Feudal Fiat

I recently went to a Bitcoin meetup in Nashville; the energy in the room is hard to put into words. I imagine that the bars and backrooms in Boston before the American Revolution had a similar feel. Some came to help build a better life for themselves and their loved ones; others were there because it was new and exciting, still others came to take part in, and leave their mark on, a revolution. And then there were those who saw that with the right amount of favor and grit, the gears of history were ready to make a turn that would elevate the trajectory of mankind in almost unimaginable ways.

While the founding of this nation ended the extended Feudal Age, Bitcoin & sound money will put an end to an age that has been just as immoral, the Fiat Age. As the Feudal Age overtly stole the hopes and dreams of the common man to better themselves and therefore humanity, the Fiat Age has covertly done the same thing.

Sound money is one of the, if not thee civil rights issues of our time. One can make an argument that every other issue of importance is rooted in the destructive delusions that inevitably stem from fiat.

Fiat is a cold war against self-determination, progress, and the general thriving of mankind. 

  • If money were sound, instead of $100 dollars turning into less than $2 in a little over a hundred years (within the same scale of value), that same $100 would be worth over $5000 today. But that embezzled value is somewhere… so where did it go? Where did that $4,900 of purchasing power go?! Where was it invested?

    • These numbers compare the purchasing power of the 1913 dollar to today, taking into account both inflation and the linear deflationary effects on currency with a fixed and sound money supply with a growing GDP.

  • Fiat always leads to inflationary and market volatility, which has been a consistent indicator for authoritarian takeovers for centuries. Can you name one tyrant who didn't come into power through the chaos of fake money?

  • Fiat destroys invention. If you are familiar with the 0-1 concept; once fiat is introduced, we only go from 1 to many, for 0-1 comes from the abundance created by sound money. A sound government that protects sound money is in itself the unleashing of individual human genius. How many things have actually been invented after the onset of fiat? When we look closely, it is clear that nearly everything is just an iteration of an invention that took place under sound money.

  • Fiat leads to senseless wars. When our rulers can print money, war seems cheap and easy. When they have to have the full backing of the people, there had better be a damn good reason to raise taxes to spill the blood of our youth. When was the last time we went to war at the behest of Congress?

  • Fiat leads to corruption. When a group of elites decides interest rates in place of markets, we are living in the land of make-believe, where those in power make us believe that we are living in a financial world that, in actuality, does not exist. Only when interest rates and the value of a scarce money supply are decided by mankind's free association with one another do we live in fiscal reality. Anything less is fake, fraudulent, a scam, but a scam for whom? Every scam has victims and benefactors. And it is hard to believe that those holding the strings and pumping massive amounts of air into this already-popped bubble are doing so to benefit small (or even large) business owners and the average Joe. Their benefactors are the ruling class and those whose pockets they are drowning in.

  • Fiat rewards unsound thinking and immoral business practices. Fiat creates a culture of getting ahead that habituates corruption with fake interest rates and an ever-expanding money supply. In times of sound money, morally upright practices rend the favor of markets. Methods that are win/win bring the most significant results. The deeper we sink into fiat, the more the market becomes a 0 sum game with winners and losers. Fiat tells the next generation that if they want to get ahead, they have to be and do worse than the generation before. Print more money. Send more cash to lobbied causes. Hold interest rates further and further from reality. Pay off or get paid off by bigger and bigger entities, maybe even nations. All just to keep air in the bubble and the scam alive. Sound money raises the next generation to get ahead by doing and being better than the previous generation. It is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE to overstate the reverse incentive tragedy of reward that fiat has wrought on our collective morals. Under fiat, those with uncompromising good hearts lose more and more, faster and faster, all while those willing to get ahead by less than upright means do better and better. Continuing in this great delusion is unsustainable. If this upside-down reward system were the only consequence of fiat, it alone would be enough to end this fraud.

Compared to other large-scale enslavements and thefts, this global robbery has gone unnoticed by a supermajority of its victims. Outside of the ruling class, everyone has been and continues to be a victim of fiat. Yes, victims... let's not be afraid to use a word just because people misuse it. The worst part of faux victimization is that it dilutes justice for actual victims. 

But here is the rub, and here is the beauty in this mess. With the expanse of this ruse comes the uniting of its victims. The totality of this fraud’s victimization is one to one the potential to have a totally united front against it. The more immersive, impactful, total, and complete a ruse, the greater the risk is to the perpetrators that their victims might unite. For the hope of nations and the dread of the wicked is ever and always a great awakening. But sadly, it is hard to even imagine an issue where people rise up together right, left, center, and sideways. Collectively we have yet to do anything significant that “they” haven't permitted us to do. Let's be honest with ourselves; we only protest in mass when "they" tell us to. When Epstein clearly gets murdered to protect the ruling class, and just about everyone on every side knows it... we... do... Nothing. To date, we only protest for them against each other, never with each other against them.

While this feudal fiat system has given our rulers more power than they could have ever imagined, a united front is coming. In time this all-encompassing fraud of our modern feudal system will be the greatest catalyst towards unity our era has seen.

A wise friend of mine suggested that Bitcoin is like voting for a 3rd party. I would agree, Bitcoin is the most effective middle finger vote to our current system, it IS the 3rd party candidate that so many have been waiting for.

Conformity-obsessed division is the fuel to this ruse. But a diverse unity is growing. We the people are gathering on common ground. And when we can see the truth as much as they already fear it, their house of cards will fall. 

Stop looking for heroes. Do your part.

It is up to us. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Everything is Obvious


A tribute to Robby Starbuck