The world does not revolve around YOU, just ask the Jews, just ask Rome.

The world does not revolve around you. You revolve around you, reality doesn’t.

You revolve around what you have experienced. Like a baby who thinks they have disappeared when someone covers their eyes during peekaboo, you have convinced yourself that your experience dictates reality. It doesn’t.

One of the great psychological phenomena is how people are unable to see what is happening when such events have not been experienced by anyone living.

Despite the fact that every 80 to 100 years the world goes through some sort of significant upheaval, many are weirded out by any talk of age-defining events. Out of all the biases we sapians come pre-programmed with, experience bias bites with the most potent venom. In brutal selfishness, we remove what we haven’t experienced from the list of considered possibilities. We ignore, ridicule, belittle, and eye-roll our way toward ending up in a history book stat sheet. If experience bias sits atop a hierarchy of biases, our determination to seem “normal” is crowned the most common human pursuit. A vast majority of people make a vast majority of decisions away from self, and towards what they deem to be the collectively most accepted norm.

  • For example the Holocaust: For a vast majority of Jews it went something like this: oh, they are just going to harass us… well, they are just going to harass us and boycott our businesses… and make us wear a star… oh, and move us to one part of town… oh… and lock us down… oh now it’s time to get on a train… we’ll be back though… make sure to bring all the jewelry… we finally made it… where are we? … well, at least we get a shower.

Almost NOBODY figures out what is going on when NOBODY alive has seen it before. Even if it is a horribly obvious atrocity aimed directly at YOU!!! Let that sink in!!! (pause for mindfulness)

Re-format your considerations.

Again, even if it is something that intimately impacts you specifically, the odds are high that the truth of the matter will sail a mile over your head.


If the big thing ISN’T aimed right at you, the odds nearly go to 0. The incentives not to “get it” are so strong even a daily thick coat of human ash descending upon your town won’t spark enlightenment.

Still, the dull-class, those without sovereign thought view any type of consideration or preparation toward 4th turning-style events as silly; the behavior of unsophisticated Appalachians. Apart from a notch on its belt, history remembers them not, they are vagrants, passers-by, strangers in the night. For better or worse their fate is tethered to another. For the dull-class, the pain of not seeming “normal” or “sensible” is a cost too great, a bridge too far. With pearls clutched they leave the way they lived, useless chattel adrift in the waves of mightier men.

Rome fell at the HIGHT of their military technology and “sophistication.” They fell when the men behind their world-class military were weak-sighted and Low-T. They fell to the self-centered lie that things will only continue the way they are going. Rome fell when their weak Low-T men convinced themselves they were enough to hold back the hoards of High-T Senones and Vandals. Here is a history lesson for all the me-centered-worldview folks: High-T men with sharpened sticks & clubs role coal over Low-T men with first-class tech.

THINGS WON’T KEEP ON KEEPING ON FOREVER. This is the story of nothing short of the entirety of history.

The dull-class always, always, always, always, always, always, always picks the side that owns the mainstream, the side that has the most power coming into the 4th turning event. This, of course, is always the wrong side… they are team goose step, they are team Bush/Obama/Biden/EU/WEF/RNC/DNC/etc., they are the Vichy French, they are the Torys, they are always the traitors, traitors at every level, traitors to their nation, their fellow man, and traitors to the oath common to every soul that inherently knows the preeminent inalienable sovereignty of every individual.

Dare to be the spark that brightens a dull mind.

No one is coming. It is up to us. Your bloodline looks to you.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

To: 2024


What is right doesn’t need an apology tour.