Kamala can’t Talk and her Supporters don’t Think

There are two main groups that vote for Kamala:

  1. People who do not understand how the world works.

  2. People who do understand how the world works but have TDS. (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Change my mind… Show me someone who understands how economies work (at a 101 level) AND is not deeply offended by Trump… yet is voting for Harris.

There are plenty of people who look past the cult of personality surrounding Trump and support him because of his record and policy positions.

No one is voting for Kamala because of policy because she does not yet have any beyond a copy paste of the Biden positions, aka what her handlers told her to say. All she has done is run from her deeply held positions for her entire life because they are unpopular with the American people. The focus groups aren’t finished; they haven’t had time to craft the narrative. Yet, even if she ever actualy releases her policy positions, this will not be why people vote for her. Her voters are broadly women and unthinking, triggered, effeminate men. It is high levels of emotion and reasonless, un-objective femininity that often yearn for the D in the voting booth.

  • *Note: Kamala’s core beliefs and actual policy positions will come flooding back when the time is “right” (and by right, I mean crafted.) When the next mass shooting happens at a school because we refuse to protect them… all of a sudden, Kamala will find herself where she has always been in her heart of hearts, reaching to grab the guns.

Deeper Dive:

  1. The world works on money. People who don’t work for money or know how money works can be swayed by any talking point. Really doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is where they get their information. They simply have no idea what drives an economy… if you ask such an individual to explain, their total ignorance becomes more apparent than an open poker hand. Yet they will not chest their cards. They double down because they do not know what they do not know; their awareness of their ignorance is as low as their propensity to comprehend when it is explained.

  2. Those who do understand basic economics and are voting for Kamala will almost certainly be so moved by Trump that the mere mention of his name puts them in an altered state. This is not hyperbole…you can see a sort of possession come over them at the sound of His Great Orange name. “Voldemort.”

Government Supremacy voters, aka Kamala voters, all present their positions the same way… and I do mean all:

  • Zoom way in on some narrow detail to draw meta conclusions. From CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc., to your blue-haired neighbor, it’s the same thing: bring up a weakly reasoned trigger to justify a worldview. Didn’t you hear, “It’s a Vibes election.” Logic, evidence, reason, and certainly policy are out.

When talking with such a person, it is so easy to expose their methods… zoom out to first principles, evidence, logic, and reason. When confronted, along with doubling down, Kamala drones all react the same… all… whether it be the corporate media or a friend:

  1. Autisic level obsession with some zoomed-in narrow point from which they word salad.

  2. Start mud-slinging.

  3. Change the subject / end the conversation.

It is so sad to see an adult degrade themselves in such ways. But what other options do they have?

Example 1:

  • Kamala supporter: Trump’s economy was bad; he lost millions of jobs. Kamala and the Democrats are better on the economy.

  • Response: What you are referring to was due to COVID; I would encourage you to look at those same numbers you just cited between 2016 and 2019. Could you help me understand what creates a strong economy and how Kamala has and will support those things?

  • Kamala supporter: The dumbest shit you have ever heard. See 1-3 listed above.

Example 2:

  • Kamala supporter: Trump is a devider. We need more unity. He said, (they quote some mean thing Trump said.)

  • Response: Were Mitt Romney and John McCain women-hating, racist fascists? These are the types of accusations the systems and institutions of the left made toward these men. I think what you don’t like is the right finally has someone who fights back. But you said we need more unity; Elon Musk isn’t a Republican, RFK isn’t a Republican, Tulsi Gabbard isn’t a Republican, yet they have all joined the MAGA movement with their own issues and missions. Black, Hispanic, and Jewish support for MAGA is surging. How has Kamala and the Democrat party decreased division and helped our nation find a common unity?

  • Kamala supporter: The dumbest shit you have ever heard. See 1-3 listed above.

The left has long pursued a managed decline of the United States, something that becomes more obvious every year. Twenty years ago, it took a significantly higher level of economic and business acumen to confidently spot the plot. These days, a base level of common sense and lack of offense is enough to spot the widening gap between what the establishment is doing and what they have the ability to hide, leaving the only option to shove all in on fear. Why do you think the outrage machine is running at red-line RPMs? They NEED the outrage to get support; they need the outrage to blind thinking people because outrage, aka fear, supersedes progress and other gains. When the chief demand of the hierarchy of needs, “safety,” isn't being met, everything else, no matter how obvious, can quite easily be swept aside and ignored.

The manufactured outrage is the issue. If you want to move the needle, help show how Trump is a good man. Help show how good men are often nuanced and complicated. Show how when people seem to be perfect, it is often due to lies and manipulation, not reality.

Help others see the truth… ORANGE MAN GOOD!


Proof of Work > Proof of Stake