Great Replacement Fact

Great Replacement Fact.

They want control. Their control ends where the people say it does. We the people of Western nations are not willing to give up control to the extent they want us to. There is a simple solution: replace us. And that is exactly what has been happening and will continue to happen until we stop them.


No. This fact has been celebrated by: Politicians, Academia, and the Media for years.

We have discussed before how evil doesn’t work. Everything it does breaks and decays the general thriving and progress of mankind. Evil also doesn’t even make sense:

  • It is full of things like “whataboutism,” where they lose it when anyone points out that they do worse in the same areas they clutch their swine-cast pearls over.

  • In this instance of the Great Replacement, we are witnessing many on the left and ruling elite deploy the “Celebration Parallax,” whereby the same set of information is either “celebrated” or condemned as a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” depending upon who says it. Again, the same statement, “White people will be a minority in this country,” is both celebrated and condemned as fake news depending upon the context of its declamation.

They have been and are still replacing us. They are replacing us with a set of people (color of skin is irrelevant) selected for their high propensity to decay culture and hand over our sovereign, civil-inalienable rights to the evilest human institution there has ever been: Government.

We the People must take our countries back. I wish all the want-to-be immigrants well. I hope they ratify a constitution similar to ours in their own countries and become an even brighter city on a hill, showing Western nations how fruitful the unleashing of sovereign individual genius can be. I hope they compete with us for where the best and brightest who want to move to give themselves the greatest opportunity, I hope it forces us to compete by creating an even more attractive version of liberty unleashed. I hope to see the ever-increasing thriving of every people and every nation on earth; I hope to see a new renaissance, a new enlightenment whereby the masses see their dreams realized to an extent yet to be seen, where it is common for people to surprise even themselves with their Vast accomplishments.

This journey must start with saying NO to anything but limited merit-based immigration in every Western nation worldwide.

It would be interesting to stack rank the ruling elites' fattest examples of their incessant gaslighting. The Great Replacement Fact may find itself at the top. Here is how I would go about creating such a list. The larger the impact, the more obvious, and the more they gaslight the topic, the higher on the list each lie would be. Here are my top 3:

  1. The Great Replacement

  2. Election Security

  3. Fiat Money

While the other two are certainly impactful and arguably of much greater consequence, the Great Replacement Fact gets the number one spot on my list because you can see, touch, feel, and get raped and murdered by it. Because of it, in Western nations, we pay the fool tax dealing with its bullshit, and in states like California, actual human shit each and every day.

If we do not sober up and halt mass third-world invasions, there will be one result: WAR. It is with a heavy heart I tell you with utmost confidence this outcome is certain. Our options are: take our countries back by word soon, or eventually fight for them with our lives. This is the human story.



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