Intuit > Intellect

We all have blind spots. Greatness holds within it the ability to recognize the early signs of living within one.

Greatness course corrects without fear or favor. Intuition looks at the unknown as an opportunity; intellect isolated views the unknown as a threat.

Intelligence is blind. Intuition sees anew.

Intelligence doubles down. Intuition considers, it decodes a deeper wisdom.

Intelligence abhors logic. Intuition welcomes insights.

Intelligence excludes. Intuition is Vast.

Intelligence sites incestuous experts. Intuition looks to humanity and the natural order of things.

Intelligence races blindly towards function. Intuition sets the table for beauty.

Intelligence is yang. Intuition brings yin-yang.

Intelligence is earth and fire. Intuition is wind and water.

Intelligence conserves. Intuition risks.

Intelligence is fooled by hype. Intuition reminds intelligence why it is so important and greatly needed.

Intelligence boasts in perceived wisdom. Intuition knows there are gaps to be found.

Intelligence looks for a fight. Intuition looks for a new beginning.

Intelligence elegantly sorts through undisputed facts. Intuition brings the leadership that shapes the age.

Intelligence is more masculine. Intuition is more feminine.

And now you know why we don’t value the ability to intuit. Because our culture dishonors women, it hates femininity. Collectively, we still refuse to honor the true feminine; we refuse to let women rise in their femininity. We force them to drown in the armor of Saul.

Intelligence and Intuition should work together, but if any given mission were only to have one, the decision is clear to me. Who cares how far you run if it's often in the wrong direction? What archer brags about an arrow shot with bad aim?

When we allow history/humanity to be our guide, we see great men and women fall hard, not for a lack of intelligence but for a lack of seeing what is clearly and plainly right in front of them. We see them charging through the Russian tundra in winter, waking a sleeping Tiger in the middle of the Pacific, refusing to let a Great Depression naturally end. Intelect sees the past and defines the future. Intuition opens the door to new possibilities. Intelligence finds a way to say no, we can’t. Intuition finds the yes in a sea of no’s.

Greatness gathers virtues in plenty, with courage and character conducting, greatness appoints both intelligence and intuition to their perspective first chairs within a symphony of noble pursuits. Our mission should be to have a liberal understanding of the broadest and most diverse set of all that encompasses what is good, noble, and true. Let’s not let the authoritarian-regressives steal the beauty and great width and depth of love. Intuition leads us to the road less traveled, where in leaves no step had trodden black; it leads us to the “space between,” a space that is often the birthplace of progress, a space where exciting new ideas hide for us. When we allow our intuition to lead, we find enjoyment in the overlooked and upside-down; it is in those places, those spaces, where we find revelation just around the corner.

Fools see red, and in this anger, see only black and white. To them, the baby and the bath water both must go. Those who hold the tension required to bring progress to our shared world will intellectually be able to spot the many degrees of nuance and intuitively see the new goodness for what it is: a soon-and-coming beauty.

Like anything powerful, if corrupted, it brings its own unique plague. Intuition given over to fear and control binds instead of liberates, shames instead of uplifts, and murders instead of bringing new life. The pride and greed of intelligence corrupted gives itself over to gluttony and laziness. Intuition corrupted tirelessly pursues goodness to utter destruction; it is the all-seeing eye of Mordor, which never sleeps on its mission to destroy the object of its misplaced compassion.

We shame the true feminine with a pat on the head and a condescending glance. The collective is still asking intuition to be intelligence. We belittle the very thing our shared world is thirsting for. Ladies, I know you feel it. Maybe you don’t know why you feel so out of place, not valued and misunderstood. Some even hate the masculine because they know they will never be as good at it as men. There is a better way. It is up to us to restore both intelligence and intuition, allowing them to bring the fruit of this harmonious marriage. It is up to us to make space for the wind and waves to be the wind and waves.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory



Women & Children Die in War, and that’s Acceptable.