What is right doesn’t need an apology tour.

What is called for in this post is only possible in a world with sound money. Only with sound money do we have a playing field that works for the Billionare class and those with nothing. For the real entitlment class is made up of central bankers and all other sorts of Fiat-Fucks. Everything below could also be said about our ruling class adiction to cheap money. For more on this, I will link to a few posts on this topic below. 

Not only do we not have to apologize for doing the right thing, we don’t have to ease people out of doing the wrong thing. Cold turkey is the only sensible way.

Removing the flow of free shit will certainly bring with it a curfuffle or two, maybe even a ruckus. Every spoiled brat throws a temper tantrum when they stop getting what they want. The emotions of those profiting off of, or doing what is wrong should be expected, this is part of the restoration process.

  • If you are stealing my wife's purse I don’t have to feel bad about saying No. If you take it, I don’t have to feel bad about taking it back. If you fight me for it, I don’t have to feel bad about laying you out.

  • If you catch your employees stealing out of your cash register, you don’t ask them to steal less next week and then a little less the week after that. The only reasonable expectation is to stop right now.

What is the right thing? The right thing has always been obvious. The degree to which you are unable to answer this easiest of all questions is the degree they have captured your mind. The answer of course is:


Self-ownership is not A right thing, it is THEE right thing. One of the big misses by our well-intentioned countrymen is that they think free shit, handouts, and drugging people with government money is also the right thing, when in fact it is evil. It is evil towards those you take from AND those whom you give to.

There is an argument to be made that transfers of wealth are worse for the takers than those being stolen from. Not only does the taking remove people’s innate right to feel the weight of their consequences and make better choices, but it removes the excess that the wealthy have to freely interact with someone struggling who might do the work it takes to come up. This point can NOT be overstated, with less taking, affluent people are able to see who needs help and give that help from the excess they possess. Furthermore, a society built around taking removes the excess cash from which invention and innovation sprout. The wealthy already live well… the less free a market is, the less life-changing products like refrigerators, washing machines, personal computers, air conditioners, etc become cheaply available for the common man.

Liberty creates value, subsidization destroys value… always. Liberty-based immigration creates value. In order to make it, immigrants must provide something the citizens desire and will pay for. This is how immigration used to be, and it was a good thing, it was merit-based. 1/3rd of people who immigrated from Europe went back because it didn’t work out, and there were no handouts to drug them into staying.

  • I’ve got a great product for your apartment! You bring it in your apartment plug it in and it adds money to your bank account every day! The longer you have it, the more you make!

  • I have another great product for you! You bring it to your apartment, plug it in, and every day it removes money from your bank account. The longer you have it the more it takes!

Which one of the products do you want?

That’s the difference between merit-based immigration and third-world immigration. without all the muggings, DUIs, rape, and murder of course.

Entitlements don't work. @Tribal Americans. (not native Americans... there are not any native Americans) The most subsidized in this nation lead in every negative statistic. We couldn’t ask for more proof that handouts do not work… it’s almost like there is a global ruling class that is seeking the demise of our land of the free.

This must end. We don’t need any more evidence. Supporting any continuation of the free-shit madness signs our names as co-conspirators to our managed decline.

Without fear, favor, or apology tour, it is time to do the right thing.

What will YOUR legacy be?

YOUR bloodline looks to you.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The world does not revolve around YOU, just ask the Jews, just ask Rome.


Down South D-Day