Trump Voters are a Threat

Our ruling puppets have declared Trump voters as a threat too many times to count. Recently, in front of over 50 million people, that doped-up Manchurian candidate managed to stutter out with the last ounce of decrepit passion he has left, that Trump voters are a threat. As Biden buried his career in real-time, it was almost easy to let such a big moment go unnoticed. In the aftermath, once the arduous task of tallying up the gaffs, lies, and straight-up pathetically sad moments of Biden’s speech, appearance, and ability to simply look alive was complete, republicans, with pearls clutched, condemned this broad brush stroke which labeled over 80 million Americans a threat.

Many were aghast at Biden’s cavalier description of more than half of his own countrymen. During the debate, Biden lied many times, none worse than his claim that no soldiers died under his watch. There are no words to express the dishonor of announcing to the world that we have forgotten so quickly those 13 soldiers who died in the Afghanistan withdrawal. Can you imagine the parents of those brave men and women watching the abomination we call the president forget their children they so carefully loved and raised? If Biden were not such a cowardly mess, he would have allowed a live audience, and if a father were present, every American would have understood if he rushed the stage after the “Commander in Chief” pissed on the graves of their beloved.

During the last 3 elections we heard time and time again that this or that statement by Trump is disqualifying. If any single statement can disqualify someone for the highest office, it is purposefully forgetting the soldiers who lost their lives due to bad leadership in order to score cheap political points.

Again, many are pointing out how many of Biden’s claims were lies. Add yes, that old puss lied a ton, but not completely. He called us, we the people, a threat…



We the people are a threat to everything the global elite stand for. We, the noble free, are a huge fucking problem. We are beyond a significant and notable threat… we are thee threat. We are the sound that prolongs; it is our very breath that swells the breeze; we are the spirit that endures evils’ timeless pursuit of control. We are the modern manifestation of the holy light piercing through in that narrow pass northwest of Athens; we are the rocks that broke the silence of feudal Europe; we are our father's sons, and we are thee sovereign. With attention attuned to the author of liberty, like thunder rolling down the mountain, like the Green Mountian Boys of Bennington, we are the roar ringing from all the trees. We are the mission of total victory, where all who breathe might partake in sweet freedom’s song. We are the hand of the might that is the indomitable spirit of mankind in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. We are the land of the free, we are the home of the brave.

Yet, to evil, we are a threat; we are the demons of their worst panic, their nightmare manifest.

I’ll tell you who isn’t a threat: people that, “vote blue no matter who.” These soy-filled pussies couldn’t stop a nosebleed, let alone the ageless force of the human spirit that is willing to do anything to be free. Their strength and only hope is an authoritarian police state that brutally focuses the dictates of their tyranny upon the populace.

One side is an old, fat, vegan indoor cat.

The other, the Lion that forms the age.

Choose your steps with care… tread lightly.

We, the people of these United States, are descendants of the most daring and bold of many Great Nations. We come from the best of the best. Our brave genetic makeup, our sovereign bloodline comes from the noble few of England, Scotland, Germany, Ireland, France, Spain, and so many more. As a nation, one of our greatest testimonies is that we Made Other Nations Great Again. As a light on a hill with great splendor, all other Western nations looked to US and scrapped their founding documents to form a new government increasingly of the people. And we will do this again.

From the bloodline of heroes, we again stand in the gap as the last bastion of liberty and hope on this earth. We, the American people, again hold the line, we again stand in the breach, we are again the catalyst for an eruption of liberty all across the earth.

We are a Huge Fucking Threat to the age-old evil that looks to dominate the sovereign man with chains of bureaucracy and justice corrupted.

We are Americans!

Sing with me the national Anthem of George Washington:

My country, 'tis of Thee,
Sweet Land of Liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring.
My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God our King.


Every HBO Show…


Getting rid of Biden is like having someone else take a Shit for you