Look at what you did

Like a dog that refuses to look at the couch it chewed, many people who voted for this mess won't pay attention to what they did with their agency. Many Biden voters stopped paying as much attention to "the news" when their guy got into office and started fumbling, bumbling, blabbering, and outright destroying no less than ev-er-y-thing.

Like good little subjects and in accordance with their conditioning, they look away. If they do look, it is with an appetite for every excuse and back turned towards every result. (The lack of attention to results might be this regime’s voters’ most shameful trait.)

This country is worse off by every objective standard. Yet, those who, in their offense to what mattered little, voted for a disaster in everything that matters most can't seem to take a glance at the results of the cleansing of their reason through the washing of their objectivity from the filtering of the inputs they fed their mind.

E.g., people think there was an insurrection because they have never looked at the evidence on the other side.

  • The most armed political party in WORLD history didn't attempt to overthrow the government without a gun. Sorry, there is no way around this fact alone. It is laughable to think people would bring their moms and grandmas to an insurrection. For goodness sake, the person they are accusing of starting this supposed insurrection is the same guy who pleaded for extra security to prevent the very calamity that the party who denied the requested protection is making hay from. A good lesson is: if you can't follow the money, follow the favor.

Those in control are cashing in on their vast store of power that comes from our addiction to their voice. But even though they are weighted down with power stemming from our collective resignation of sovereignty, they know the scheme can not last forever. For as broken as our human condition may be, it bends toward freedom. People are vastly changing their minds in one direction, away from their conditioning. Therefore, as the spell weakens, the toxicity must be ratcheted up. Our increased tolerance to the inebriation of the strings we dance to will bring an outpouring of their poison on a scale yet to be seen.

Cults never surrender; they burn it all down. And there is no cult like the ruling classes' obsession with our ceded sovereignty. There is nothing they won't try in order to keep this oppression going. The Kabal that controls Biden is in the dying throws of fleeting power. The raid on Mar-A-Lago and the prosecution of political dissidents are not indicative of strength but dominion waining. Remember, it wasn't at the height of the Third Reich that they committed their worst atrocities; it was when they started to lose. We are about to live through the immersive tantrum that is a World Economic Forum hissy-fit. It is going to cost everyone something, and for some, everything.

If it is possible, it is possible.

There is no disaster too disastrous, no tragedy too tragic.

If they can, they will.

If we do not understand this, we will undoubtedly answer "how high" every time they shout, "jump."

There is no poison like division, no fuel for division like hate, no catalyst towards hate like fear.

We must resist the temptation to eat the fruit handed down. This fruit has one aim, to have us fear, and therefore hate, our fellow man. They use our micro passions to blind us to their macro ends. I will keep saying it; their biggest fear is for us, we the people, to set aside our less significant differences like abortion, CRT, etc., and come together in a united fight for Sound Money and Transparency. Without Fiat and Shadows their house of cards falls. These are their two greatest needs, their one/two punch: secrecy and the control of money. It is from this foundation they create the fear that fuels their every dream. The good news is: that we can establish sound money and transparency again. I challenge anyone to find two more tangible linchpins of their control.

The bad news is: that the uni-party and controlled opposition do not even pretend to go after this lifeblood. Most who drink from the well of talking head BLAH will be taken aback by my assertions because nobody has yet spoon-fed this outrage. Remember, we only protest for them, against us; never for us, against them. (reference Epstein)

What might those in power do with their iron curtain of secrecy? From behind their walls of printed money?

Anything and everything.

  • Can they create diseases? They have, and they will.

  • Can they crash the economy? They have and they will.

  • Can they foment violence in the streets? They have and they will.

  • Can they manipulate the weather? They have, and they will try again. (Don't believe it? We passed laws against it in the 70s; this technology is old and dangerous; some states even use this tech openly, like the UAE)

  • Can they pull off a coup? They have, and they will try again.

  • And so on and so on.

Those in power have and will try anything and everything to keep that power.

Burn this eternal fact into your brain.

The free exchange of information has caused these powerful elites to feel more threatened than they have in many generations, and like a scared and cornered animal, they are going to send it. So Make Ready.

Paying attention is the most base form of sovereignty. I don't care how busy you are. There are no excuses. Make time. Pay attention. Refusing to do so is to bind your self-determination into chains of your own making, for you can not make a determination upon things of which you are unaware. Not to do so is to be no better than the willingly blinded who allowed millions to be exterminated down the street from their tidy german villages. Get over yourself and your schedule. Participate in reality. Refuse to drone your way through life by the whims of flashing lights and applause.

It is up to us to pay attention.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Men should not treat women Equally


It Matters because it Matters