There aren’t any Native Americans.

There are Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Iroquois, Choctaw, Apache. None of them are Native Americans.

There aren’t any Native Americans. Only People who immigrated earlier.

This of course is a fact. The earth didn’t spawn into existence with certain peoples here or there. Everyone came from somewhere at some time.

Out of all the clandestine Marxist bullshit, the “noble savage” certainly competes for the top spot of objective matter of record buffoonery. Take a look at the tribe on the North Sentinel Island. Would you rather live there, or in the USA/Europe? The savagery of the North Sentinel Island is what would still be going on in the United States if it were left untouched. There would still be tribes savagely genociding other tribes.

Unlike those morally superior presidents of Ivy League schools, I am going to go out on a limb and condemn genocide in all its forms, I’ll even go as far as saying less genocide is better.

The world is a far better place because the “West” came to the New World. This doesn’t excuse any of the evils committed by those bringing prosperity across the ocean, the Trail of Tears and other atrocities were and are reprehensible. But the whole world was full of brutality. Brutality like the Iroquois completely wiping out the Erie Indians, the few survivors were taken by force as wives or slaves. There are untold stories like that of the Erie Indians over the many centuries before civilization arrived.

Western culture is FAR greater than Tribal Culture. When tribes had a “business” dispute they would go to war. How do you think the above-mentioned Erie got wiped out to the last man, woman, and child? Even after all its shortcomings, the current-day business world is far better without Apple and Microsoft seeking to wipe out every, C-suite, Marketing Director, and phone jockey.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Down South D-Day


It will ever be we