Women & Children Die in War, and that’s Acceptable.

Oh, was it just supposed to be young men?

War is the second worst outcome when things go awry between powers. (The worst being enslavement). We should, with utmost diligence, work to avoid War. A real war, a war between great powers, always, ALWAYS spills over to killing civilians… women and children. Again…


What did you think War was… chess pieces moving across a black and white field? War is endless shades of shameful grey, it is Death, Destruction, Rape, Murder, Torture, Starvation, Fear, and so much more. Civilians should understand the consequences of giving the ruling class so much power. Letting any government get drunk on power yields the same result decade after decade, century after century, millennia after millennia: War, War, War, War, War, War, War, War, War, War, War.

Such calamities are only and always made possible through and by the collective foolishness of civilians. Civilians should not be shocked they often pay the ultimate price.

But why is it acceptable for women and children to die? Because that is what War is and always has been. LIVE IN REALITY! EITHER DON’T ACCEPT WAR aka DO WHAT IT TAKES TO AVOID IT… OR UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO AND ACCEPT THAT THERE ARE UNTHINKABLE HORRORS THAT COME WITH WAR. What a weird and entitled delusion to think that we can be the first people to have war without such terrible events.

I’m sure the title and image for this post hit many people hard… good… me too… and if you’re the kind of dullard that can’t see the purpose of what I’m saying here… let me spell it out again… BEING OFFENDED BY THE REALITY OF WAR IS THE POINT! War is Death; understand its consequences, be more serious about making sure it doesn’t happen, and vote like the lives of many depend on it.

If you don’t want dead women and children, figure out a way to avoid war. Sadly, our attempt to avoid war has often been to give more power to unapproachable bureaucracies, which do nothing more than set the table for the next big war.

I am not saying there isn't a time and a place to go to War. There certainly is. It is for us, we the people, to soberly and thoroughly count the cost…and… if and when the price is right, ante up.

The people of Japan got to find out why you shouldn’t start a war. So did the people of Dresden. Many have asked the question… should we have dropped the sun on two Japanese cities? If it meant avoiding an invasion of mainland Japan, WITHOUT HESITATION! The other option was to have what experts expected to be a million deaths of young American men. Are men so expendable that a million of the good guys are worth less than a few hundred thousand of the bad guys simply because they are not soldiers? All you Monday morning quarterbacks, go tell all the American moms, dads, wives, and children that the lives of their sons, husbands, and dads mattered 2x less than the lives of a brainwashed and brutal enemy responsible for over 20 million civilian deaths. After only a few of those gold star conversations, you would be eager to show the Emperor the true meaning of a rising sun.

When great powers are at war, a nation should understand what is on the table: mass death for not just men but women and children. This has been true when there is a war between great powers in every time and place on earth.


It is the job of civilians to keep tabs on their own government to ensure three things.

ONE: Be Great at Avoiding War, especially with great powers.

TWO: Be the biggest and badest guy on the block if a war does start.

THREE: Be vigilant to ensure power and rights start with the individual and then flow towards centralized power.


  • Your government doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care because it’s not alive, it has no will or soul to care with, and it is run by a bunch of power-hungry, holier-than-thou bureaucrats who care about themselves first and foremost, and oftentimes, exclusively.

  • Your government does EVERYTHING to protect their interest, not yours.

  • They classify information to protect themselves, not you.

  • They make regulations to line their pockets, not yours.

  • And so on and so on…

The “News” hides how horrific War is to help keep us apathetic to our continuous involvement in it. Don’t let them rule your mind; look at what is really happening, be intentional about understanding the consequences of the road to serfdom.

Ladies… remember, there are no rights beyond what you can defend. Therefore, all women's rights come from men. It would be wise to give as much power to the men who know and love you and as little power as possible to men who don’t know you from Adam and certainly are indifferent to your suffering. It is surpassingly unwise to surrender our sovereignty to the ruling class, which is more than willing to get you wrapped up in a war that might lead to a level of chaos most can only imagine. Do you think the women getting repetitively raped in tunnels in Gaza wish they could have made a stand with their friends and families with their own rifles? Too late, the Israeli people surrendered their sovereign ability to own and carry weapons to the state, a state that didn’t show up to defend them for HOURS. A state that does not care even one-millionth of the degree that they or their families do.

Yes, I understand the government is big, bad, and scary. Whelp, that’s on us. We allowed it to get that way. And when it goes feral, we are all going to be the ones who pay the price. Either by being drafted into their useless wars, getting our teeth kicked in by a group of nations, or because we have to confront them to make the costly change ourselves. In every scenario, we, the people, suffer.

Evil only responds to one thing: overwhelming force… nothing less. War is avoided through strength, strength that must first come from the individual. We have all heard Teddy's quote about our government speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Well, that’s for fairytales and the land of make-believe. All of history and objective reality shows that when only the state has the big stick, eventually, the people get the brunt of it. It is up to we the people to ENSURE THEY DON’T MISUSE THEIR POWER. Because if we do not make such assurances, we… all of we… yes, women and children too, will in time pay a horrible price.

IT IS UP TO US. It always has been and ever will be.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory

Intuit > Intellect


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