Enable Success

People are the greatest asset of any group, team, or company. Those who bring the most out of the least will do the best.

Now, when I say least, I certainly do not mean in value; when I say least, I am referring to credentials, experience, learned skills, and know-how. When you pull unexpected results out of someone, they shine like none other. Nothing brightens an eye like when our successes surprise even ourselves. As leaders, it should be our goal to set the stage for these monumental moments to happen as often as possible to as many as possible. 

But how? 

We are becoming what the most important people in our lives think about us. In other words: we are becoming the sum of what we value. Who were your best teachers growing up? Most have a few that stand out. They stand out because they deeply cared about your well-being. And deep down, you knew it; there was no doubt in your mind that they were for you, that they wanted to see you achieve heights beyond what you believed in for yourself. They liked you, saw good in you, believed amazing things about you, and you became what they thought you to be. You likely did better in their class than in others, or you at least thrived in a unique way due to this genuine care and leadership. If you were to go back and talk with your schoolmates, they too would likely have the same favorite teachers. This, of course, is no coincidence; they stood out, yes, because they did things differently, but more-so because they put what is first, first. They took care of the most fundamental human necessities first, then built upon that which is thee only foundation of lasting progress. 


As leaders, if we do not start here, we are setting ourselves up for failure. High performers will stick around for the pay and accolades, but look at any high performer, and over time they all have moments where their performance dips. In these moments if we do not put first things first we will push them away from our organization, even if they recover from a metric standpoint, they will look to find another place where they feel more safe and valued. If we do not put first things first, we can train the day away, but our low performers will in large stay low performers. More often than not these folks are already aware of what they should be doing. What they are suffering from is the will to do it. We are creatures of comfort and coming to work every day to a job we suck at is uncomfortable enough.  Without leadership that is undeniably and outrageously for those struggling, most will forgo the increased level of discomfort it takes to hit their number and continue to skirt by, trying just enough not to get fired. If they had the skills training and grit to succeed without you they would be doing it already. Often leaders take credit for those who would succeed with or without their influence. As leaders we are here to stand in the gap for those who are having trouble, we are here to develop those who without us would surely come up short. 


If we juxtaposed the work environment of the industrial revolution compared to ours now, we would be shocked at the brutality of their workplace. This has been how the world works over time. Every latter century brings new advancements and evolutions into the workplace. If you looked at the NFL in the 60s compared to now, again, everything is so different. Teams had only a few coaches and didn't focus on developing their players the way we do today, nor was there a focus on nutrition and player health. While people are good at looking back in time and seeing how good the change was and even being aghast at why things didn’t change sooner, we are downright awful at looking toward the future with an expectation of similar results. We look to institute little changes one at a time and hope for big results. The truth is, in our jobs or spheres of influence, we could implement something as big as the forward pass. When we look back, one can see how the enormous changes were obvious all along, but there are always very few willing to make big changes no matter how obvious because “that's just not the way things are  done around here.” In most cases, there isn’t even someone stopping us other than ourselves. It’s our addiction to normalcy that drives us to not rock the boat and therefore table our actually good ideas for something more tamed and sensible. 

Even if there is someone or something in the way, push through it! That’s the good stuff!


Ask any relationship counselor, and they will tell you the importance of setting expectations. We are all human; we all jump to conclusions when expectations are not set. The simple difference between “can you come to my office” and “Hey, John, I wanted to talk to you about XYZ, can you join me in my office?” is the difference between fear and progress. The former sends feelings of dread, the latter allows everyone to live in reality. It is hard to overstate the impact or importance of living in reality.

At the end of the day, everyone we have the honor to lead needs to know in a very deep way, “I’ve got your back!”

Because we work with people, everything starts by treating individuals with the highest amount of respect and human dignity. No matter what is said, emailed, or stated in company protocols, people hear first and last with their hearts. The language of the heart is authenticity. All other attempts to speak to it come through as gibberish and confusion; they result in fear-driven failure. While people think, talk, and do; these aspects are all subservient to whether or not the heart feels cared for. It mustn't be faked because it can not be faked. Deep down those we have the honor to lead hear our hearts foremost.

You are the solution. So be you. When you are enjoying yourself most in life, feeling smooth and confident, this is the you that wins; this is the most authentic version of yourself. Be it. It is too easy to write off these beautiful freeing moments as fake and fleeting; one can easily convince themselves that the fearful, careful, less enthused version of themselves is really who they are. Hogwash. This lie is self-sabotage and our battle toward being impactful starts with ridding ourselves of it.

We have all been in a place where we are not performing to a standard that has been set for us. It's no fun. And while it is ok to be there, it is not wise to stay there. In these moments, we have to get out or go for it. When in doubt, ALWAYS go for it! 

If it is, “get out,” shake hands, say thank yous, and find something else that brings you life. If it is, “go for it,” then bring the heat, really push. What do you have to lose?

The best coach I ever had said, “Half of being an athlete is looking like one.” He would talk about the way we carried ourselves and the attitude we brought to each practice and game day. It’s so true; the way we carry ourselves points toward the way we perform. If our best days really are when we surprise ourselves, it is a prerequisite that we bring the right attitude that will allow us to even attempt to do something differently. For there to be change, there must be change. Too often, we hope for a different result all while applying the same inputs. Even more often we make small insignificant changes in the wrong places and expect something spectacular. If a new output is desired, don't replace your old car with a new one; take a plane. Attitude is a choice and a learned behavior. No matter how demoralized, no matter how dire the circumstance, we get to choose our attitude. And while I can not promise a great attitude will bring you the exact results you want in the short term, I can promise you it will write into your legacy victory upon victory. I can also promise you that a poor attitude will guarantee poor results and write into your legacy a litany of shortcomings. 

When have you ever enjoyed anything when the people around you brought a low level of energy and excitement? Even if the attitude is good, when the energy is low, people leave. Nobody wants to be a part of something that is dormant and drained. Bring to mind any of your favorite moments in life; no matter the circumstance, it was full of people who not only had a great attitude but were full of energy and life! That does not mean everything needs to be Rah Rah; some of the calmest people I know bring great energy to all that they do. One can be quiet with energy and loud with none.

Attitude with Energy is Unstoppable

When you are in person talking to someone, people pick up on a bunch of things: your posture, your eye contact, your smile, etc. When you are on a call, because they have nothing else to go on, people queue on the smallest things and judge you entirely by them. Ultimately, people hear your mood, they hear your energy and attitude, and in response to it they either build walls against you or feel at ease and engage with you. You can’t overcome one, the other brings endless possibilities.

We must remind ourselves of the distinct privilege it is even to have the slightest position of authority over a single person. The foundation of projecting the rightfully due honor towards those we lead begins with positioning our hearts to be outrageously for the person we are interacting with. In every possible way and with everything we have, we must wish, want, and wholly desire the best for them. We have to feel it. Believe it must happen. In our mind's eye, think of all they may have gone through, the dreams they have, and with great intention, resolve to be a part of their success. 

Remember those in your life who were strong guiding pillars, people who helped you on your way; in deference towards them, determine that you will pass on their gift, that you too will be a catalyst in others' lives so that they might surpass even their wildest dreams. Be excited about it! 

Being outrageously for those we lead not only puts us in the right place to have any conversation no matter how difficult or go after any goal no matter how lofty, it re-grounds us to what we need most and positions our every endeavor towards success. 

It all sounds so exhausting, and while every noble pursuit in this life takes a certain amount of grit, I have found this practice to be life-giving like little else. 

Sometimes in the corporate world, we try to manifest a Frankensteinian ultra-professional, super-sensible rigid version of ourselves. It isn't a good look, and it's not working. This pseudo-persona screams I only care about myself and where I'm headed. And while it may fool those above us, it never fools those around us or those we have the privilege to lead. This persona may get us somewhere in the short term, but in the long term, it is found wanting; upon genuine inspection, there is nothing there. 

Any with the privilege of being in authority over another should dare to be meek; should dare to elevate those around them in such a way that those benefiting find it difficult to put a finger on what or who the impetus of their success comes from. 

I write all this first to myself; this pursuit is an endless ocean; it has enough for many lifetimes of successes and failures. There is no destination that we might arrive at. I steward this mission with the sober knowledge that none are above the rot of atrophy. Its fruits last only as long as they are continuously watered.

To be in a position of authority over another person is a weighty responsibility that many fail to appreciate appropriately. What a blessing every person at your company is. Even for those that get fired, laid off, or let go, they are a life with hopes and dreams that we can be a milestone on their way to figuring out where they are going. It starts with valuing the sovereignty of the individual who brings an unfathomable amount of uniqueness to the table. It starts with being for them in every way. The moral high ground is the ultimate high ground. Being outrageously for those we have the honor to lead is the beginning of moral leadership. Anything less isn't leadership; it's simply taking advantage of people's need for funds. 

Footnote: Some will say all this gets in the way of quotas or goals. Wrong. Nothing prepares the way for all-time highs like people empowered by real leadership. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Black Swan Elon


Men should not treat women Equally