Wolves Heal the Land

When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the mid-90s it led to significant ecological changes:

  • Reduction in Elk Population: Wolves primarily preyed on elk, leading to a decrease in their numbers. This reduction allowed vegetation, particularly willow and aspen trees, to recover since elk grazing pressure was reduced.

  • Recovery of Vegetation: The regrowth of willow and aspen provided better habitats for other species, including birds and beavers.

  • Increase in Beavers: The increase in vegetation allowed the beaver populations to thrive. Beavers build dams, which create wetlands that support a variety of aquatic life.

  • Changes in River Patterns: The increased vegetation along riverbanks stabilized the soil and reduced erosion, leading to more stable and meandering river courses.

  • Impact on Other Predators and Scavengers: The presence of wolves affected other predators and scavengers. Coyote populations declined as wolves competed with them, which led to an increase in smaller mammals and birds. Scavengers like ravens, eagles, and bears benefited from the availability of wolf kills.

  • The reintroduction of wolves increased the overall biodiversity and brought the entire park back into balance.

Without top predators, the health and balance of any ecosystem is destroyed.

We subsidized the prey by removing the dominant force from the ecosystem, and the prey destroyed the land. The whole of the land suffered; all its forests, streams, and fields, all its creatures great and small. This principle is universal; subsidization is not support. In the West, we have confused and conflated these two to great consequence. In this nation, like Yellowstone, increased subsidization correlates with negative outcomes. Our most subsidized communities suffer the most. Subsidization is a broad brushstroke that ignores the individual, and it is very easily taken advantage of… in many cases, taking advantage of the system, is all but encouraged. Subsidization goes against the innate universal truth that people are individuals and should/need to be treated as individuals. Everywhere, we choose to remove the individual we invite and, in time, ensure systemic and lasting decay. Support is face to face; it is person to person; support knows your name and builds you up where you need a hand; support leads away from dependence and towards dominance.

  • A man without a dominant, competent Apex Predator within is a ship dead in the water, susceptible to the whims of wind and waves.

  • A household without a dominant, competent Apex Predator leads in every negative statistic.

  • A business without a dominant, competent Apex Predator points its capital toward the wrong aim.

  • A nation without a dominant, competent Apex Predator finds itself exactly where the US is right now, in the midst of the rising border crisis, violent crime, the cost of gas, groceries, and everything people need to live, and on the precipous of hyperinflation and WWIII.

What we saw with Yellowstone is even more true in the realm of men. When the natural Apex Predator is removed, the whole system breaks down. Hey feminists… do you know what is worse than men doing all the things..? Men not doing the things. A great example of this is when Bear Grylls did a Men vs Women challenge on his show, “The Island.” With limited resources, both groups were left to fend for themselves on a deserted island. The men were collaborative and frankly enjoyed themselves. Considering the circumstances, they were thriving. To quote Bear Grills, if he had come back in a year he thinks the men would be doing just fine. The women quickly began to bicker and fight for control; within days, they were starving and in dire need of water. I haven’t seen so many thirsty bitches on a reality TV show since The Jersey Shore.

To watch the highlights of this show: Click Here.

This isn’t to say men are better than women. We each bring an equally important value to our shared lives. The very clear and obvious point is how men are needed in their Alpha Predator role. Without men in their proper position, the power shuts off, and inventions/innovations all but dry up right along with the running water.

We can look at this from many perspectives. Take the Great Man Fact… similar to the Great Replacement Fact; this too is most observably not a theory… without these Great Men, the world would not have the inventions and innovations we rely on every day. Without Steve Jobs, we would likely be using a piece of shit Bill Gates phone. Bill, who went on a campaign saying people don’t want a computer in their pocket, would likely have given the market a better flip phone. Without Elon Musk, the world would be behind the 8-ball in many important industries. Without these Wolves, these Apex Preditors, these Alpha Males, our shared world is expectantly and universally diminished.

At every level, in every environment, zoomed in or out, the world needs its Apex Predators.

Your bloodline looks to you.

Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.


Orange Man Good


Great Replacement Fact