Trump is still the man for the job. Here’s why.

Part 1 of the Era of Trump series:

Trump is still the man for the job; here’s why.

We are in the middle of a cold civil/world war for this nation. Winning this war will only come at the hands of warriors. The issue is this: winning will take a savagery that many have written off as improper or unpresidential.

Yeah… we all know… the left has long wanted to turn the wild strength of our sons into weak, nice little girls.

Yet, conservatives can be worse!

We misuse words like kind, reasonable, professional, presidential, stately, gentlemanly, and sensible to cut down our Davids, Frank Lukes, and George Pattons, our warriors, our winners. Just like the left, we write off these fear-caused delusions as wisdom. They are foolish pride and blinding vanity. We are often no better than the Obama-era lawyers who locked up our soldiers for split-second decisions made in battle. We hyper-focus on every mistake just to impress the masses as to how sensible we are. It isn’t impressive. It isn’t sensible. It’s pathetic. And it only brings defeat. 

Freedom-loving people MUST learn to get over the fact that winning a war takes a warrior.

If the GOP ran a football team it would be such a safe and nice team. It would have so many sensible Linebackers and weak safeties. They likely wouldn’t even have an offense, and they would get along so well with the other team. 

Let’s not forget who the GOP donor class tried to prop up as our “representative” in 2016; Jeb Bush. One is left to wonder, what is it going to take for our side to learn the ancient and everlasting truth that people follow courage, not virtue-signaling faux sensibilities.

It’s sad, but some of us need to hear this; THE OTHER TEAM IS TRYING TO FUNDAMENTALLY TEAR DOWN THE FOUNDING OF THIS NATION. They are trying to destroy the heavenly principles of liberty and self-determination. I am sick of safe candidates and people saying, “Oh we need the safe pick for the general election.” The safe pick is what got us here. And it is DEFINITELY not what will win this war the left is waging on goodness. 

People say hindsight is 20/20, I assure you it is not. The very fact that there is a single person with an IQ over 80 that still thinks we should try communism is more than enough evidence of this. 

WWII SHOULD have taught us how dangerous it is to stop a war before victory. But It didn’t, and it hasn’t. We still are trying to promote Esinhowers when we need Pattons, Trumans when we need Churchills. We are still trying to stop at Berlin while in the shadow of Moscow.

So many freedom-loving people go on and on about the depth of evil and corruption within our government, big tech, lower education, universities, the medical system, CIA, FBI, etc. but, then they endlessly nitpick those savage enough to defeat evil and bring them the very victory they profess so badly to want. Pathetically most do so simply to virtue signal their sensibility in feeble self-promotion. I am so sick of the great sensibility arms race of the Republican party. Everyone is trying to put on display how “normal” and “sensible” they are… …Sensible to whom? According to what standard?? Sensible to DC cocktail parties? Sensible to the people who wanted you fired for not taking a poisonous shot? Sensible to the party that wouldn’t build a wall when they held all 3 branches?

So how should we determine who to put in charge during a fight? 


The person who can WIN!

Worse still is when we find a David, the first thing we do is give them the armor of Saul. If they wear that armor, they will surely lose, and so will we. It is time to let the slingers sling it. Many are so ready to leave Trump behind for a safer, more sensible candidate or coral Trump into being another Mitt Romney or John McCain. How about let’s win the war before we remove our warriors. And while DeSantis and others are good, even great men, they are Joshuas. But we aren’t in the promised land, in fact, we haven’t left Egypt. And while we can all look down on the killing of Pharo’s slave master and striking the stone instead of speaking to it, now is not the time to beta-male backstab our warriors and the very people who paved the way for us to even dream that victory is possible.

We need to win!

And if you think winning comes from the safe pick, it’s time to read a book. Winning takes someone willing to offend, do things differently, create a new standard, a new covenant. It takes Peter more than John, David more than Saul, Patton more than Ike, Robby Starbuck more than Andy Ogles, Trump more than the nicer, safer guy.

Only when the dust settles, and the war is won do we get the privilege of focusing on the finer things. A luxury I greatly look forward to. “Our” party is too busy sweeping the floor to notice the house burning down around us, and therefore it is up to us to raise the alarm and make ready for battle.

Be aware, there are many who only pretend to support Trump. And they do so all while waiting for the right moment to treat him like Julius Ceasor. We the people must have the gall to forgo the strings of our handlers and support our savage warriors.

What we don’t need are a bunch of backstabbing beta-wusses tiptoeing around the tulips!

What we do need, is to let our warriors tread heavily this hallowed ground purchased by treasure, marked by no greater love. Our highest resolve must be to continue their fight onwards to victory, towards a new birth of freedom, and re-establishment of this government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Recently we have found ourselves in a lot of useless wars.

Four ways to go to war:

  • Win a just war

  • Win a useless war

  • Lose a just war

  • Lose a useless war

At least we used to win useless wars. The people pulling Brandon’s frayed strings look like they are not only going to drag our nation into a third world war but risk our undefeated 2-0 World War record.

What’s better than winning a useless war? Not getting into one in the first place. We were told if the Donald got elected the economy would crash. We were told Trump would start World War III. We are living in the proof of their bullshit. No further evidence needed.

Every lie they accused Trump of, they were, and ARE doing. They impeached Trump for investigating a crime that Joe and other politicians actually committed. If you cared then, but do not care now, you have been exposed as a soldier of their cold coup. The worst part is that you betrayed your country, not out of deep passion, but out of dogmatic parroting, you are the most pathetic type of traitor, the useful idiot.

To the boot-licking left:

You are not like us, for the same reason women shouldn’t play in the NFL, you shouldn’t dare stand on the same field as the remnant of the free. No matter what BuzzFeed tells you, it’s no contest. You don’t want that action, you can’t handle the smoke.

Many of you are now hoping for Trump to go to jail. But you can’t stop him, what he has already accomplished will end in victory. We are just waiting to see when and how that victory unfolds and at what cost the victory comes. In all of history, nothing and no one can hold back the tide of a great awakening. The people have arisen out of a deep slumber, the sleeping tiger is now on the prowl, and woe to those who prod it to action.

Those standing against this nation’s rebirth of freedom do one thing, increase the odds that this victory comes by blood and not word. But you pussies won’t even succeed in this. I believe the greatest gift from, and our greatest testament to our founders, is that We the people will win this Cold-Civil War by word and not by blood, by ballot and not by bullet. Because we are actually good, and we actually do what it takes to benefit all.

As always, evil is cowardly. To you useful idiots:

This isn’t a fucking game. You are inconsequential mush and you’re fixing to get splattered all over the pages of history. Are you willing to die for your petty addiction to control? Because we are willing to die to keep you from it. We don’t negotiate with people who take civil rights. We carry the same promise as our founders. This is not a threat, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, we are the only ones trying to cut the strings you dance to, and help pop your handler’s fat titty out of your mouth. Oh, you will learn… soon… enlightenment is coming one way or the other, it’s going to come bottle-fed or belt-fed… and we are the ones doing the work that this renaissance might come by back pats and naps and not brrrrrrrrrrr. Your fucking welcome… we accept Venmo.

You. Don’t. Want. To. Find. Out.

So. Best. Stop. Fucking. Around.

It’s time to audit your resolve. Ours is settled. As you ponder and weigh the pros and cons, We Fucking ROAR. You are not like us. Where you are full of fear and envy, We are resolute to liberty. Where you look for others to sacrifice, We are willing to pay any price. Where your narcissism folds, Our nobility holds, surges, and brings the fight. Where you hesitate, We hasten. Where you are lacking and found wanting, we the free people are the iron from which nations form. You better learn to handle the truth, because you can’t handle the wrath.

It is warriors that hasten victory. It is warriors who fight for the betterment of all. Trump is thee warrior of our era. He is the man for the job.

Remember Lefties… for you, it’s:

Control or cry-fest.

For us, it’s:

Liberty or Death.

You hope & screech

We Make Ready

It’s time to wise up.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Root of Wisdom


Grim News for the Gravy Train