Freedom means Freedom

Freedom is both the process and the goal. This is worthy of a lifetime of contemplation. Wherever we separate from this journey and destination, we are missing the mark. We will come up empty to the extent we are not aligned to this immovable reality.

First let’s figure something out:

Are you a conservative or a liberal? These days it is hard to even mean those words. Definitions change faster than pronouns. But it is quite simple. 

  • Do you find yourself advocating for new advancements and progress; do you error on the side of something new? 

  • Or do you tend to conserve the beauty that we are building upon and error on the side of, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

If you are the first, then you are a liberal, the second, a conservative. This does not mean that conservatives do not value progress or that liberals do not value their heritage. 

I myself am a Progressive Liberal. I give the nod to dangerous liberty and risky progress. While I love history, the traditions that brought us modernity, and the brave men and women who came before us, I believe the best way to honor their testimony of courage is to again set sail across the Atlantic. 

We NEED both types of people. 

You may think the best way to honor them is to continue the sound principles that lead them to such progress. And if that is you, I'm so glad you are passionate. 

The tension between these two drive progress.

Sadly Liberal vs. Conservative has turned into Tyranny vs. Liberty. When in their proper place, they are conservers of the principles of freedom & Progressors towards the principles of freedom.

 This must be restored. 

Politically conservative Christians believe in liberty. They believe government should protect life, liberty, and property. They believe that individuals, not bureaucratic entities make the best decisions toward progress. They believe that free markets, not controlled ones, elevate the trajectory of thriving for both the individual and collective. 

For as much shit as Christians get these days, and God knows they deserve a good bit of it, their legacy deserves a ton of credit. The modern world came to be because of Christian culture (*not Judeo/Christian). Everywhere that has had a significant history of Christian culture is thriving far more than areas that have not been so impacted. Even if you look at colonized nations in Africa and the East, the nations that were more colonized are doing far better than those that were not. And it's NOT close. Even countries like Korea and Japan grew to the extent they co-mingled western ways with their own. Where ever Christianity spread, so did human thriving. 

  • *The Jewish people have impacted liberty in many ways but not in a paralleled way to Christians. It would be like mentioning the long snapper and quarterback as Co-MVPs of your Superbowl, both are impactful and important, but one determined the game. It is simply not accurate to mention these two together, thus leading people to believe they each had a similar impact on modernity.

Spiritual folks who are on the left side of the political aisle lean heavily towards freedom when it comes to the unseen reality that is all around us, aka spirituality. They openly explore and vet new ideas with openness. Meet a left-leaning spiritually-minded person, and you will likely find someone interested in whatever you want to explore. (As long as it is not the Abrahamic religions, specifically Christianity. Spiritual lefty's bigotry towards Christians is a whole other topic; I won't dive into it here.) 

We have established that conservative Christians believe in political liberty and that spiritually-minded lefties believe in spiritual liberty. 

The absolutely incredible part is that both groups are controlling and tyrannical regarding the others' love for freedom. 

  • Lefties think Big-Government should control speech, safety, food, drugs, medicine, personal health decisions, travel, and on and on. They know that individual liberty is evil and dangerous. 

  • Conservative Christians think Big-Church is the beginning and end of what is unseen. Anything spiritual understanding that differs from what a bunch of guys decided a thousand-plus years ago is blasphemy, and they know it is evil and dangerous.

Granting others liberty only where you prefer is not a genuine love of freedom, its double-minded manipulation.

If you love liberty, you love liberty. 


Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Forgiveness is a superpower


Black Swan Elon