Hey, Ruling Class, It’s OVER

We, the PEOPLE, are WINNING.

Hey Globalists, IT’S OVER.

Dearest Globalists, don’t you fret; the world is coming together on its own. We are, and will be a global people, but not by the pull of your chains. Our shared world will certainly become more global and accessible to greater and greater numbers of people by the unique individual genius of those who dream and work hard to see those dreams realized. We will come together by the unleashing of human liberty, by the sensibility of free expression, free association, free enterprise, free markets, free-thinking, free speech, a free internet, and liberated currency.

The Revolution is in full swing! IT’S CONCLUSION HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN. I can not state this enough. IT IS OVER FOR THE RULING CLASS. Their authoritarian oligarchical rule is not coming back. In the same way, the pampered monarchs of Europe never returned to their power once overthrown; our ruling elite will never regain their power. IT. IS. OVER.

How do I know for certain that it is over?

The dread of tyrants and the hope of the people is always a great awakening. Always. The sleeping Tiger stirs. The dread in the mountain slumbers no longer. We are that dread. The people in this greatest of nations* and across the world in lesser* nations have seen the devastation of what we have allowed our governments to become. The truth behind the Great OZ can not be unseen. There is no going back. You know all the memes of one person yelling at the masses and all the masses obeying? This meme has 3 parts. One with one person controlling everyone. Then one person stands up to them, and the person in charge yells louder. The third image is everyone else joining in and the original ruler bowing down to the people. In the summer of 2024, we are in the process of the masses standing up and shouting back. Their power has always ended exactly where we say it does. Everything they do is because we go along with it. They have nothing, nothing without us. I go into more detail on why IT IS OVER in the post: Caesar Among Us.

This Revolution's first big moments were the Tea Party in the US, then Brexit, and the then that big right upper cut with Trump winning in 2016. Yet the nail in the globalist coffin was the cheating in the 2020 US election. This sealed their fate. Had they allowed Trump to win his opposition would have only continued to gather strength, and as America goes so goes the West. Instead, they did a bang-up job at cheating the American people out of their soverign choice, and in responce the hearts and minds of the masses have been leaping to the right for years.

Oh, you don't think they cheated, hahaha… prove it. They unlawfully refused to verify a verifiable election. There can only be one conclusion: it was rigged. End of argument. Like the argument for our right to bear arms, if you can’t prove the government will never become tyrannical, then you have no argument. Both of these are simple logical certainties. Everything else they promised they were not doing, in time, it is shown that… yes they were. Do you really think the single most important thing, who controls the greatest power in human history, is where these liars are being honest? Do you think this supremely important moment is the exclusion and exception to their obsession with control? Laughable. Foolish. It should be considered gross misconduct of reason to hold such a view and it should be punishable by eye rolls and disappointed head shakes. It is to the point where I feel bad for everyone still squatting in the squaller of the most obvious lie on planet Earth.

The people of Europe have not even begun to fight. If the elites think the EU elections were bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Great European Nations are rising! Their people are rising!

  • Vival La France, France is Rising!

  • Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit, Germany is rising!

  • Rule, Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, England is rising!

  • Za wolnosc nasza i wasza, Poland is rising!

  • Sverige at svenskarna, the Swedes are rising!

  • Eire go Brach, Ireland is rising!

  • Je Manintiendrai, the Dutch are rising!

  • Espana, una, grande y libre, Spain is rising!

  • Viva l’Italia, Italy is rising!

  • Alba gu brath, Scotland is rising!

In one accord, the new world is linked in this shared destiny.

  • True North is strong and free, the Canadians are rising!

  • Make America Great Again, Americans are rising!

ITS OVER! Again, I can’t say it enough. This system of robbery, time theft, and market manipulation bullshit is over. It is not coming back. I write for this for two groups of people, first for those losing heart and giving up, and second for the ruling classes’ good-hearted useful-idiots. Hey, no offense; we have all played the role of the useful-idiot in this way or that. Many have been the tools of the globalists to push their regressive, illiberal agendas against the sovereignty of the individual and against the universal principles of goodness. What’s worse than being wrong today, still being wrong in 10 years. The good-hearted goals of many of these tools need to see that the realization of their mission is only found in FREEDOM. You are welcome on the side of Liberty; we want and NEED you… your experience and your passionate heart. Our victory is coming! There is nothing you can do to stop it. But our victory will not be as complete without you, without the beauty that you bring. Oh, you don’t like that I called you an idiot… WE ARE IDIOTS TOO, and we need you to help us in those places. The way forward is together, living out the principles of Liberty. Without you, there will always be something missing; without you, our shared lives will unwittingly head toward a new and different oppression. We need you to help rudder the ship of our shared lives. Welcome brother. Welcome sister. Welcome friend.

The ruling class has been untouchable for so long; with cocktail parties in the evenings, they lie, cheat, steal, kill, and destroy while drowning in the lavish extravagance of another man’s toil.

The despots who commit wanton crimes against humanity should remember the four days it took to dispose of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Nicolae went from a brutal dictator with unapproachable power to dead in FOUR DAYS; he and his wife were executed after a trial where only a small sample of his evil was enough to end his reign of tyranny. In an inspiring and beautiful moment, the people of Romania defied him and his regime openly to his face while giving a speech; the energy and will of the people inspired those waiting for their chance to take him down, those good men who were patiently waiting for the will of the people to awaken and speak out sprung into action, changing the course of a nation.

It takes mercy and restoration to move forward together in the most progress-oriented way instead of how wrong the global ruling class is. We have to continue to widen the tent pegs through Common Ground, but NOT through Compromise. We need more people, true diversity, not the bullshit version that is conformity in sheep's clothing.

Let us end with the facts clearly laid out: The Revolution has already begun. It is in full swing, building momentum, and can not be stopped. All who oppose it will fail; some will lose steam and quietly go away, and others will get run over by it, but many will join the side of liberty and goodness.

To all, we say: welcome!

Two things are still quite uncertain: the cost of this victory, and the degree to which we pave the way for a new birth of freedom or the next coming tyranny. Heaven manifest is not on the other side of our victory, our shared world will still be full of the beautiful mess that is humanity. There will asuradly be future struggles toward goodness in the future. What has yet to be determined is the extent of one or the other. Will we make the same mistakes as the post-WWII generation that excluded new beauties, forcing them to mutate into destructive forces? Or will we, like our great founding fathers, create something that pours goodness into the whole earth for centuries?

Which one it will be is Up To US.

*Why make the distinction between the greatest and lesser nations? Because the truth matters. Truth does not compromise. The whole point of being better isn’t to lord it over the lesser but to raise others up to not only to be where they are but to help them go above and beyond.


Getting rid of Biden is like having someone else take a Shit for you


Common Ground Doesn’t Compromise