There is ONLY ONE reason for a Woke Military

History is a study of humanity, a humanity that is the same yesterday and today. Before we look at the issues of today, let’s peer back in time at the founding of the common man’s greatest hope, these United States.

  • “Always remember that an armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics—that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe.” James Madison

  • “Standing armies are dangerous to liberty.” Alexander Hamilton

  • “None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army.” Thomas Jefferson

There is only one reason for the purging of patriots from our military. It is not to prepare for war against China or some other geo-political rival. As foolish as our political elite are they wouldn’t deplete our ranks of capability if they feared a toe-to-toe conflict with an Axis of nations. They are purging goodness and nobility from our fighting force in preparation for war against the ruling class’s most bitter, hated, and feared enemy: the American people. This mass eviction of competence from our military is an unholy mission to leave the key strategic capabilities of our armed forces in the the hands of the same people who wanted to destroy your life because you didn’t take a knowingly poisonous “vaccine.”

As the authoritarian left begins to lose their death grip on pop culture, overall societal power, and what is simply considered to be cool, they will increasingly reach for the ultimate power: exclusive control of, and access to, violence.

Our betters, the ruling class, have failed at winning us over. The only remaining option for these global “elite” is an attempt at taking over. But this shouldn’t be a surprise; different forms of taking are forever how they scratch their unending itch for more.

In a similar fashion, and with the same greedy mind, the authoritarian Left doesn’t want to defund the police; they want to own the police. They want to take control of the police and have them secretly (or not so secretly) bend to their will. When it comes to guns, the redundancy continues; the ruling class doesn’t hate guns; they want exclusive access to them. They want to take control of the guns, all of them, especially and specifically the ones you have. They are planning to execute this strategy with extreme prejudice. For them, nothing is about principle; it is about control; it is about massing unapproachable, unequivocal power.

Authoritarian tyrants like the Democrat party and the RINOs that kiss their asses have always and will always seek one ultimate end: exclusive legal authority and access to violence.

Here is a clip of a “tense moment” between Chip Roy and traitor Jerry Nadler where Nadler ultimately asks if one of the purposes of the United States citizens owning semi-automatic weapons is to use them against our own troops. Sadly Chip was wholly unprepared to deliver this very easy answer:


It is most certainly a possibility.

This inalienable right is for ALL Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.

The answer is 100% YES if the Army is captured by a tyrant and used against the American people.

Our founders were mostly of English descent. Shooting at tyranny even if it is “our own” troops is as American as it gets. It’s how we founded this nation. If our “own” standing army is wielded by tyrants, there are two options:

  • Shoot them.

  • The way of the mid-20th century German people.

The most exceptional part of American Exceptionalism is that we chose and I believe, would choose again the former. It is this resolve they fear; it is this most noble pillar of human liberty that they seek to propagate, legislate, regulate, and immigrate into submission and out of this exceptional land.

We are Exceptional:

There is no greater love than to lay one’s life down for a friend; there is no nation, now or ever laden with such greatness and testimony, whose sons so often freely give this gift to so many. We are Exceptional: It is we, the American people who pay the price for the rest of the worlds foolish delusions of sovereignty surrendered utopias. Exceptional is who we are; it is who we will be. In this generation, or the next, or whenever the time comes where duty calls, when the tree of liberty is again in need of watering, with or without the winning numbers & equipment and irrespective of consequence, we will stand on the shoulders of those who gave this country its great name: Against the odds we will hold fast, waiting to see the whites of their eyes, facing the charge with our kin at Bunker Hill; when they come to disarm, we will shout “COME AND TAKE IT!” with our brothers at the Alamo, and when surrender is demanded with the blood of our blood we will shout “NUTS!” alongside our countrymen at Bastone.

For there is but one appropriate honor for those who gave this greatest gift; there is but one memory and memorial fitting to their sacrifice, to leave this world like we found it, to: Die FREE. This oath is the gait keeper to nobility; all meaning and purpose build from this set-apart pledge. As a great American once said, Peace is the highest aspiration of the American people; we will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it, we will not surrender for it, now or ever; we are Americans.” And: “You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery.”.

Evil can not imagine possessing a power greater than that of their fellow man without using that power, through force, for their own gain.

Good men steward strength with a meek mercy, and for the benefit of all. Good men plant trees of whose shade they shall never sit. There is no greater inheritance passed from generation to generation than that of good men who possess the power to hold the line and in time when duty calls, stand in the breach.

It is my firm belief that the greatest testament to our founders will be that we take back this country from those who stole it by Word, and not by Blood; by Ballot, and not by Bullet. This unprecedented return is only possible when good men are strong and wildly capable of excellent violence. A culture of warriors lives beyond any remembrance of our names. Where even the most notable feats of brick and mortar fade and crumble, the culture of sovereignty will remain.

For this purpose we, Make Ready.

No one is coming. It is up to us.

Be Dangerous

Do Justly

Love Mercy

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Thoughts & Comments


The CIA is Never Transparent