Going on Offense

A call to action

Is Big Tech immoral?

Anyone with a semblance of moral clarity can see how Big Tech has become an encumbrance to genuine human interaction. More so, they ban the truth and promote lies in and around the most important topics. How many more times does a topic have to go from a ban-able offense to an established matter of record for us to cast off our info-feudal lords?

These topics include:

  • Covid: who knows how many lives could have been saved with better information on treatments and an honest discussion concerning the "vaccine."

  • Election integrity: we have a fully auditable election for a reason. No complete forensic audits took place, not one. I don't know what happened in 2020, and the problem is... nobody does. We refuse to look, and they refuse to let us talk about it. 

  • And on and on the list goes.

Leaving Big Tech would cost any content creator in many ways. I get it; we all do.. these platforms are where the people are; content creators “need” to reach them. But is reaching the people with a muted & muzzled voice more impactful than the ramifications of being on these platforms? More impactful than their compliance-induced self-suppression? 

Our passive compliance to their immoral community guidelines ingrains their worldview ever deeper into our values and subconscious. Here in this slow boil towards decay, we lose our ability to think critically and stand for goodness. At the very least, these platforms are the training grounds of complacency and the spirit that took the apple from Eve. 

If freedom always wins in time by word or by blood, by the ballet or by bullet, I believe that just like it took an Allied front to defeat fascism by blood and bullet, it will take such an Allied front to win by word and ballet.

Close your eyes and imagine on the same day, same hour, same minute, same second Dan Banjo, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, PregerU, Crowder, etc, etc, going live on what's left of their big tech accounts and count down to a moment where they ALL leave Big Tech for good. In one moment they sign off with their vast audiences for the last time and then re-start their stream on a platform that supports free speech.   

 It would be a shot heard around the world.

The truth is Big Tech needs us! We give them credibility! Yet, we talk about RINOs in congress who bail out the left, yet here WE are bailing out Big Tech each and every day. Sun Tzu was right; all war is based upon deception, and being that we are in a cold world/civil war, why are we supporting one of their greatest assets? 

Yes, it is a risky move. IT REALLY IS. But if Patton taught us anything, it is that if your flanking maneuver doesn't risk it all, it isn't really a flank, and it definitely is not a war-winning strategy. 

We say we need to go on offense. BUT WE DON'T. 

We can do this. We can win; we will win. But it is going to take leadership.  

We look at battles like D-Day and the retaking of Bastogne with reverence for good reason. But is not testimony the spirit of prophecy? Their Atlantic Wall is our fear of obscurity and irrelevance. Our spirit of fear and compliance is a knee bent in surrender. And while this is a war we fight is by any peaceful means necessary, I believe we should indeed fight by every peaceable means. 

Winning is the right thing to do. So let's do what it takes. 

The time for reacting is over.

It is time for our leaders to lead.  

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Shame on the Police


I am proud of the history of race in this country