A response to the book: “Rise of the Fourth Reich”

This post is in response to: Rise of the Fourth Reich by Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz 

Cutting right to the chase: this book is extra-ordinary, having, in my opinion, no equal.

If you were going to read only one more modern book for the rest of your life, this book is most certainly on the shortlist of those worth consideration. If you can figure this out… understanding the meta-narrative is no longer a bridge too far.

From the outside, this book might seem to be about the happenings and affairs of the here and now, something that could soon be irrelevant and past its time of significance (one of the authors, Daniel, thought the same thing). While the Rise of the Fourth Reich is certainly about current events, this book speaks more-so to our human condition whereby apathy, we find ourselves again on that road to serfdom. This carefully researched book may be the single most effective spotlight towards evil’s timeless mission to embody the angel of light so that it might destroy.

We often talk about the holocaust as one of humanity’s worse events. How much worse would it have been if we didn't even know it happened?! Would it have ever ended?

The custom-fit gas chambers that our public “servants” and “healthcare” workers administered by fear, trickery, and intimidation came in the dead of night and under the cloak of big tech, media companies and governments.

Seventy years ago, the world overtly fought against a handful of dictators and their brainwashed nations. Today we fight a million dictators big and small in a cold war through the fog of those drowning in the pockets of big pharma/government. From heads of state to part-time medical assistants, everywhere we turn is another tyrant drunk on power. Today our doomed journey to the death camp isn’t in a crammed cattle car but by the fanfare and flashing lights of our once great medical system. The distinct rapport of a siren that once was the revelry of our medical cavalry coming to save the day is now the death song of yet another once proud institution fallen from grace.

Evil only shows its true colors in order to achieve what it really wants: Genocide. In the past, with great wickedness came a great light exposing the darkness. In the past, when mass horrific atrocities were committed, we, in turn, knew who the bad guys were, and we acted accordingly. We are currently in jeopardy of letting darkness have their cake and eat it too. If we are not careful in message and mission, they might keep their faux goodness while committing an atrocity so immense that when the dust settles, it will be second to none.

Jesus said, do you want to do something for me, do something for the least of these. I have often asked myself, who are "the least of these" today? At one point, I believed it was those fighting against the nefarious judicial systems around the world. And while this question could be answered in many ways at different times, it is with my whole heart that I believe this book tells the story of our current "least of these." It is the story of millions of people who were purposefully and viciously killed at the hands of our governments, tech companies, medical conglomerates, and hospitals.

This book is what authorship should look like. Authorship should bring Spirit of the Age threatening impact. It is said; “if you strike at the king, best not miss.” When the king is as evil as ours, I say keep striking! Miss? Who cares! Keep striking! One day, a haymaker will land! It is worth any Fox news time slot. It is worth any lost clout at D.C. cocktail parties. The issue is that we don’t strike at all. I hope that this book serves as an example to the all too often grift-laden smattering of books that seem to drip endlessly of the safe sameness that got us into this whole mess. Hopefully, the good guys start to pen anointed nukes of age-shifting, evidence-ridden calls to action like these two Bad-Asses just did.

It has always been the mission of darkness to end life. Sin & Death are mentioned in the same breath for a reason. This book highlights and exposes the means and ways by which darkness partners with mankind to achieve its timeless goal of stealing, killing, and destroying. That’s no light lift. In fact, I would call it one of the more significant pieces of literature period. With the right amount of reach, I believe the Rise of the Fourth Reich’s significance could be on par with Plato’s Republic, Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, Thomas Pain’s Common Sense, and Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. I am certain if Steve or Daniel ever read this assertion that, they would roll their eyes or laugh, but I would remind them that the authors mentioned above, in their time, did not understand the impact of what they had just written. This book is one of those moments.

In the olden days, you could write 95 ideas down, nail them to a door, and it could change the world. One could distribute a brilliant rationale, and it could spark a revolution. The needle in our top-down modern society isn’t moved by ideas or rationale; it is moved by power. We live in a litigious era where the only power greater than the courtroom is at the end of a gun. If we are going to win by word and not by blood, it will be because of efforts like this book. Outside of the strong arm of the law, there is no punch that could end in a peaceful win. While other books may certainly do a great job telling valid stories, none do so in such a way as to bring a court case that might end with trials and executions; for ONLY if those responsible are held to the lightest deserving account: death, might we have any hope of realizing “Never Again.”

If, not, we will continue to miss the moment. We will continue to do the wrong thing at the wrong time.

When we miss our moment as groups and individuals, God raises up a monster and juggernaut to do it for us. We the people abdicated our agency with our support of lukewarm mush like McCain, Bush, and Romney. If it is even possible, we have done worse locally and at the state level. We could have supported and elevated leadership like Washington or Adams, but no, we sold out time and time again, and like Nebicadnezer, we got Trump. While I will be forever grateful for our Orange Advocate, we never should have gotten to the point where he was necessary. I fully believe Trump only ran because he saw our addiction to supporting idiot-sissies and thought it best he step in… and THANK GOD he did! Just look at the last decade of Republican primaries; over and over again, we chose primped-up cowards over the raw fighting spirit of our founders. Will we ever learn?

Make no mistake, if Esther had failed to do her part, Israel would have surely been saved, but it would have come with a greater cost and with a knee bent to yet another who God raised up because of the weakness of his beloved. When we abdicate agency, we lend authority and awaken something that may save us from a momentary calamity, but it only kicks the can down the road so that we might again choose what is right. There is no free lunch.

I have often said Heaven always has a headline. Heaven is doing one thing more than it is doing any other thing. It is important to be doing what He is doing when He is doing it. Sometimes striking a rock is the word of the Lord; sometimes striking a rock leaves you to die in the desert. This book is what He is doing when He is doing it; it is the right thing at the right time; this book has tapped into the task and purpose of Michael; it is blasting the mission of our God and King across the whole earth.

I will leave you with a call to action. This moment comes to you as it did Esther, who risked it all to stand up for the least of those in her time who were also up against a sinister conspiracy to steal, kill and destroy. Mordecai’s words to Esther echo through time to us; they come as a call, a charge, a mission:

Let us determine to be among those who say, “here I am; send me.”

Whoever reads this book will come to some sort of unequivocal superlative-ridden conclusion. There isn’t another moral response.

If the paragraphs above didn’t state it enough, let me say it again: Read it. Then do something about it.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Peace & Safety


What works wins