Black Swan Elon

His Musk-liness’ purchase of Twitter is one of the most important events of the past 100 years. In the same timeframe, he is also the most influential* non-politician/general. Stack ranked below are my top 5:

  • Elon Musk

  • Nikola Tesla

  • Albert Einstein

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Mahatma Gandhi

*positive influence

I certainly do not mean to cast shade on Jr. or Mahatma, they are personal heroes of mine. They are ranked the way they are because, while their contributions to progress were immense and their courage legendary, the trajectories of the areas they impacted would have headed in the same direction without them. This is not so with Albert, Nikola, or Elon. I’m not sure the world would be anything remotely close to what it is like today without them.

The linchpin of civility is access to the full data set. The election of the Great Orange One, aka Donald John Trump caused those in power to transition from subvertly to overtly limiting our access to information.

Those in power were not ready for The People’s Champ… for our Black Swan: Elon.

For those that understand the inevitability of truth being realized, we celebrate this liberation as a monumental course correction and continue our efforts with heart and purpose dedicated to see truth’s unstoppable victory come by word and not blood, ballet and not bullet.

While the morally blind gaggle of blue checkmarks are collectively melting down, and the mainstream media is busy clutching their pearls, our ruling class is plotting a way to deal with Elon and once again bind the public square.

I listened to a “journalist” call Elon a moron with a straight face, he then dove into all his “evidence” proving exactly how Elon, and not him, was dumb. This is what we are up against. They are fools whose selfish eyes only see through lenses of their pride, personal preference, and foolish desire. Furthermore, they suck at what they do; they are only people of weight and consequence to the degree we abdicate ours. The entirety of their power is not from themselves but from our seeded sovereignty.

The good news is that when we confront them, there is nothing there to even fight; they both have, and are, nothing. The depressing part is how a majority of our elected leaders, at best enable, but more commonly reside within this house of cards. The left and right, support and protect this Wizard of Oz power dynamic; they feed into this system because… they feed from it!

We can, and we must, take it all away from them. We can, and we must, do our part in restoring this linchpin of progress. Without our efforts, we will continue this regressive slide from citizen to subject, subject to surf, and from surf to slave.

It is hard to state the impact of liberating the pillars of our public square. It is worth the fight, and we should all be grateful that His Most Muskly Lordship Elon dared to stand in the gap.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Freedom means Freedom


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