We are ruled by Taboos, not Laws.

Taboos are what give a law its power to rule. Without the taboo, a law is a paper tiger, it is a spotlight on government overreach.

For example: The “vaccine” mandate worked to the extent people were in lockstep with the social pressure to get it. The law was only effective to the degree we the people aligned ourselves with the idea that it was unthinkable not to receive the shot. Where the vaccine mandate did not work, it was due to the fact we refused to adorn their taboo.

If the whole nation had agreed that forcing an unproven vaccine was a ridiculous idea, the law would have been like chaff in the wind.

And so it is with no less than everything. The law bends to our will. It is we the people, not any legislative body who mint law.

But alas, we are sheep, we bend the knee, and so we find ourselves shackled by our fickle obsession to fit in and gain approval from Big Brother and all his angel of light facades.

  • We are ruled by our inner wuss, not Laws.

  • We are ruled by our addiction to normalcy, not Laws.

  • We are ruled by Fear, not Laws.

  • We are ruled by the amount of obvious bullshit and corruption we are too weak to do anything about, not Laws.

This is where we stand. Our addiction to sensibilities rules.

We can change. It is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

It is un-American to trust the “Experts”


A Guide to Getting Offended on this Site