Grim News for the Gravy Train

Many who have the fortitude and intelligence to navigate this pervasive cronyism we are slugging through that has super-saturated our economy/government (same thing… hmm… is there a word for that?.. hmm) are doing quite well.

For these folks, it is rational to be of the opinion that while we could do better, it is very possible for us to be doing a lot worse. The almost continuous chaos throughout history, for most people, in most nations, for most of the time, was not an enviable place in reflection of our present day. It is logical for those resilient enough to thrive in our current system to say, things aren’t so bad, might we let the ol’ gravy train roll on down the dusty tracks for a few decades more?

This would be a possibility if one side, the side with the most power, didn't have a stated goal of absolutely destroying everything the other side holds dear. The side enjoying cheap-money-paid-for-power wants to do at least a dozen things the other side would shoot them for… and they know that… and they don’t care… at all.

This type of shared world can not continue. There are 4 stages of living in a community called a country.

Agree to Disagree

  • This is where we allow one another to be diverse and different, where we value our fellow man above our supposed correctness. This form of common ground relationship is the root of progress and brings the best out of us all.

Agree to agree. 

  • This is the most basic function of any relationship at any level. It takes nothing special to agree where we already agree. This form of tolerant relationship is also sustainable, though it leaves something to be desired. In this state, humanity is fragile, and tensions rise.

Disagree to agree

  • When tensions have risen for too long, we arrive here at the cold war of relationships. Here, even where we agree, we refuse to connect so that we might progress together. This form of relationship is unsustainable and is usually the staging ground for those jockeying for position to wipe out their opponent. 

Forced agreement. 

  • This is where the cold war turns hot. This is where the side that came out on top in the disagree to agree stage expects and demands agreement to their positions. People do not long stand this duress. This form of relationship is pure volatility. This is where match and gas play. When our shared lives take this form, we must watch out for every horror of history to be repeated. 

We live in a time of revolution, in the forced agreement stage. For those who want the gravy train to keep on keeping on… I have bad news. The gravy train is already gone, it derailed years ago. What’s left is a facade no more real than the fake downtown of Pyongyang. You are riding in the vast illusion created by the same people keeping our already popped bubble of an economy on a Frankinstienian life support system.

We have two sets of beliefs. One that we actually believe, and the other is what we think we believe. For those with an active and open mind, often our ever-evolving lived experience lags behind the diligently crafted and well-shined worldview that we have put in an elegant display case for all to see. The process of demo and rebuilding is daunting and uncomfortable.

If your spouse had a firm and stated goal to take away everything you love, everything you cherish, everything you are working so hard to achieve, you would be cuck of all cucks to hang around. We the people have long watched our betters, the ruling class fuck everything and everyone we love. Pre-Menactra is more real today than in the time of William Wallace, and our resolve to throw off this usurpation should be on par with those blue-faced Scottsmen.

We the people are going to win. The greatest gift from our founders is that we have the ability to take back this stolen country by word and not by blood, by ballot, and not by bullet.

No one will do it for us. It is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Trump is still the man for the job. Here’s why.


Right Rising