There is but ONE WAR: This war is Love vs. Fear; it is Freedom vs. Control.

Most assuredly, things are far more complex and nuanced when played out in the real world, yet it is also this simple. Yes, it is this black and white, and also, yes, there is white in the black and black in the white. Yes, there is enough grey to go around and around…But there has still been ONE WAR, a war that has been going on for millennia.

As wheels of time go, this wheel is so large many have yet to realize we are living within it. So what is it? What is this ONE WAR? What is the ageless conflict? What is this struggle that we, the free people of the earth, find ourselves eternally entangled in? It has played out many times in many ways, most notably battles like:

Marathon, Thermopylae, Gaugamela, Salamis, Tours, Lepanto, Reconquista, Constantinople, Mohacs, Vienna.

For more on these battles within the ONE WAR: Click Here

This ONE WAR is:

Islamic values VS Western values

Slavery VS Liberty

Theocratic Tyranny VS Consent of the Governed

Sharia Law VS Common Law

Islam VS Goodness

I have said it many times before, and I will never stop saying it until the day I die. Islam is Evil. Through and through, from beginning to end, it is this world's greatest wickedness; it is Evil in its most dangerous form: A Death Cult masquerading as a Government masquerading as a Religion.

Everywhere Islam is adhered to, the people suffer. The only Islamic states that prosper, prosper EXACTLY to the extent they DO NOT follow Islam. There isn’t one exception. NOT ONE EVER… Let that sink in. I go into this in-depth in my article: Islam is a Government, Not a Religion.

Islam was formed out of the clay of Middle Eastern values; it then did what religions tend to do: it built walls to keep progress out and, therefore, solidified its barbary all the way to the 21st century. Islam has served humanity as an evil portal in time to many of the worst parts of our past.

In this new millennia, we are still fighting this ONE WAR. The problem is that THEY know we are at war, and WE do not. Islam knows what is at stake; they know their one end goal: TOTAL SUBJUGATION of every people in every nation on earth. But the West isn’t even paying attention. At best, we are playing games all the while they hasten this fight to the death. Like in the late Roman period, we are mery-making our way towards destruction from barbarians.

Hamas and the “Prophet” Muhammad have indistinguishable values. In fact, Hamas and other similar factions are good at being Muslims; they closely adhere to their religion. They are living out the dictates and values of their “holy” book and their brutal leader. Liberal progressive Muslims like those who rule over Dubai are bad Muslims, ignoring key tenets AND the very real example of their founder. A founder Muslims are so enamored and enthralled with that they routinely murder people who disparage him. The famously irreverent South Park even pulled punches because their studio knew the dangers of treating Muslims like everyone else. As Sam Harris points out in the podcast linked at the end of this post, the difference between Hamas and Muhammad is… nothing. This, of course, is a huge issue. Inversely, what is the difference between Buddha/Jesus and Hamas… everything!

Islam is Evil. Their leader was Evil. The Quran is Evil. Sharia Law is Evil. Their other writings are Evil. The example of centuries of their rule is Evil. Some will point to the fact that there are also some great teachings as well… awesome, thanks Karen… go get your ass beat by your baby-daddy who also calls you pretty, and then tell me how healthy that is. This is precisely what makes Islam so dangerous; its very nature is a lie; again, Islam is a Death Cult masquerading as a Government masquerading as a Religion. Lies and deception are the foundation of this plague upon mankind; don’t get wrapped up in them. Sadly, the entirety of most people’s opinion on Islam is informed the same way they get every other opinion delivered… by listening to what the corporate media, academia, and other “institutions” tell them to think… Islam is a religion of peace… HAHAHA… it’s all so pathetic.

This ONE WAR started ages and ages ago, and it will continue for ages and ages.

If Western powers had been wise enough to steward the strength it would have taken to keep the Empire of Alexander the Great intact, the whole of the Middle East would not currently be dissimilar from Europe today. Inversely… if the rulers of Europe had not won a majority of the battles listed above, the whole of Europe would not be dissimilar from NON-WESTERNISED Middle Eastern nations today… bum-fuck-Egypt is the Ritz compared to what this world would look like had men like Ferdinand II and Charles Martel not stood in the breach.

Likewise, if manifest destiny had included a southernly root, and all of Mexico were divided into different states within the US, all of Mexico would have a quality of living similar to Texas, Arizona, and California. Inversely… if the United States had been too foolish to push through to California and the West had remained in Mexican control, the whole of the territory would display the depravity found in northern Mexico.

Constantinople was at the height of modernity, ingenuity, and progress. It is now a dirty shithole ruled for centuries by backward dirty shitholes. They are not like us, and we are not like them.

We are superior, they are inferior.

We are superior, not in an inherent racial way, but in our values, priorities, and beliefs. This, of course, is good news! It means that what we have, can be copied and iterated upon to create even more flourishing and beauty.

Much of history has been rewritten by western-hating sissies. Among my least favorite revisions is the demonization of the Crusades. The Crusades were a defensive war after Centuries of Muslim aggression. Tale as old as time, this same bait and switch is happening today; this same obvious lie is propagandized everywhere we turn our heads: Islam is a victim and peaceful. No. Islam is the victimizer; Islam is always in a state of War… ONE WAR. ONE WAR TO RULE THEM ALL… US ALL. It is about time the rat-race class pops their head out of the sand before it’s too late, before we lose another Constantinople. Look at Minneapolis; look at every European city that has suffered a massive influx of Muslim immigrants. That’s how bad it gets when such regressive ideas are in the minority. We should be ever vigilant against them becoming a majority. Our very lives depend on it. Full Stop.

Islam highly values lies and liars. These lies continuously position Islam as meek, lowly, and peaceful when it is admittedly, openly, and proudly brutal and tyrannical. Islam calls the United States the Great Satan while it daily openly spews the values most similar to the horned man written about in so many wisdom traditions.

The early Muslim victories were the fruits of others’ values. Like a politician reaping the benefits from, and taking credit for, a previous administration's sound economic policies, Muslims siphoned off the remaining value stemming from Alexander and others who left a legacy of progress until all that was left was what they wanted, what they created, what they valued: dirt, dust, death, depression, and destruction. It took centuries, but eventually, they completely weeded out the goodness that would point Europe toward the enlightenment. Absent the codification of their now beloved death cult, the Arab states likely would have continued to refine their culture towards goodness, and the Golden Age might have just been a beginning instead of an anomaly. Officially, this Golden Age is referred to as the Islamic Golden Age… that is like calling it the Cancerous Health Era or Rapiest Love Making… Islamic values killed, not caused this Golden Age. Today, we see another Arab Golden Age beginning out of the UAE, and just like the last one, it has borrowed the values of the West in order to achieve such benefits for its people. The UAE is thriving specifically and in great intimate detail because it is going against the dictates of Islam. I salute them, keep it up! This is how changes are made! Yet we all know in a matter of weeks, the barbarism of Islamists can take over and drag this progressing nation back to the Middle Ages.

With even average governance, Gaza would be a Mediterranean paradise. Any person chosen at random from the United States phonebook could turn the billions upon billions given in aid to Gaza into something incredible compared to the SHITHOLE it is today. If one could replace the values of the people of Gaza with any Western nation, again, in just a few short years, we would be able to see major signs of it becoming a Mediterranean paradise. If one could switch the entire population of Sweden and Gaza. Sweden would become the SHITHOLE Gaza is today, and Gaza would become as prosperous as Sweden.

The reality is that Gaza is a hot mess dedicated to medieval incestual corruption; its people are dedicated to the highest degree of backward priorities. The people of Gaza’s worship of Muhammad’s depraved set of ideas provoked them to fuck-around at scale, causing them to now receive a large-scale portion of finding-out. Oh, but they are the victims; it’s their land? First of all, No. Secondly, even if it was… it isn’t anymore… and thankfully so! One might say… oh, so that means might makes right?.. also, no… competence makes right. When in doubt we should always tip our caps to those most competent, towards those who improve human flourishing. Israel took a rock outcropping and turned it into one of the most progressive cities in the world. Palestine has been heading backward in an increasing fashion, correlating with the degree of control they possess. Israel lets new thoughts sort themselves out in the marketplace of ideas, Palestine stones new ideas to death or tosses them off buildings. Israel empowers women, Palestine oppresses women… NEED I GO ON??

P.S. Have I mentioned Gaza is a medieval SHITHOLE yet? Oh, I’m sorry… does that hurt your feelings? Grow up bitch. You are a part of the problem, a problem that is responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history.

One of our CORE issues and shortcomings when it comes to appropriately dealing with Islam is how we garner them respect when they deserve none. They are barbarians. It is inappropriate to respect, in even the slightest fashion, tyrannical authoritarian, women-oppressing, jew hating, gay murdering, genocidal savages. Only active and vehement disrespect is appropriate; nothing less than total condemnation is enough. Anything less is moral confusion and the abandonment of virtue. They can do better. They should do better. And if and when this happens, they will gain earned respect. For now, they are receiving deserved and earned destruction. Is it sad women and children are dying? SO SAD! This devastating reality is one of the main reasons it is so important to live towards virtue and avoid war. For more on this, click: here.

They say they love death more than we love life; BELIEVE THEIR WORDS! They show they love using pipes and concrete meant for running water to build terror tunnels and make rockets to target civilians; BELIEVE THEIR ACTIONS!

We have all been lied to; many have the paradigm all wrong. It isn’t the Marxist Colonizer vs. Colonized. It is: Liberty or Oppression? Women or Oppression? Free Expression or Oppression? Progression or Oppression? Thriving or Decay? Life or Death? Choose your fucking side.

When will we join the fray? When will we take a stand? When will we take back our lands? LONDON BELONGS TO THE BRITISH. PARIS BELONGS TO THE FRENCH. BERLIN BELONGS TO THE GERMANS. MINNEAPOLIS BELONGS TO US CITIZENS. It didn’t used to be controversial to say such a thing. It used to be that such statements were so understood that if uttered, most would wonder the point of even saying it… of course… yes… and the sky is blue… the grass is green, and so on. Now, such statements are considered “hateful.” If that’s the way it is, we have not yet begun to hate. The damn of collectivism has a mortal crack, and the people are about to break through. The ruling class and Islam sycophants can consider it whatever they please… hate speech, racism, blah blah blah… we have heard it all a million times, and we don’t care.

The words of Lincoln ring true concerning our ancient and current war against Islamic values as they did on that great battlefield in Pennsylvania. “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.” Millions have given their life to stand against the tyranny of Caliphates. It most assuredly is for us to continue this great task. It is up to us to take our nations back. It is up to us to uplift and uphold the values that rendered us this costly gift of modernity and civility. It is up to us to DARE, to stand on the shoulders of those who so selflessly gave their one noble life to see that liberty would prevail. We must look to those like Charles Martel, who, wave after wave, bore the assault of the caliphate’s heavy calvary and then gathered ranks and, like a rampant lion, roared forward, bringing the fight to the enemy.

In the fall of 1686, things were looking bleak for the resource-depleted besieged city of Vienna. Then the Winged Hussars arrived. In the late afternoon on the 12th of September, atop the most renowned great horses in Europe, with long lance and wings of eagle feathers, the dauntless men of the Winged Hussars led by Sobieski, in tight rank and shining glory, stormed down the hills northwest of Vienna and smashed through the lines of the Ottomans, lifting the siege. This was the real-life ride of the Rohirrim. Just as the Rohirrim saved Gondor and the realm of men, the Winged Hussars saved Vienna and the rest of Europe from a further onslaught of the Ottoman Islamic Califate, a califate not dissimilar from ISIS or any other barbaric Islamic Jihad.

Islamic chronicler Mustafa Naima witnessed the charge of the Winged Hussars and penned the following:

  • "The Polish cavalry, with their wings like angels, descended upon us with such fury that it was as if a divine wind had swept through our ranks. We were helpless before their might."

Another Ottoman who witnessed the charge wrote:

  • "The sight of the cavalry, adorned with wings, descending upon our ranks was like witnessing a storm from the heavens. Their speed and ferocity were unparalleled, and they struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest of our warriors."

Ottoman soldier’s remarks:

  • "In the heat of battle, when the Winged Hussars charged, it felt as though a thunderbolt had struck the earth. Their presence was both awe-inspiring and dreadful, and many of our comrades fell to their lances and sabers." Another soldier added, “for they were like demons on horseback.”

May we always be considered demons to demons. May we always put fear in the hearts of evil men. It is up to us to Make Ready, it is Every Good Man’s calling to be able to answer the bell when our brothers are in need. We should all dare to be men like the Winged Hussars who trained and kept their weapons ready and, when duty called, with legendary courage, change the course of history.

The majesty and awesome might of these warriors surely struck fear into the Caliphate, a fear so great that even the bravest among them were shaken when they came into view. This great terror played a major role in not just that days victory, but the end of the Ottoman’s thirst for conquest. Evil only responds to one thing: overwhelming force. The Ride of the Winged Hussars was just that, overwhelming, it was the largest cavalry charge in history, and it marked the furthest point the Muslim invaders made it into Europe until the little bitches in charge these days allowed an invasion of rubber rafts and migrant caravans.

Say what you want about men like Tommy Robinson; Sobieski and Martel look down on them with a smile. I’ll take men like Tommy with all the mistakes three thousand times before I bend the knee to the primped, perfect niceties of men like Klaus Schwab and Barak Obama, men who want to fundamentally end the things Sobieski charged to save.

A top-tier issue in every Western nation should be Mass Deportation of 3rd world immigrants, first and foremost from Islamic nations. Just like with the “Islamic” Golden Age, if they want to prosper, they can implement more Western values in their perspective nations and transform them into a place people would want to vacation or maybe even live. We don’t need their values they need ours. Subsidizing Islamic values by bringing them to our nations will bleed the goodness and competence out of the West just as their values bled the Great legacy of Alexander out of their own regions over a thousand years ago.

Outside of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Sam Harris’ breakdown of the issues surrounding the Islam problem is top-tier. I highly recommend listening to this episode of his podcast linked here: Making Sense with Sam Harris, Episode 367

Remember, before we do anything about it, we are going to have to become comfortable saying out loud that which is wholly and clearly true.

We are superior, they are inferior.

Western Values are superior. Islamic values are inferior.

Many know the delusion around the word, “racism.” Our collective foolishness has elevated this word above the power of all but a few nation-states. Less talked about is the equally untouchable word “superior” or “supremacy.” In a similar fashion, we have made the negative term racism and the positive word superior leprosy. Our surrender to the postmodern rot has disallowed us from acknowledging that one way is superior to another, no matter the thousand years plus of evidence. We must think, then say, and then act on the fact that our culture is objectively morally superior.

It is ok to boldly stand in the gap for goodness.

Western values are superior. Islamic values are inferior.

This ONE WAR is raging, and it will continue to rage for a long, long time to come.

It is up to us to hold the line for individual liberty, for goodness.

Do your part. Answer your call. Your bloodline looks to you.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory

An Appeal to Heaven


Intuit > Intellect