Right Rising

The Right is Rising. It can not be stopped… and due to the type-a, competent, and hard-charging nature of the right, this takeover will come with greater saturation.

A generation ago, the left was in a similar place. Post World War II, the right seemed to have it all, culture followed their whims, and they resided in more Governer’s mansions, Senate seats, and that one place on Penn Ave. During this time period, the right controlled far more state legislators and Presidents Nixon and Reagan won with unprecedented support. Yet through this supposedly dominant era, the left systematically took over every single pillar of our society.

The same thing is happening in the opposite direction, the Right is Rising. Nothing, or no one can stop it. It comes like a force of nature. The levies of Lower education can’t stem the tide, the propaganda of the media and Big-Tech will not be enough, with every woke flop the power of Hollywood wanes, Universities have lost their ability to move the needle, trust “the science” is a meme, the banking class is a slur, and ever increasingly the illusion of governmental competence is seen by ALL as more make-believe than Tolkens wildest imaginings. We, the true sovereign, the people of these United States are not buying their bullshit anymore.

Why do these shifts happen? Why do the foolish things shame the wise? Why do the powerless overcome the powerful?

It’s simple, these types of shifts come to the extent that those with power overlook or abuse those without. After World War II, if the right had been better at expressing the tenets of their beliefs by supporting liberty and free thinking, by supporting those who were saying something new and different, they could have empowered the society they had been entrusted to guide, they would have brought to their generation even greater and unseen levels of thriving and innovation. If they had treated their charge with a more wise stewardship those they outcast would have brought untold progress. But progress was lost, and because power follows progress, where progress is squandered power is forfeited.

The left has made similar mistakes and will be held to account accordingly. These mistakes are the same as the ones made by the right in family, phylum, and flavor of their error, but they were made in a magnitude yet to be seen in our nation’s history. By its nature, the left leans toward control, so when it errors it errors toward control… big time… BIG BIG time. Action… Reaction.

The right rising from the ashes is already set in motion, it is inevitable. We are simply waiting to see how it all unfolds.

  • For those on the right, don’t be fooled into thinking the result of your side winning won’t come with its own set of abuses that again lead to an eventual downfall. Those on the right should do all they can to include the “other” in their victory.

  • For those on the left… every power your side gained was used to dominate by force. There is a word for that: Evil. You have supported an utter disgrace and have humiliated your legacy. The opposition’s ability to hold back the totality of your tyranny grants no extra credit. It is time to grow up, and if you are still alive, do better next time.

Many of the people I know who are on the left are on the libertarian left…. yes, they are out there, they do exist. And before you email me… I know… I know… it’s like being bi… girls can be bi, but for guys, if you suck one dick… you’ are full-on gay. I know… usually if one is on the left, they are libertarian only where they are powerless, but where they hold the reigns of power, they are full-on authoritarian dictators (gay). But this is increasingly not the case. There are actually left-leaning lovers of liberty again! For those unicorns, it is up to you to unite with the actual freedom-loving right in order to form a large enough coalition that is able to stand against the religious RINO right that will undoubtedly continue the very cycle of abuse of power that we so desperately seek to end.

If, and only if, the sensible liberty-loving right & left can muster the maturity to overcome petty squabbles might there be a chance of stemming off the entrenched descendants of the Spanish Inquisition, the theocratic RINO right that wants to remove the same sovereign choices that the god they profess to follow refused to ban.

For all of us, it is up to us to guide this swing in momentum. If those who hold the power are doomed to repeat this cycle, it is up to us to move the needle in a more charitable and generous direction than in the past, It is up to us to extend the good times as long as possible, and see that the bad times are dutifully hastened. It is up to us to continue to advocate for the principles of nobility, which, as ever, is to honor the true sovereign, every individual.

Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Grim News for the Gravy Train


Bureaucracy vs The People: our generation’s Axis vs Allies.