The Root of Wisdom

Key words in this post are linked to other articles on that topic.

How are hearts and minds changed most effectively? By what path does foolishness find wisdom?

Being nice and coddling only goes so far, and only works on those heading in the right direction already. Sure everyone prefers being pampered. But does it work on mass? Can this light touch cause the fool to right the ship?

No. Never has, never will.

Kind-Cupcake-Coddling is the subsidization of emotions. It’s what got us into this mess. Just ask @nativeamericans.

How deceived is the fool? Utterly. Completely. This supersaturation of deception can withstand almost anything… anything but when what is right makes you say Mufasa, when goodness carries a swift resolve.

The fear of goodness is the beginning of wisdom.

The hope of every fool is when they fear what is good. Restoring the fool begins when what is right has substance, when goodness produces measurable results, when the truth is something to behold, something to be feared.

This appropriate fear of the good is realized only where goodness is strong, where goodness has a plan and the tools to win. Inversely, weak goodness is in itself rendered darkness. Wherever goodness is weak there you will find the coward and fool gathering.

Anyone can say, "the economy is broken," or "Fiat is a rigged system," etc... many did. for many years.. to little effect.

Bitcoin has rendered strength to sound money, Bitcoin made sound money something to be feared... it is goodness having a plan, a solution, a path forward.

Bitcoin isn’t nicely lobbying or asking Fiat to change, it is an all-out war on Fiat. No matter what those Fiat-Fucks tell you, they absolutely fear Bitcoin. This fear is hope for not only all those fooled but for the fools running the charade.

This is true with money. This is true with everything.

It isn’t the ruling classes’ goodwill keeping them from forcing down our throats things like Central Bank Digital Currencies, Internet licenses, Carbon footprint allotments, Gun confiscations, and so much more. It is us. It is the strength of We the People. It is because we are a people of consequence, we do not go gentle into that goodnight, we rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Be Good. Make Ready. Be Worthy of Fear. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Fastest Growing Fanatical Religion


Trump is still the man for the job. Here’s why.