
Words should have meaning, not power. 

Give a word meaning, and it will give you understanding. Give a word power, and it will take control.

E.g. Racism. This word is more powerful than many nation states, yet we don’t know what it means. Every passing year finds this definition somewhere new. The power of this word alone has a death grip on our ability to reason. 

The word ‘racism’ loses its precision and, therefore, its value when it is allowed to categorize people without having them adhere to a clear definition. 

It is like calling people a pedophile who dated someone younger than themself, no matter the age. We’d lose the definition and the potency behind the word causing many to begin to ignore it. Because we all know a 28-year-old dating a 27-year-old isn't an issue. We also know that our handlers are having a supply-demand issue with racism. So much demand, so little supply. But the market has responded; racism factories have sprouted up all over the west, creating an ethereal version of racism with next-day shipping; how convenient!

Over here, in reality, racial supremacy still is what it has always been: Believing that people from a particular race are inherently superior. In the west, what it has become is barring white people from doing the same things others do.

Racism, too, actually is what it has always been: Hating/disadvantaging people because of the color of their skin. What it has become is a weapon of war wielded by those who hold power. 

Academia is so far gone they have turned the definition of racism into racism itself.

  • The functional definition they use is: preferred groups of people are allowed to wantonly hate and discriminate against groups they deem out of favor.

  • This is blatantly and, I would argue, purposefully racist. 

This one will be hard for those who grew up believing everything their public educator* told them. (*teacher is far too celebratory of a word for the vast majority of those who claim its title). Get ready; I am about to show you what a racist/racial supremacist you are. Let the pain flow through you. 

A Native person says they want to keep their heritage pure and want to have Native children that look like themselves. 

A White person says they want to keep their heritage pure and want to have White children that look like themselves. 

A Black person only wants to date other Black people.

A White person only wants to date other White people. 

A Black person is mad about embezzlers in their city and notices most of the criminals are white. 

A White person is mad about muggings in their city and notices most of the criminals are black. 

A black person does not like White people.

A white person does not like Black people. 

For good reason, a black person will only hire someone who is black.

For good reason, a white person will only hire someone who is white.

A union decided to fire black people first.

A union decided to fire white people first.

A state decided to write into law that they will give more benefits to people of color.

A state decided to write into law that they will give more benefits to white people.

Only a true racist would have different feelings between these juxtaposed statements. They are both good or both bad. 

Now you know what you are. You’re welcome. 

Well…. One more.

Black Lives Matter

White Lives Matter

But, but, but it’s different! No. It is only different if you have given words power beyond their meaning. Many read into “White Lives Matter” that; therefore, black lives do not. I like dogs does not mean I hate cats. I like hot dogs does not mean I hate burgers. It just doesn’t mean that. No matter how many people tell you it does. It. does. not. I don’t care if every pillar of our society agrees that it does. IT DOESN’T. Even if the whole empire agrees that the Emporer’s new clothes are The Best (said like Natcho), he is still naked.

I know someone needs to hear this. Evil does not solve evil; goodness does. Inequality does not solve inequality; equality does. Racism does not solve racism; fairness, goodness, and equality do. If, after WWII, we brutally worked to death and then executed 10 million Germans, would that have been the right thing to do? Two wrongs don’t make a right. Sadly this simple truth has eluded many.

What racism is NOT: is noticing something about a group of people.

  • I went to Ireland and noticed their love of going to the pub. I came back from my trip and told people about it.

    • Not racist. Not at all.

  • I went to the south and noticed black people love fried chicken. I came back from my trip and told people about it.

    • Not racist. Not at all.

Racism would include noticing something about a group and then hating that group due to their race. That… that is racism. 

Racism is NOT noticing something about a group and then anticipating the likelihood of certain actions coming from that group.

E.g. 1:

  • Where I grew up, there was a street with several German Shepherds. These dogs would both chase people and try to bite them. On that street, if I saw any German Shepherds loose, I would take care to stay away. 

    • I maintained that it wasn't the breed's fault but that these specific dogs’ behavior was due to their upbringing. 

    • I have a German Shepherd now. 

    • Only a fool would call me “ist” against German Shepherds because of my actions to avoid those specific dogs. Such a fool would likely note it is “ist” to point out the fact that having a German Shepherd clearly means I do not inherently hate them.

  • In this example, my caution around a few German Shepherds in a certain area was living in reality; not having this response would be beyond unnatural & unintelligent; it would go against the entirety of our biology. 

E.g. 2:

  • The section 8 housing near where I live is mostly black folks. Black males ages 13-30  from these projects commit a majority of the crime around my home. This is my lived experience and a matter of record. 

    • Hating all black people because of the actions of these few would indeed be racist. 

    • Understanding reality and taking appropriate precautions in certain areas, especially at certain times of day, is not racist. It is natural, and it is right. 

What is, is. People who attack those who notice reality do our society great harm. To remove reality is to guarantee the fruits of delusion. For some, quoting crime statistics has become racist. How unbelievably pathetic. If that is you, you are not a serious person. If that is you, a word of caution, only those who already agree with you will ever respect you. Grow up. 

Reality isn't racist. Noticing reality is never “ist.” 

Like it or not, these are the facts. Making the world a better place begins in reality. All other starting points yield frankensteinian horrors.

It brings me great sadness that the words above will not only be extra-ordinarily controversial but, to many, be considered worthy of a lifetime cancellation. 

It saddens me further that many who know better enable this delusion by refusing to say that which is morally correct and obviously true. 

To deny an obvious truth is to be the emperor without clothes. 

It is time to get dressed. 


  • There are many hearts full of beautiful nuance that look to create a world with equal opportunity for all. Go team, go! What is written above doesn’t dive into any of those nuanced noble pursuits. Such pursuits matter immensely, and I care about them fully. What is written above is just what is. We have to remember what problems are downstream. We can not solve a downstream problem by causing greater harm upstream. There is an order to goodness. Refusing to acknowledge this order is the road of good intentions that led to the Gulag because there are many ways to get dissonants off your streets.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

A tribute to Robby Starbuck


Shame on the Police