I am proud of the history of race in this country

I am proud of the history of race in this country because it is a story of overcoming evil with good. It is a story of the greatest catalyst for change toward human liberty this world has ever known. 

For thousands of years, people owned other people. For thousands of years, killing and enslaving “the other” was thee way. How could we not be proud of those who participated in ending treating people differently based upon the color of their skin or status in society? 

It makes NO sense to blame the very nation and people who ended this evil which had thousands of years of precedence, for the very evil they worked so hard to end. 

If your family never had a college graduate, would you endlessly demonize the first person to graduate just because they dropped out once? 

It has become vogue to remember our nation for our inherited faults and not for the fact that it was US who paid such a dear price to overcome them. This would be like defining George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison & Isaac Newton for their failures and not for their great contributions to the world. That would be laughably stupid.

It is just as laughable and equally as stupid to define the United States for our failures when it was we the people who set brush firers of human liberty in the hearts and minds of the whole world. It was by and through our declaration of independence that slavery ended in the 1st world. 

Having pride in our victories does not in any way discount those who lived and died in bondage; we should forever remember their plight. It does not discount or minimize the evil of being racist. It is pure evil. What I am saying here is that our story of race in this nation is headlined by our impact on liberty. Any description of this nation that seeks to define us differently is not just a-historical & anti-intellectual but morally wrong. 

We must remember that before the United States, nations’ borders stopped where their power ended. Not before it. History shows us that every powerful nation used to enslave, and every powerful nation used to be imperial to the extent that their strength would allow.

No nation has ever enjoyed a greater gap in power between its own and the next most powerful nation than the United States. And while we have made many mistakes, NO Nation has ever misused their superior power less than we have. No nation has ever used that power to benefit more lives around the world than we have.

It is not even close.


I am proud to continue this struggle against the evil that still seeks to define people not by the content of their character but by the color of their skin. We should all take pride in standing for the liberation of every individual in every nation upon the earth. For we haven't fully won until we all are free.

Racism means something. And what we are seeing in western mainstream culture is its rebranding.

Critical race theory is an anti-truth immoral lie that blames our brave liberators for the very bondage that they so daringly eradicated.

Beyond my leading statement, I want to say here on the record, with chin held high, that I am proud of white people’s impact on racism. Again, it is a story about goodness overcoming evil. It is a story, like many, that has its ups and downs, but in the end, it is a story where the heroes overcame the villains.

Sadly it is for us to again stand against racism. And true to its eternal form, this current racism has taken the shape of a-historical anti-intellectual bullshit. In academia, Whiteness is synonymous with a host of evil, specifically when it comes to race. And while white people, like all other people, have committed numerous atrocities against their fellow man. White people were also the first race of people to effectively and in mass ban slavery. Vermont, a majority white state, was the first large modern governing body to ban slavery, which it did in 1777. I am and you should be very proud of this fact. The next legislative body to do so was a quarter of a century later. And in 1833 a white nation, Britain, was the first to ban slavery altogether. 

I fully believe making things about race is not how to make the world a better place, yet we live in a culture where the mainstream obsessively blames racism on the race who first banned slavery. It is a topic we need to broach, it is an issue we must be honest about. But sadly, we live in a society that is mostly too brainwashed even to have this conversation. People wriggle and panic just at the thought of pride in our nation concerning race or any pride having to do with anything white people have done.

It’s time to grow up. It’s time to be objective. It’s time to stop fearing being called racist by a bunch of people who don’t even know what that word means.

Here is some objectivity for you:

Africa isn't a mess because it was colonized. It is a mess because of incompetence and corruption within its governing bodies then and now. Nations most colonized by Europe are in large and by far doing better than nations that were not or less colonized by Europe. This is an objective matter of record. 

We coddle Africa with the soft bigotry of low expectations. African nations need to get their shit together. Remember, you can still buy slaves in Africa. 

The evil that makes everything about race is again rearing its ugly head. We should all be so bold as to stand against it now like those who stood against it in our past. This victory is worth any cost.

The color of your skin matters more now than it has in years. This is not a good thing, it is a very bad thing

It feels silly to be proud of skin color. I have never felt proud to be white. I am, however, very proud of my heritage, an American heritage, a heritage that includes all skin colors. 

To those who know better, it is time to be an intellectual and stand up for historical facts and obvious truths concerning race. Concerning race, these United States has been a force for good in the world. We should be proud of that history.

Again, beyond dishonesty, it is immoral to blame those who were largely responsible for ending a crime for the crime itself.

It is racist to apologize for whiteness. Stop it. It is also equally as racist to disallow one group of people to have pride in their achievements. And again, it seems silly to me to have pride in a color of skin. But I am proud of our nation that happens to be a majority white (again, an irrelevant matter of fact, yet is what it is) for our record and efforts towards the ending of bigotry and hate.

We have been, and we are, Exceptional.

Don't think I don't understand what saying this will do to my social credit score. I don't care. Neither should you. 

It is time to live in reality again. It’s time to have the stones to talk about scary topics again.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Going on Offense


The Responsibility of Power