A tribute to Robby Starbuck

Words I spoke to Robby, his family, and supporters on the evening of August 4th, 2022.

Robby, you have given the people of Tennessee a great gift. There can no longer be any doubt that there is a vein of corruption and cowardice within the TN GOP. Their cowardice, either by design, or innate weakness, was going to backstab and blindside the people of Tennessee. But you put your back in the way. You made them show their cards.

Now, the ruse is up. The strength of their corruption was the shadows. You put them in the light. 

Their cowardice will not be forgotten, and their corruption will not survive the blow you have dealt it. 

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but with toil, and stone upon stone. The people's fight to again be Free in this nation has been and will continue to be similar. Robby, win or lose you have left your mark; the battlefield knows your name. As a candidate, you have moved the needle towards goodness more than most politicians do during their entire tenure. 

You have spoken up where almost all stay silent. You have been the voice of those who have no voice, and you have granted favor to those who have none. For example, politicians simply do not take a stand against a juggernaut like Vanderbilt. 

To me, one of the best ways to measure a man is how daunting of odds he is willing to face. Everyone likes to think that when facing insurmountable adversity, they will hold fast. The truth is that a vast majority would have found some reasonable & sensible excuse to throw in the towel. 

You, you faced it all. 

Deep down, everyone who has wronged and betrayed you wishes they could be like you. They envy your bravery and courage. They know they would have folded long ago. They are most angry with you because simply by being yourself you expose them and their behavior as less.  

You are different from the political norm, and they have hated you for that. But, all the great men of the Bible were different from those around them. Not for the sake of being different, but because they were wise enough to see a different way, and they had enough gall to do something about it. 

I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life to be a part of this campaign, and I’m incredibly proud to know you and to have participated in this fight. 

Every weapon fashioned against you will be used to prosper you. Come what may, heaven knows your name, and what is next will be bigger than you can imagine. 

You are the type of man who shapes history.


Feudal Fiat

