Every HBO Show…

Evil hates good, and Evil hates Evil.

Within the ranks of Evil, there isn’t any brotherly love. Evil doesn't selflessly sacrifice for the betterment of all; it selfishly betrays even its closest comrades for nominal gains.

Those given over to Evil do not possess virtuous human traits. They sit in boardrooms carving up their kingdoms while hating each other and scheming to take what the other has for themselves.

We all know that Evil seeks to destroy goodness with lying, cheating, stealing, killing, bribery, threats, blackmail, etc. We spend less time on the fact that Evil is envious, jealous, covetous, and endlessly destructive of itself and its very own mission. The individual factions of Evil HATE each other. Their unity is always, ALWAYS a fasad. Evil always displays counterfeit noble traits; just beneath the surface, we find endless treachery far worse than in The Sopranos, backstabbing far worse than in Game of Thrones, and scheming more salacious than Succession.

The DNC is in the throws of it all. The intrigue of the most salacious, backstabbing HBO show can't hold a candle to what is going on behind the scenes for control of the Democrat party.

The different factions of the Global elite are calling in every favor, calling up every fixer and spook they have on their roster.

They lie about the things that matter. And when we, the people, start caring about those things, they will be held to account—not before. The people are sick and tired of government agencies making laws, so the Supreme Court got rid of Chevron Deference (the statute that allowed unelected bureaucrats to create laws). If the people had not made up their minds on this issue, it wouldn’t have been stricken down. It is exceedingly rare for an institution to lead in doing what is right. They do what is right only when the people cry out for it. This is precisely why the institutions of government should be given as little power as possible.

At its very best, government is a necessary Evil. Government is always a venomous snake, a snake we should keep under a vigilant eye and careful restraints, restraints with many many fail safes.

Again, in the best-case scenario, government is a necessary Evil. Evil hates everything, even itself. Everywhere we forget this, in time, we will reap the fruits of these apathetic seeds sown so foolishly.

Resist Control. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.



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