Down South D-Day

It’s an invasion.

It’s on purpose.

Its purpose is NOT to make US stronger.

H-Hour was 06:30 on the stormy morning of June 6th, 1944. 6,000 ships and 12,000 planes supported the 133,000 British, French, and American soldiers who landed on five beaches in Normandy France during one of the largest invasions in military history. This invasion, of course, was to assimilate into Nazi-controlled Europe, bring no changes, and keep everything the same.

jk lol! Invasions are always, Always, ALWAYS to make the place invaded COMPLETLY different.

In December 2023 alone over 300,000 people have crossed our southern border, more than DOUBLE D-Day! Gates were welded open, obstacles were removed, barbed wire was taken down and the untold thousands have been released into the interior of our once sovereign land.

The goal is to bring US to our knees.

This isn’t hyperbole or an exaggeration in any way. Unlike their useful-idiots, the people managing our decline, the people allowing this know exactly what they are doing. They even hate the people they are bringing in, but our betters won’t let them live where they live. They have walls around every hour of their life, at home, at work, and on vacation. They have armed security and every other benefit of corruption.

Domestic chaos came up short, BLM failed to bring the levels of chaos they hoped, so they had to import a higher proof, a more potent evil.

The safest and most stable states are the states with the most homogeneous populations.

The safest and most stable nations are the nations with the most homogeneous populations.

You may be ignorant to this… with their lying hand up your ass you may be shouting, “Diversity is our Strength” and “No human is illegal,” But they know EXACTLY what they are doing. The goal of this invasion is to bring the exact opposite of safety and stability!

STOP AND LET THAT SINK IN… All the things you LOVE and ENJOY they want to END. There is nothing that would make the global elites more happy than the total decay of civilization within our divided states. We mustn’t take their bate, it is time to hold fast this great Union.

Plain and simple, the ruling class wants to destroy the United States as the global hegemony. For all the droning EU pussies who are no less brainwashed than 1940s Germans, you better hope that doesn’t happen. If one day you wake up and the Chinese / Russian / Iranian alliance has control with no rival in sight you will get to learn how fucking lucky you were to have Team America run this shit.

People live like what they have already seen are the only possible options. (see concert near the terrorist hell hole Gaza) They go on with their day inching closer and closer to the rampant lion. They poke the bear, confident it will stay sleeping. Fuck around… Find out… All these cute games are going to end with a flood of enlightenment.

It took around 1,000 terrorists to pull off the attacks in Israel on October 7th. We have well over 20 million illegals who have invaded this country. The ease with which our enemies could slip ten times the number that attacked Israel should blow past our addiction to experience bias. There are no guarantees, leaders draw conclusions based on our irrevocable shared humanity, leaders sift probabilities, they weigh reality against reality. We all have a part to play in each other’s lives. If you are not leading somewhere you are failing… Lead...

Make Ready…

and Remember:

  1. The meek will inherit the earth.

  2. Wait until you see the whites of their eyes.

  3. There is a time and a place for everything under the sun.

  4. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

  5. Restoration alone brings victory.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

What is right doesn’t need an apology tour.


There aren’t any Native Americans.