Shame on the Police


Before I begin: We live in a time of endless outrage. It is tiring and childish. But there is indeed a time and a place for outrage, and in those times you better bring it. 

THEE biggest story of our lives just happened and yes we are upset, but our collective response hasn’t been much more than a gasp.

This story is FAR bigger than 9/11 or the fact that children were murdered at school. Evil is evil. And while these evil deeds are monumental events for our nation evil should be expected to be evil. 

    As you read these next words know that I yell them at the top of my enraged lungs.





THIS IS THE BIGGEST STORY OF A GENERATION. It is the nail in the coffin that confirms the suspicions of many, that the American Spirit, that Bull-Moose fighting spirit exists only in memory within this government and its endless institutions. 

Evil is expected to be evil. Goodness, however, is expected to do good. Goodness is supposed to shuck fear, and CHARGE in with a hat tip to those before us who did so on Omaha, Bloody Ridge, and Belleau Wood. The way of goodness is the way of the Angel of the battlefield, it is the way of Martin V. Hersh, it is the way of Crocket, York, and Frank Luke. It is the Leadership of Washington that feared not cannon bullet or ball, it is the fighting tenacity of Patton and Perry, the fearless gall of the 101 and the selfless sacrifice of Murph and the countless other valiant heroes who looked fear in the eye and saw something greater on the other side. 

IT IS NOT FUCK-WITS who put more effort into restraining heart-torn parents than doing their damn job and sworn duty.

Next time you vote for a sheriff, vote for a cowboy. No more politician sheriffs. That guy needs to be the hardest, baddest motherfucker in town. 

We traded our wild strength for paper-pushing wussies!

Weak uninspired men thrive with protocols & bureaucracy. They keep a tidy desk and file every TPS report promptly & properly. These desk jockeys also wait for backup while children die! There is a lifetime of shame for the cowards that drew police lines and for the boot-licking fools who followed those disgraced orders. 

Some might say my words go too far and are undignified... FUCK YOU BITCH! I WILL BE EVEN MORE UNDIGNIFIED! 

In times that try men’s soul’s virtue often becomes vice, and vice becomes a virtue. If now isn’t the time flip tables, when is?? If you are not enraged by the police’s pathetic lack of action, then you surely share in their weakness and deservingly share in their scorn. In word, there is no anger or rage too far, there are no words too expressive that might totally denounce the lazy cowardice that had the bad guy outside for 12 minutes and then let that evil gain access to a school to kill.

To you who have a problem with my take, you are likely cut from the same cloth as those lukewarm yellow frauds who served as protection only for themselves and the gunman! Get behind me!

Without the police, there would have been nobody to stop parents from acting. If this doesn’t prove to you that the state does not care about you or your family, nothing will. For this is the fully evolved form of governmental care and protection, the endless excusing of their inexcusable failures.

Just wait, I have not yet begun to offend. 

FUCK THE POLICE! Oh yeah, I said it. I say it from the BOTTOM of my heart!

I do not necessarily mean individual police officers; I mean our system of policing. There is clearly a problem, a HUGE problem.  

Back the blue? NO WAY! ABOLISH THE BLUE! Our policing system as it currently exists needs to be ripped out root and stem FBI included. Put me in charge and I will salt the earth with its ashes and re-form it with brave men whose primary directive would be to uphold the constitution and actually protect our beloved citizens. Doing so would honor our countless good officers. But.. but... the thin Blue line right?.. Let us not forget who arrested business owners during COVID, let us not forget who shut businesses down. Let us not forget who follows orders more than the constitution just about EVERY SINGLE TIME! 

Ask any retired officer, and he will tell you that the police are almost exclusively clean-up crews. But if they do arrive in time to do some good, clearly they have protocols to follow and may very well sit outside while your greatest joy bleeds out!!! They did it in Parkland, now in Uvalde!! HOW MANY KIDS COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED IF THE POLICE CHARGED IN AT FIRST ARRIVAL!?! 

To the cops that said they were outgunned?! THAT’S A YOU PROBLEM! You fucking MORONS! You should have known better than to be so ill-prepared! Call it a learning experience, next time, outfit your cars with something better. But in real-time, go in with what you got, you yellow bastards!

I stand in belligerent, holy, and righteous anger with the parents whose babies died because the “good” guys suck! I stand with the parents who BEGGED the police to do something while their children were calling 911 over and OVER again!


Put yourself in those parents’ shoes.


Sadly this rot goes deep, we need to Re-Create every single institution. The principles of our founding are gone from each and every one of them. IRS, FBI, CIA, EPA, DoE, ATF... and so on. 

Yes, the fighting, brave and bold American spirit is dead and gone from our institutions. This can not be said enough!

B U T ! ! !

It is alive in the people! 

B U T ! ! ! 

We the people keep sending establishment pencil-pushing pussies to represent us! There are only a handful of real American fighters in DC and our state capitols. Shamefully most of the time the Grand-Bitch Ole Party isn’t on our side unless they have no choice. Whenever they think they can get away with it they stack the deck against people like Donald Trump, they remove good, honest fighting men like Robby Starbuck from the ballot so they can get their weak-willed bureaucrat in. 

We the People must make it our firm and final resolve to participate in the process and ensure that we promote men and women that possess the fire and moral courage of those that signed their names boldly to a declaration that was one to one their death sentence if freedom did not prevail.

The police actions in Uvalde are sadly perfectly analogous to our times; we needed routing equipment for determinative election audits, yet even under a subpoena, they were not turned over. We need protection on our southern border… we give $40B to Ukraine. We look to end fringe racism with systemic racism. The state grooms children and seeks to fundamentally replace the role of parents. We need to go back to our roots. I will say it again, we need to re-establish the constitution and the principles of our great and unique founding. 

Many have said it, and we must keep saying it. We are not suffering from toxic masculinity we are suffering from a lack of masculinity! We do not live under a patriarchy but within some weird 4th-wave feminist hellscape. Men need to be men again. Strong again. Daunting, scary, and dangerous again. These words are not just compatible with goodness, they are such fundamental pillars of goodness that if missing, void one’s status as being good altogether. 

There must be action:

First: Hold all to a full and proper account, re-establishing each and every institution. Without this, there is no victory, only varying degrees that might only delay this wicked bureaucracy's sole mission of taking more and more power.

Then: To each and every American man, you must answer the deep call of your heart. Steward your ability to be dangerous. Be trained, diligent and ready. It is a moral failure not to do so. Yes, I said it. It is a moral failure. If a man has the means to be good and dangerous yet chooses to be helpless and weak, they have failed at a key and significant aspect of what it means to be a man. 

It isn’t complicated. It takes diligent purposeful dedication. Find a good group to train with. Get a pistol you can carry, and an auto-loading rifle that fits you. Follow in the footsteps of the minutemen before you. Make Ready. Whatever the future brings, you should be able to defend your loved ones and fellow man, whether the threat comes from an individual, mob, riot, or government. This is the way of the free man. 

Now is ever the time. Your bloodline looks to you. 


Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.



Going on Offense