It is un-American to trust the “Experts”

King George was the expert.

The experts in the 70s said there would soon be an ice age.

The experts in the 1930s put Hitler on the cover of almost every major magazine and said he would bring peace to our time.

The experts said no one would ever need more than 1k of memory.

The experts in the 80s insisted that a significant number of crops would die from acid rain.

The experts in the 90s said the ozone would disappear.

The experts said there would be no more oil by… yesterday.

The experts said the vaccine was 100% safe and effective and that it would confer immunity.

The experts said we need to let ghosts out of people's blood.

The experts said the world was flat.

The experts said the sound barrier was impossible to break.

The experts said the Earth was the center of the solar system.

The experts say the way to protect good people from bad people is to make good people more harmless.

etc. forever.

The experts hate you… Always have… You stupid American.

The good news is that the cat is out of the bag. The experts are the laughingstock of the whole World. They will NEVER get their prestigious honor back. Their position as experts now earns them a huge *. We the common man of the United States and the whole world now insist to see their work. With every certain claim and scientific “consensus,” we now shout, SHOW US! PROVE IT!

But they won’t prove it, because they can’t prove it. All they can do is fudge the numbers, fake the data, and call you names when you ask to see behind the curtains when you insist on seeing the raw data.

They will keep playing the same hand, it’s the only cards they have you Racist, Bigot, Homophobe, Islamophobe.. etc.. etc..

We the people are over it, we are used to it, and more and more we are doing something about it.

The next illusion is never like the last illusion. We must determine not to fall for their upcoming bullshit no matter how hard the sky is falling, no matter how evil we are for not agreeing.

Oh, they always have a good reason… maybe this election year it will be, WWIII mixed with some hyper-flation, and add a sprinkle of leveled-up BLM-style social unrest on top.

Whatever it is. Fuck-em.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Bureaucracy vs The People: our generation’s Axis vs Allies.
