Getting rid of Biden is like having someone else take a Shit for you

I posted this almost one year ago. I am writing this new header the morning after the first 2024 presidential “debate.” Biden has never been in charge, replacing him is NOT replacing who is in charge. It is simply the ruling elite changing their avatar. Whoever comes next will be just as controlled as the ole bag of bones we saw trying to look alive last night.

Well-deserved vulgarity to follow:

Biden isn’t in charge. If you disagree, stop drinking tap water.

Anyway… many of our “public servants,” at all levels, on all sides, are mere puppets of a global political machine who, by threats, blackmail, and bribery, only allow total pussies and fuckwits through to the finish line. For non-elites to make it through this Maginot Line raised to the Atlantica Wall, they need to have an iron will, the thickest skin, and a fafillion dollars. To win against the ruling class, with their conspirators in the corporate media and intelligence agencies (are we still distinguishing between the two?), regular folks need a creature un-alike anything our conditioning and brainwashing demand; we need an unstoppable force of nature, a miracle, a monster… a big Orange monster…

In July 2023 we are witnessing 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein vote in Congress without any idea of what the fuck was going on and Little-Bitch-Mitch McConnell error out at the podium. Both sides are run by traitors to their constituents. These frauds are controlled, not by oath or promises made to we the people, but by the goose-stepping marching orders from a global class of Fiat-fucks. AND ITS OBVIOUS!

Biden isn’t in charge of breakfast, let alone the free world. He means nothing to anyone but sheep, charlatans, and fools. This, of course, is a feature, not a bug. The names of well-known politicians running the current US regime, the names loved and propped up by the established pillars of our society, are but chaff in the hurricane of central banks and the global elite. They exist at the whim and slightest fancies of those who actually hold the power.

Demand different. Demand controversy. Demand raw humanity. Demand flawed reality.

Demand everything you have been conditioned to hate.

P.S. - BTW have you noticed the constant droning of: “TRUMP IS LYING” doesn't quite hit as it used to? The people do not trust the truth police anymore. The machine cried wolf too many times… they have cried “Racist” too many times. They have cried “Our Democracy” too many times. They have cried, “Russia” too many times, They have cried, “Lier” too many times.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Trump Voters are a Threat


Hey, Ruling Class, It’s OVER