Bureaucracy vs The People: our generation’s Axis vs Allies.

Good Government exists by the consent of the governed.

The Bad Guys are the ones taking Power from the People.

The Good guys are the ones acknowledging the Power of the People.

  • This is a universal & inalienable truth, yesterday, today, and in every century to come. Apply this filter to your beliefs for a grade… …there are a lot of F’s out there these days.

While our ruling class jails us for every made-up rule and regulation some bureaucrat shits out, the representatives of We the People refuse to hold our rulers to the charter of our founding, the Constitution.

They are playing a Game of Thrones, but unlike Westeros, in Washington, there isn’t even a throne. They have come to sit upon the throne found in the house of every sovereign American citizen.

Bureaucracy vs The People is certainly our generation’s Axis vs. Allies. Though our current-day version looks very different, the stakes are the same, control of the world. This time, just like last time, when the dust settles it will set the tone for an era. Whoever wins this time will win for a long time. So who’s it going to be, the Axis or Allies? Part of me is very sad to say this, part of the risk of saying something is making those who hear it accountable to it. When ignorance is lifted, people become accountable, once accountable, people get a choice to either begin to right the wrong or double down. A weak mind doubles down when presented with better information. The chief risk of enlightenment is that it might be a catalyst toward hearts hardening more than the re-conquering of the mind. This is where wisdom and maturity come into play. The truth is a superpower, it has tremendous energy and momentum, and with great power comes great responsibility. For those who wield it, with love in your heart, throw caution to the wind, charge into the fray, ride like the Rohirrim. As a society, we have over-rotated towards trigger warnings and coddling feelings, towards giving people ample time to pour oil over their illiberal beliefs, and toward gently nudging the mind towards sound thinking. This child-oriented plush treatment is a luxury that can only be afforded when truth dominates in the pillars and mechanisms of our shared lives. But we are in a bar fight for our survival, and many of those who know better are busy pulling out their laptops to write a nicely worded email. It is time to be bold, it is time to be dangerous with our words. The hard heart and muddled mind call every light shone upon their darkness foolishness… so be it. The weak-minded and fearful call boldness, meanness… so be it. This is the land of the free only because it is home to the brave. No one is coming, it is up to us. Be dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

But who removes the banking/ruling class? Don’t they hold all the power?

When you are a front-line worker, your supervisor holds you accountable; the supervisor is held to account by a manager, who is held to account by a Director, who is held accountable by a VP who reports and answers to a President who answers to the CEO and Board of Directors. Who holds the board and CEO of a company accountable? At first nobody, they have to hold themselves accountable to make good decisions and lead the company well. If not, the ultimate decision-maker steps in. Someone who doesn’t even work at the company. The consumer. The lowest on the totem pole fires the highest; that’s how it works. That’s where we are. We the people have to fire the system. It has to be you, it has to be me. No one will do it for us.

Where we find ourselves:

The first thing the W.E.F.-managed decline-handlers of that low I.Q. puppet in the white house did once “elected” (sources not cited) was to go around the legislators and by executive fiat shut down our energy dominance; they then used other unelected bureaucrats to mandate a vaccine that they knew was dangerous, paid people not to work while using still other unelected bureaucrats to inflate our “currency” at a record rate, they used the vast administrative state to target political opponents, including the republican frontrunner for 2024, they used unelected bureaucrats at the ATF to make 40 million Americans felons and are advocating for the forced disarmament of the American people, and are desperately wanting to mandate the total adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies. If just these last two illiberal ideas were the end of this regime’s foolishness, it would still represent the greatest loss of freedom in US history. This should alarm you.

We must stop saying… yeah… well… they likely won’t be able to do all that because other people will stop them. This is the foolhardy reasoning of a child. Rulers should be judged by what they would do if they got everything they wanted. The possibility of those who rule through unelected bureaucrats and by executive order gaining the type of power that would allow them to simply do, what they say they want to do, is an all too real possibility… specifically due to the matter of record that our election process refuses to show its work and prove its integrity. Never forget that in 2020, out of 3,006 counties, there was no proof of work, we the people were granted access to 0 digital records, we were told to trust them… no need to verify. Remember, if you question it, urrrr a rrrracist!

But don’t we have two political parties? Isn’t there someone fighting back?

  • As far as the established leadership of our “two” parties is concerned…well there isn’t… there is only ONE party, the Uniparty. The RNC/DNC Uniparty despise self-governance with the same passion, they are a two-headed monster from the same machine and should not be trusted in any way whatsoever, ever, foreva-eva.

The grass-roots of the two parties is where the left and the right are worlds apart.

  • The grassroots of the left is celebrated by every single pillar of our society. It drives our shared world to be more and more authoritarian through culture, education, lawfare, and well… everything else they have their hands on… which is everything. Everywhere we look, their aversion to self-ownership is shoved in our faces and then down our throats. The left’s grassroots represents the worst parts of humanity. They exemplify and magnify the darkest most base, destructive depths of the human experience. The left grassroots movement isn’t perfectly evil, it is mostly full of well-meaning useful idiots who don’t know the difference between a boy and a girl, fools who shout how high at every order to jump.

  • The grassroots of the right is the remnant and vein of goodness that first imagined representative governance in Athens. It is the intellectual bloodline of every good thing this earth has ever produced. The grassroots of the right is fighting to let YOU own YOU. Forget everything you have ever been told, go back and study all the times in all of history when life was good. You will find that it is where and when people were allowed to own themselves, their work, their ideas, their efforts, and their dreams. Is this grassroots movement perfect, far from it like, any good person or group, it is full of faults, flaws, and yes foolishness too.

Like any good thing, at times, this nation is a beautiful mess, a fact the Uniparty machine uses to twist reality. With their sleight-of-hand ruse, they portray good as evil, dark as light, and every other Orwellian nightmare we are currently choking on. Orange man bad. Like Chamath Palihapitiya, if you hated Trump, it is because you underwrote him as an F. This grade came without objectivity, without sovereignty. This grade came without You owning You… you relinquished control of your mind to the machine that hates you. All of us are living with the consequences of that surrender. Consequences like the average annual interest on a 30-year mortgage going from 8k to 24k, like 11 million known illegal aliens coming across our border with the help of the federal government, consequences like a war here a war there, maybe a war everywhere, consequences like high gas prices, and 87,000 new IRS agents, consequences like October 7th, and rising crime. Need I go on? For many, it still isn’t bad enough, it may never be. But thank god Rosie O'Donnell isn't being insulted from the Oval Office, and there is no more need to clutch pearls over tweets.

You may have asked, why is an AR-15 the picture for this post? It’s because it is the thing that they want us to have the least. It represents one of the greatest symbols of self-ownership. And I can’t wait to see the bullshit they are about to pull to try to take them from us.

We should all firmly resolve and stand with each other to Ally against the great Axis of bureaucracy.

Like any cult, the more this bureaucratic state begins to lose, the more it will rachet up the pain… and with the rate that hearts and minds are changing towards reason, we are going to see a super-nova. Make Ready.

Come what may, I will not comply.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Right Rising


It is un-American to trust the “Experts”