The Fastest Growing Fanatical Religion

Those who deem themselves the “least” religious are often the most faithful and are blindly fanatical.

Many have made a point: if god is real… show me. Believers of different faiths have this reason or that for why you can’t have lunch with god. But, humor me for a moment and imagine if you could see god, if god was a physical being in a place in time that you could say hello to. In such a world you might be interested in meeting god… so you DM the people where god is hanging out and they reply back, oh he is definitely in there, but no one is allowed to meet god. Ever. For any reason… even when you point out the “rules” in their “book” say that people are allowed to meet the guy. You. Are. Not. Allowed. So you post on X how you don’t think this Great & Powerful OZ is actually there. The next day, your name is in the paper, and the man on the TV is telling everyone how unreasonable it is for you to not believe that he is in there. All the experts agree, they went in and looked for you, and he is definitely in there! A few days later you get served… you are being sued for defamation. You should have known not to mess with THEIR god.

But what is this new fanatical religion?


Even though we have the ability to see the results you are not allowed to look. People don’t cheat. Humanity is better than that. And if there was something people would cheat for it wouldn’t be for power. Just believe, have faith!

Can you not see the trend?!

  • Trust the CDC, no need to prove that anything works. Trust tHe sCiEnCe!

  • Trust the courts, don’t worry about proof, precedence, or equal treatment. Just trust us, we wouldn’t lie!

  • Trust women, 100% of the time, no evidence needed. Just believe women!

  • Trust the money without auditing the Fed. Just trust the Central Banks!

  • Trust us, authoritarian control is the only solution for every climate issue. Just trust computer models!

  • Trust that 3rd world immigration makes the West stronger. Just get mugged/raped/killed and be thankful!

  • Trust that socialism will work this time, because this time, we will do it right. Just own nothing and be happy!

  • Trust the government, they are looking out for you first, not themselves. Just obey and parrot!

  • Trust the elections, no need to audit even 1 county out of 3006. Just believe us, we wouldn’t lie!

    • Even though you have caught us at so many lies, so many times, and nobody significant went to jail and nothing has significantly changed, we would never lie about this… because this is about who gets control of the most powerful thing in human history! Also, you can’t look, EVER, at all, You can’t even look 0.03326% of the time. That would be crazy… because.. oUr dEmoCraZy oUr dEmOcRaCy!

Chest your cards, you sound vaccinated.

The fact that anyone is still unable to tell the difference between “the experts” promising a thing when they can show you, and the actual verifiable evidence, sits atop the Mount Rushmore of brainwashed fanatical beliefs. Show the people the digital transcripts. We don’t want to hear your guarantees. We don’t want anything other than the evidence, all of it. If you think they’re hiding it for our good and not theirs you are a fool among fools. Especially after the Twitter files… all the experts agreed, they endlessly testified: No shadow banning here! No targeting of certain ideas here! No working with the government here!

It was always bullshit, and anyone with even a light touch on reality knew it. But still, after all the lying, after all the times we caught them red-handed, many people can not see past the propaganda.

Fucking Retards. Out of all the obvious shit going on in the world, this is the Great Bambino, the Salton of Swat, thee most painfully blatantly ridiculously manifestly apparent Bullshit of our time.

Still many bow in fanatical faith.

“Govern me harder Daddy!”

Fuck your social credit score. Today is the day to stop being a crazed religious fanatic.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

High-T Gold


The Root of Wisdom