We must break our historic human habit of using power to dominate by force. For that is the conformity side of unity, a unity created with the tools of shame and brute strength. Unity in diversity buds only from a meek power that prefers mercy over judgment and values its rebels as creative ambassadors of new beauties.

Where are we on this scale today?  Not even close to where we should be. It is up to us to change that.

With 0 exceptions, we all hold a certain degree of power. 

With that power..

Be Royal.

Be faithful. Do good.  

Change your world, then change the world. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

I am proud of the history of race in this country


Enlightenment = Self-determination = Enlightenment